I think this game punishing me whenever I play low tier killer

Decides to play pallet freddy, gets destroyed (no suprise with such killer power) and gets tbagged and end game trashtalked for "ezi killer".
Few games after playing strong good killers and winning, decides to play Pig.
Gets 8 hooks, 0 kills before all gens are done (very friendly and awesome result) and when I am about to get at least that one kill, two Survivors runs towards me as I am in attack cooldown animation, TWICE IN ROW uses Buckle Up + For The People and picks that Survivor up. Like I feel such a fool. I didn't run meta build on either of the killers. No gen slowdowns, just chase perks or end-game delay.
That's how I feel too at the moment. I played a few games yesterday with some weaker killers and any time I didn't win, I was ridiculed for it. Then I switched to Plague and could actually have fun. Surprisingly, I wasn't insulted either. And I didn't even play nice like I normally do. I just hooked whoever I found first and focused on survivors that came fresh off the hook when I had the choice, instead of avoiding tunneling altogether.
I know it's not every survivor but a good part of the survivor player base (probably killers too, although I don't see that nearly as frequent) seems to consist of incredibly sore winners. What happened to good sportsmanship? If you win, then that's good for you. Just say "gg" and leave or don't say anything at all. But don't be a dick about it. This only leads to more players changing their play styles and adopting that same behavior.
Although, that last part is not really dick-ish behavior but just using something busted. I can't blame anyone for using Buckle Up + FTP. The devs have brought this into the game and for some reason it hasn't been changed yet.
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Some people only feel joy in this game when bringing misery to others. It doesn't help that such misery in many forms on both sides has been enabled for a long time now. There's a lot of people who play this game that subscribe to 'As long as I'm happy nothing else matters everyone else be damned'.
Ezi killer? Yeah it is when I basically play such a weak character/perks that I'm basically letting you win. You really going to mock that? This game is sided towards whichever side tries to break the game more then the other.
I just don't care anymore and 8 hook every game before killing and open gates after 5 gens regardless of how many hook states i have. It's painfully obvious to all but the most stupid of people you are letting them leave because I don't run blood warden. There is no strategic reason I should open the gates and yet I do. No slowdowns aside from kick activated info perks like Surveillance. I think I'm at a level where things are mostly good. You get a few jerks but it's less common then people who are grateful for someone actually thinking about their enjoyment.
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Man it so cringey when they do that. It like they never won before
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Sometimes is really obvious when people don't play to win the game, but just to annoy the killer. Some even admitted to that in a few games after matches.
Yesterday i had a fun lobby with people running breakout and saboteur. They also used these nice offerings so that hooks spawn further apart. I tried to hook 3 times and couldn't even get close to a hook before breakout did its thing. At that point, i decided to leave the game. I am not playing to be a bully victim.
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Do you play survivor? If so, how do those games go for you?
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I literally discussed this over a match I had last night...this very topic. BHVR is pushing "nice" killers into extinction and making weaker killers required to play absolutely sweaty and aggressive to stay competitive.
Can hear me talking about it through the match.
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They respect strength. Being kind and friendly is considered weakness of the character. Don't tell me you expected different result in competitive game?