We exchanged Chinese culture for this?

Yk as a Chinese player it was sorta weird that they announced they'd never do LNY again and that no more would be done to celebrate the event thats celebrated by billions of people all across Asia, but did you guys really have to replace it with an event thats even worse with horrible BP gain?
I mean...already was super bummed that LNY got trashed for literally zero reason, but its replacement is just horrid already like do you guys hate the CN players this much😭
I didn’t kno LNY was permanently canceled
That’s sad, was one of my fav DBD events😔
Accumulated the most BPs every LNY too, like craazy amounts of BPs. Devastating that it’s gone.
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Wait, they said it is never coming back?
Oh, this isn't good. It was one of the best events we had.
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We went from FOMO event to FOMO event, except this one has worse bp gains that the base game and a slightly interesting lunge mechanic.
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Not sure why they're obsessed with constantly reinventing the wheel for no reason. Especially given their shoddy track record.
Genuinely convinced whatever higher up is pushing BHVR to make these choices does not care about the game.
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I have kinda accepted that behavior will hammer down the fomo route from now on
Who cares as long as we make money, right?
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I'm hoping we can at least get LNY skins to buy every year. Those, along with the blighted cosmetics, are some of the all time great DBD skins
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To be fair, the blood moon theme is cool.
yeah. Well. That’s it though. Could have easily incorporated that into anniversary or something else..
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You got a source of them saying they will never do Lunar New Year again?
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I'd also like a source for it never coming back. They said none this year but not that it was permanently gone; unless I missed the tweet and or response.
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Other than the lackluster bp gain, I like it more. LNY was stale (but so are most events). I’d prefer a more unique look than the same few seasonal events every year.
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I would prefer this Blood Moon event over Lunar New Year, if it was better designed in terms of mechanics and BP rewards.
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LNY gave us Howling Grounds, Moonrise, and then the 2021 LNY event with the behind cracked envelopes that gave like 30k+ BP for breathing near them. LNY has given us three of the objectively best events DBD has ever had, including the objectively best event Moonrise.
And it's been permanently scrapped for this, which had the potential to be amazing, and then wasn't. How are you gonna scrap the event that was notorious for BP gains (even during Howling Grounds it was 2nd best next to anni, and then 2021 LNY was arguably better than anni) and replace it with an event that's objectively worse than a Bloodfeast event, something done already in 2016/2017 (idk it was before my time)
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Yeah, I got crazy Bloodpoints with those envelopes, they were great.
Even disregarding Bloodpoints, the LNY events were fun. I loved the gameplay and the visuals. This Blood Moon event doesn't come close: the in-game mechanic is not really useful or entertaining, and to make it worse the BP gains are meh.
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I agree. Replacing the LNY event with this is lame, especially if it stays like this.
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Blood Moon sucks, probably one of the worst events they've ever had. They stressed we'd be DROWNING in bloodpoints, what a joke.
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I mean the only thing worth defending in this event is the concept, that's it. There's not really much else happening, and the blood point intake is pretty depressing.
I was hoping for things like flashlights or medkits like most events do, and more cosmetics than what we got.
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Fix the event pls