Did i just run into a cheater?

Or is it this event? First match against a Blight and he was just lightning fast?
Somebody please explain whats going on.
We'd need to see footage to say for sure. May very well have been a cheater.
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yeah plz show weed love to see it
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So what you are saying is that there is no way the event can increase Movement speed? Then it was a cheater. Thank you.
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I haven't played the event yet, so I can't say for sure.
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You could jump to that conclusion, but we don't know what perks or addons were used, or if you are talking about their lunge, because the event can increase killer lunge (which is increased movement speed.)
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There are no perks or addons that make blight goes twice as fast. And i have played against Blight a million times, i would be able to tell pretty quick if the Blight runs Rat and/or Crow addons. Unless they just buffed those addons to 50% extra momvement speed per rush.
Thanks tho, thread can be closed. I was only unsure if the event might have caused that.
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iri tag increase your speed by 20% now
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His power literally makes him move twice as fast and the iri increases that even further during attacks combined with the event thing his lunge could be super super long and make it seem like hes going super fast.
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I know, its not about addons. The Blight was litteraly twice as fast as he could possible be. Like 3 seconds across the map with his 2nd rush. It was a cheater.
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oh, imagine cheating as blight lol
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Rip to another user I guess
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you´ll be missed :(
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Ran into a Nea player doing similar. They were speed running around the map, flying, teleporting to players. They would periodically go out of bounds and heal nothing, then watch health states of other survivors pop up. Then they would get near the killer and they would insta be stunned and drop people they were carrying.
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