You can remove 1 killer from the game

Who is it and why?
Nurse because the whole game has to be balanced around her and it ruins the game.
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Skull Merchant.
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Skull Merchant
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Unknown because if it's going to get a grenade launcher then Survivors should be getting the ability to craft more booby traps or like slingshots to stun the Killer. Every new Killer comes with multiple abilities that are both strong and easy to use. 50/50 pallets don't cut it anymore. Survivors should be able to have a secondary objective that involves wits and skill. Running 40 seconds across the map to get Pinhead's box isn't a real secondary objective. Weapons crafting I think is the best option and Unknown's the reminder why. We can't even use the environment against it because the grenade damages through walls.
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rnt u about to play SM right now?
and chucky i HATE that little gremlin even as a killer main
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Skull merchant because i find her boring to play and go against
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To replace him with pre-rework Freddy.
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I feel like most people are going to say Nurse, Skull Merchant, or Legion.
I would personally remove Chucky. I have a friend who has worse visual impairments than me and they literally just can’t see Chucky 95% of the time; also the Tiffany skin for Chucky on Ormand is just frustrating since you can barely see them and their footsteps due to the snow.
To put it bluntly, I rather play DBD, not Where’s Waldo trying to figure out where Chucky is.
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Skull Merchant - Some games are genuinely unwinnable without strict communication against her. Drones shouldn't be allowed to overlap at all for starters but just in general the killer isn't fun to play against. The mechanics of disarming a drone is super cool and the radar is interesting but everything that comes with it is unpleasant. Killer has way too many things going for it for how braindead the killer is to play - Requires no thought while in chase and you can play them just about the same at all skill levels.
I used to think harshly against Spirit but overtime after some changes I'll admit while I still don't enjoy the killer I was wrong about Spirit. I don't see my view changing about SM unless they get a rework where the killer only focuses on one thing. Way too much ######### in the killers kit for how little effort SM has. Why does SM get undetectable? Why does SM get haste? Why can SM slow down and break survivors without even being in chase with them?
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Blight. Incredibly unenjoyable to play against.
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As a legion main I was pretty sure this post is gonna be legion from start to finish but it looks like sm is gonna take that spot
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Skull Merchant.
Bad design, stupid lore, obnoxious to face.
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Nurse probably.
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Why only one? But yeah probably skull merchant, for obvious reasons, several reworks and she is still so annoying to go against that probably have the player base immediately gives up. And according to kill rates she is the strongest killer in the game.
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If I had the option, I would pick none. If I had to pick one, then Skull Merchant. She is neither fun to play as or against in my opinion.
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Skull Merchant
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Horribly designed killer that I would be happy to never see again.
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Wesker is a very close second for me. I'm so sick of playing against him.
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I'd vote to keep the Skull Merchant in! At least then there'll always be a Killer that Survivors hate to go against more than us Legions.
For me personally, it would be a toss up between Ghost Face and The Wraith. I just find them extraordinarily annoying to face because they're near guaranteed to get a first hit on you for free. Ghost Face can stalk you from anywhere with an instadown power that seems to last forever. And Wraith is really strong in chase with his cloaking ability.
But at least Wraith has a silly looking running animation, so I guess he can stay.
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is this question supposed to have multiple, subjective answers?
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I am, and it is a terrible designed killer. Me playing her is more for sience reason if it is actually true that so many people DC against her.
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thank you for your service
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I agree, I absolutely hate having to go against Chucky.
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Super speed and teleport(Nurse) type champs due to the balance issue that is almost impossible to solve due to how you make the m1 killers able to do the same.
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Skull Merchant
Enough of insta down killers
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I am permanently scarred by release twins and all the bugs of that disasterous update
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Nurse. There is no reason for that killer to exist in a game this hard to balance. Anything that buffs killer in general buffs her, and she is NOT playing the same game as every other killer. It's also just horrible to face in soloq, you have 1 bad teammate and the game is instantly over with almost no chance to win. You get a horrible open map with no LOS blockers, you get the worst time of your life. The counterplay is nothing beyond going behind a wall and guessing. Horribly designed killer.
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clown easily
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Skull merchant.. enough said.
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I am autistic and he gives me sensory overload, way worse if he brings the Iridescent King addon. He is literally the only killer I will DC when I see its him. I hate doing that to the other survivors, but it's literally a metal health issue.
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Artist. Run to a loop? Get hit. Run away from a loop? Get hit.
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My top three will go to Skull Merchant, Knight, and Wesker. The game would be so much better without the three in it.
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No doubt Dull Merchant, The only killer to force the server to end a match.
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Oni all day
Just kidding, Skull Merchant
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Skull merchant bc she is a waste of bhvrs time and money literally no one likes her
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No hope against a good and sweaty Blight in SoloQ. I’d rather face a tunnely Wraith who humps me while I’m bleeding out. At least that way I get some action during the match.
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Remove Remake Fred and replace him with the Real Freddy Krueger.
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When I play as Deathslinger (which I would rather not), survivors become auto-dodging bots and I can't hit any of them. They run circles around me, teabagging me the whole time, and I can't land a single shot on them.
Then when I play against the Deathslinger, he's a crazed psychopath who lands every shot, every time, on everyone, and knows where every survivor is at all times for seemingly no reason.
My life would be much happier if I never had to play as the Deathslinger or against the Deathslinger ever again.
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All that but you don't have a problem with Plague? Or Clown? Or knife guy? One of those would definitely go first for me. Them or Legion.
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Killer mechanics should add on top of the baseline, not remove existing mechanics. Deleting Altruism feels too 'final destination no items' sweatlordy to me instead of being fun and interesting.
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Legion is, in my opinion, the most annoying killer in the entire game. I would take 10 SM in a row before I have to play against them. Why?
Because my Solo Q mates heal themselves throughout the match and refuse to spread to gens. And I don't like mending simulator either. It's shocking that people in 2024 still don't know how to play against a killer like Legion who isn't actually that strong. A typical noob stomper.
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Skull Merchant, no contest.
Every match vs her is a 3 gen defense game where she brings the best gen regression perks. Matches against that will take up to an hour if you want to win, even with experienced survivors on comms, and in solo q it is borderline impossible, the match is over before it's started.
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Skull Merchant or Nurse.
Skull Merchant cause you know.
Nurse only because she is a constant issue when it comes to balancing perks.
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Skull Merchant is the only right answer. Lost cause.
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I got 3 😬
Nurse, Blight and Skull Merchant