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Why does it seem the devs only know how to create 3 gen killers?

This isn’t an accusation about whether or not killers are OP or not snd I’m not claiming any of them are. It’s simply about their power.

Literally the last 4 original killers that BHVR has released are ALL adept at 3 genning.

The Knight- Uses his guards to 3 gen.

Dull Merchant- Self-Explanatory

The Singularity- Uses his pods to watch gens and tag survivors on gens/teleport to them.

The Unknown- Places his hallucinations at gens to constantly teleport back and forth to hold a 3 gen.

Im curious why they haven’t come up with different ideas for killers and their power/style?

Again I’m not arguing that these killers are OP, weak nor am I arguing that there is no way to counter them. I’m simply commenting on the same play style being the META for these killers based on how they were designed.

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  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Honestly, Singularity and Unknown aren't much better at holding 3gens than any other killer with mobility. 3gens are always a favorable position for the killer given that they don't need to waste time patrolling gens across the map and can drain the resources in a smaller area to shorten future chases.

    So, I feel like those 2 aren't that impressive at 3genning but 3gens in general are pretty good for the killer.

    With the anti 3 gen mechanic in place, it is mostly manageable though.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited March 2024

    singularity is 3 gen killer. He's also camping slugging killer. Basically he's suppose win through bleed out but this is very.... not effective strategy. I don't think unknown is 3 gen killer, rather his strongest suit is proxy camping hooks.

    Unknown has Hag teleport to hook strength. Unknown is about camping, just not gen camping. hook camping.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Member Posts: 820

    Unknown and Singularity are a little different imo

    Singularities EMP's make his camera's useless for anything but info, which isn't that useful in three gen situations. That said, 3 Genning Singularity was still pretty stupid before the regression cap.

    Unknown can only have a few hallucinations out and each tp gets a cool down so survs can dispel them with ease afterwards. He's fine imo, even with snipes, as he has a pretty long cool down and can't pressure all three gens at once.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Have you ever tried to camp a hook with Singularity? It's damn near impossible to do that any better than any M1 killer would. Because Singularity has multiple safety measures to make it weak in camping situations. And I mean really weak. If the survivors cannot play around these, than they are pretty terrible. It's not hard to break LoS for a second and then go for the unhook, if at all necessary.

    This comarison to Hag is pretty weak. We don't consider Nurse a camping killer but she can come back to the hook way faster than Singularity. The same goes for almost any other killer with mobility. Hag is instantly back at the hook, while Singularity needs to Slipstream and teleport first. Both of which take way longer than normal thanks to the camping restrictions and even then an EMP would completely disable that.

    And if you stay around the hook, it isn't any better because the camping restrictions are still active and you also get a penalty when you switch back from a biopod.

  • Member Posts: 131

    I'm guessing they weren't ment to 3 gen but the strongest perks in the game make you want to 3 gen pop just make them trade all game same with pain rez and grim everyone of these perks are verry strong and basically encourage 3 genning they need to make regression perks activate aff the amount of time chase not hook trading

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    Most killers can 3 gen pretty easily. Trapper can lock down the area, Huntress can find a central position, Blight, Wraith, and Nurse can rush back and forth between gens.

    3 genning is just really powerful because it removes the killer's main disadvantage by narrowing the scope of the playing field.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    singularity does not camp hooks. he camps slugs. that is one of his strongest suits. it is the fact that if you hook someone, you lose infection and that hook person is drawback to your camera's. If you slug someone, you keep infection which buffs overclock and you get no penalty for camera's. You also spread infection because when other survivors pick up slugs, you infect them with slipstream and when they're infected with slip stream, guess what happens next? You get teleported on. Just like a hag trap.

    I also made an error in my original post. when i was talking about hook camping, i meant unknown clones. Not singlurarity. My mistake.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Ahh. Ok. You see why I was confused.

    I'm not sure I would call this particular play style on Singularity camping. I mean, a slug can still move. So that might be a weird term to use for it. Also, from what I've seen people actually seem to try and pressure the entire team instead of focusing on one survivor in particular.

    i meant unknown clones. Not singlurarity.

    Yeah, that makes sense. Although, calling it camping is again a bit questionable. The illusions can be used to get back to the hook but you wouldn't when to teleport until the unhook has happened. So this is more like tunneling. Which every other killer with mobility can do as well. Or is there something I have overlooked?

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    is there something I have overlooked?

    other killers that camp have an opportunity cost in map presence to camp. unknown can put a clone at the hook, leave hook, chase someone else, return back to the hook.

    Hag for example can do this as well... however hag is 4.4 m/s, i.e very bad chase killer. Sadako can do this as well with TV tp but again, very bad 1vs1 chase killer. Twins can do it as well with victor but then your m1 killer, so again weak chase.

    unknown is like offensive hag. he can be in two places at once, at the hook & find chases but also has chase power. your never going get safe uncontested saves with unknown. as soon as you unhook, he's basically immediately there. tedious play-style to play vs as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 123

    I think it's more a design flaw of gen spawns than anything else.

  • Member Posts: 53

    Besides the nasty 3 gens u could pull with old merchant I think getting 3 gend is entirely the survivors fault not some evil design from the devs.

    It used to be that 3 gen was a legit Strat, survivors had to be somewhat strategic with what gens they do first or face a nasty end game.

    Now killers get punished for survivors running blindly around the map doing whatever gen there one braincell guides them too, there are so many things survivors can do to stop a 3 gen like deja vu is actually a decent perk now with the genspeed buff. Even in soloQ I'd make sure to do the middle gens first and 3 gen was almost never a prob alsong as someone can hold chase long enough to get the first one or 2 gens done.

  • Member Posts: 1,210
    edited March 2024

    Who cares about 3gen anymore since the changes?

    Now that a gen can only be kicked / regressed 8 times, a 3gen just takes a bit longer with a good team.

    Suprised i still didn't had it happen ONCE in my games.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    It seems that way because players will flock, generally, to whatever shortcuts they can find, and that means a lot of killers' powers are bent into being used for tunnelling, camping, and 3-genning.

    It's got very little to do with what the powers are actually designed to do or what they excel in - with the exception of release Skull Merchant, none of these killers actually excel at holding 3 gens imo - and more to do with how much value these tactics can give for how little effort.

    Take a look at these four killers again. They all have pretty wildly different powers and different intents for using them, with only mild similarities between some of them. Unknown and Singularity both have a teleport, for example, but the specifics of the hows and whys are completely different. Singularity and Skull Merchant both place monitoring-style objects, but again, the way they're used and the things they do are completely different.

    There's not much that actually connects these four killers, if people are using them to 3-gen, it's because they view 3-genning as an easier and simpler shortcut to value than using the powers to their full potential.

    TL;DR, it's not how they were designed, it's how players are using them.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    I mean they stopped 3-genning being that effective so who cares?

    Eventually they'll run out of kicks and then you just play safe and win.

  • Member Posts: 712

    Its less of BHVR and just the mechanics of the Killers that can be used.

    Trapper- Cannplace bear traps all around a 3 gen

    Wraith- Usain Bolt level patrolling

    Hillbilly- Chainsaw dash patrolling

    Nurse- Nurse

    Huntress- Can throw hatchets at fleeing Survivors

    Can go down the whole list and find someway to 3 Gen with them. Same way you can argue camping, or tunneling. Some are just more effective. BHVR has made a good step though with the kick limits

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    It’s not that the devs are designing 3 gen killers it’s that their map team is seemingly incapable of spreading out gens or creating maps that hinder brain dead 3 gen gameplay.

    I mean the design team just created a fairly meaningful change to the core gameplay to discourage 3 genning and yet the people in charge of maps released a map where controlling a 5 gen is easier than a 3 gen on some older maps. They created a map with a big parking lot and an area behind the theater and thought “let’s put another gen in the middle of the map instead!”

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    More trapper hate. Man, he almost feels like a real killer!

  • Member Posts: 1,410


    not a fan of him but still he has a chase built power not a three genning one

  • Member Posts: 584

    I’m only talking about original killers. Chucky is a licensed killer.

  • Member Posts: 333

    you cant stop killers from being good at defending zones

    huntress is one of the best at defending 3 gens if the set up is an open area with a hill to look at all 3 gens

    i dont think she was designed for that instance

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