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Chapter Concept: The Sentinel

MrThorn Member Posts: 7
edited February 2021 in Creations



Name: Jack Carrel (A.S.G.)

Alias: The Guard

Gender: Male 

Height: 6’4ft

Nationality: American

Hunting Grounds: The Urban Docks

Weapon(s): Nightstick

Movement Speed: Moderate

Terror Radius: Large


Power: Surveillance

"... Jack was dead, but he didn't leave. People clocking out late at the docks were always speaking in hushed tones about the feeling of being watched and would swear there was a certain presence keeping an eye on them. If only we knew..."

With The Sentinel's presence comes the placement of security cameras on poles around the map, always right beside Generators. By channeling his power, The Sentinel can see the Auras of any Survivors standing within a radius of the Generator. The Survivors receive no queues letting them know that they are being watched. At any point, The Sentinel may press M1 while Channeling in the direction of a Generator to sink into the floor; becoming an electrical current that quickly advances towards the Generator and spawns The Sentinel beside the camera in question upon arrival.

While traveling, chain link fences spring up around the perimeter of the Generator which obstruct movement and shock Survivors upon contact, dealing no damage but causing them to scream out; creating a visual indicator for the The Sentinel. There will always be two randomly generated openings in the fences for Survivors to run through, the fences always spring up in rings, and more outer rings of fencing spawn based on how long the Sentinel traveled to get to the Generator (Up to 3 rings). In addition, The Sentinel is not obstructed by the fences, phasing through them in a ghostly manner. Fences last for a short duration after summon, meant only as a temporary obstruction for Survivors before sinking back into the ground.

While powerful, The Sentinel is encouraged to use this ability with wit and reservation as upon activating the M1 function of the ability, his power is entirely restricted for a duration; becoming unusable until a Cooldown passes.



PRINCIPLED: The Killer may stand Pallets back up instead of breaking them. This Action takes just as long as a Break animation to perform and can be sped up by Pallet Break Speed enhancers. After resetting the Pallet, The Killer can see the Aura of the Survivor who threw it down for 3 seconds.

BLIND-EYE BASH: When Blinded (by flashlights), The Killer's Attacks will instantly down Survivors they hit. This buff is removed as soon as The Killer begins to regain vision or 1 Survivor has been hit.

SECURITY SWEEP: When the Killer vaults or checks a Locker that has also recently been used by a Survivor, they receive a scratch mark trail leading toward said Survivor.


Mori: The Sentinel grabs the survivor by the scruff of their neck as a single wall of chainlink fence erects behind him. With a pivot, he slams the Survivor into the fence, electricity coursing through it and frying the survivor to a smoke. The Sentinel then tosses them back to the floor again, now dead and motionless beyond minor twitches as static jolts through their limbs.


Strengths: Heavily punishes those who panic, generally good map awareness

Weaknesses: Hard skill curve, Risk vs. Reward mechanics, relies heavily on Power being available


Inspiration & Lore:

So, fun fact, I in the real world am actually an Unarmed Security Guard. Maniac Cop also happens to be one of my favorite slasher flicks out there and Matt Cordell is just, mmm, slash perfection. Everything good about Jason Voorhees and the Terminator wrapped up in one character. I've been giving the idea some heavy thought after my first post regarding my other Killer pitch, "The Face", and I just grew very attached to the idea of an oldschool security guard armed with nothing but a baton and a strong sense of territory. It fits right in with the roster considering how relevant the themes of a security guard are to how Killers in this game control the map; constantly walking the perimeter in search of anything fishy and "Evicting" unwanted people from the premises.

Naturally, considering my main inspiration comes from Maniac Cop, I picture this Killer with a personality. Not so much the silent, calculated type like Micheal Myers or the Trapper, but one that is expressive and dutiful such as the Doctor or Freddy Krueger. He beats his baton in the palm of his hand, he twirls it after landing a blow on a Survivor, etc.

In terms of lore, I wanted to convey a single idea: A ghostly night guard. Jack Carrel who worked the 3rd shift at the docks in an urban zone, simply going about his usual duties until he stumbles across some unwanted guests dumping what could assumed to be bodies into the bay, only to be shot and killed by them upon attempting to apprehend them. In the proceeding days, it is discovered that the company that enlisted him as a Guard was fully aware and had sanctioned the illegal activity and, to make matters worse, was fully willing to throw Jack under the bus in order to protect the names of these individuals. They thought it would end there and they'd just hire another night guard, until they would start getting reports of a strangely familiar figure roaming the docks at night. People catching brief glimpses of what appears to be a guard on the CCTV's in the security office but never able to find the figure again when reviewing recorded footage. And then, people start turning up dead. Never any of the dock workers, but always higherups, always at night, and always those aware of the truth behind Jack's murder. The docks gain a reputation and those responsible for Jack's murder and coverup stop visiting it out of fear, even while the sun is out. With management either too scared to be on site or winding up dead from a combination of shock and blunt trauma, the docks eventually become defunct and the area abandoned. But its reputation lives on within the city and those within its seedy streets speak in hushed tones about the tale of the guard that haunts the docks, preying upon any that trespass on his territory after dusk; "The Sentinel".
