Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Hot take: Flashlight saves are overpowered

  • Flashbangs will blind you even if you are not looking at them and you are looking into a wall.
  • Background Player allows for insane saves, very hard to counter it if the team is ready for your pick up.
  • Flashlight saves have save window timer that wasn't there in long past allowing for even being bit off in your timing, being less about skill but yet remain still powerfull.
  • SWF groups can make it a real nightmare to pick up someone.


  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,261

    Im still amazed there arent more people complaining about the total immunity of lightborn.

    Killers need a Lightborns(tm) sunglasses cosmetic 😆

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    probably cause lightborn is still pretty rare. i think its mostly used by people to counter four flashlights people like me who always run it are rare

  • Gabe_Soma
    Gabe_Soma Member Posts: 276

    Disagree. The only problem is Background Player which currently makes flashlight saves / pallet saves uncounterable.

    And you as a killer can still equip Lightborn if it bothers you, expecially if you see 3 or 4 flashlights in the lobby.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,402

    hey @C3Tooth can you make some art of genralV?

    i think he might enjoy it

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,710

    Flashlights are fine, but Background Player is really unfun to go against if used correctly. Especially with pallet saves.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,440

    The only issue I have is being blinded when facing a wall and the Survivor or flashlight isn’t in the frame. Like how the hell!

    Other than that, they’re not on gens, so I’m good. I like running Franklins because it buys more time than Lightborn since the always go back looking for it. Can make for some funny plays if you camp the flashlight with SM Myers or Insidious equipped on other killers.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 566
    edited March 2024

    Except for the for Background players, i think flash save are fines. TBH, most of the times Flash Save attempts end up being more detrimental for the survives than for the killer. Yeah, i feel bad too for the change they made into the flashlight timming, but it might be something they hardly will revert.

    Now, talking about risks, if a killer takes a flash save its a huge loss, since you lose all the pressure from your down. But if you can deny the flash save, one survivor did nothing for quite some time and did not progress any gen during that time. Yesterday i had a match where someone tried to pallet save a teammate, got the timming wrong and went down for the pallet save. This gave me the match, since i got one more hook for free.

    So yeah, it sucks to receive a flash save, but when it goes wrong, it can turn the tide of the match in your favor.

    Post edited by Rickprado on
  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,175
    edited March 2024

    You simply haven't seen enough or are less on this forum. The shades protect the believer from the posts of blasphemers.

    Not the first time I have seen complaints about it, not sure though if the only I posted was satire or not.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Asking killers to run a perk to counter something survivors do is peak insanity. What do you think this is—survive by daylight?

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    I literally cannot remember the last time someone flashlight/flashbang saved against me. It's had to have been over a month, I know I've mentioned this perk a few times now and I don't want to anymore but like.... Infectious Fright.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    imagine wasting a perk slot on lightborn when you can bring franklin's killing all survivor items instead.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,322

    You can use Lightborn and Fire Up

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 844

    Getting blinded from behind by a flashbang is such a perfect illustration of DBD jank

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 933

    In my opinion flashlights are okay and healthy for the game. They enable interaction between killer and survivor and this is much better than a fat toolbox with BNP and popping a gen faster than light.

    However, I agree with @Xernoton that flashbangs are problematic due to the glitch buses they have. But I highly doubt the developers will fix this in the near futher.

    I also agree with @Gabe_Soma that Background Player is rather the issue because there is little counterplay when a survivor is under a pallet or in the open and another survivor with that perk can come from the otherside of the map and get the safe. The perk was completely fine when it was 150% speed but now with 200% it feels so unfair because you either waste so much time to trick the BGP-Player out or they get the rescue and you have nothing.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited March 2024

    Tell that to that Haddie who jumps into locker to craft flashbang and runs with Background player to trow it just under you to blind you 100% of the time.

  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246

    Then run lightborn.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    Thats called skill issue.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 448

    I bring a flashlight most of my games as a solo player. I don't think I ever get saves, maybe once every 100 games or something equally insignificant. I'm not going to throw my solo games more than my random team already is by following chases just to possibly get a flashlight save; I bring it for my amusement during chases tbh

    equally rarely do I see my random teammates get a save, it usually only occurs when I'm thrown in with a SWF group and they're coordinating those saves at the cost of no gens getting done

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,004

    all background player does is make them extremely unskilled even a babyshit can do them

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,814

    Look at a wall.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,809
    edited March 2024
    • Flashlights are fine
    • They do need to fix the collision bug right now where survivors can walk through you while picking up a survivor, pretty dumb because you can block pallet saves, but they can still just walk through you. That's the problem with flash bangs right now, because even if you look at a wall the survivor can drop a flash inside of you and it still hits you.
    • Background player is a bit cracked right now but mostly because its not really possible to counter without bringing perks to counter exhaustion directly. Has the same problem as many other perks where if you don't know its there its OP, but if you do, its weak. And, like 80% of the perks in the game, it sucks most of the time, but in the hands of SWFs that can abuse it with coms, its pretty broken.

    Mainly though, survivors trying to flashlight save are not spending time on gens, and with some general awareness, its easy to see if someone is setting up for a save.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,608

    I do think that this part is one of the only killer gameplay pieces that could use some ironing out. The killer is overwhelmingly the power role, except when it's time to pick up a survivor. That moment makes the killer vulnerable, and I think it makes up the majority of the difference between solo and 4-man escape rates at high MMR.

    Can't claim to know how to tackle it without just removing hook denial altogether, but it deserves attention.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,023

    Naw, background definitely is overpowered. The speed is comedic. On smaller maps, you can literally travel half the distance of the entire map. There is no way for a killer to be able to flush someone out with hoe much ground than be covered with the speed boost. Even if you throw flashlights out of the equation, it literally makes every pallet in the entire map unsafe to pick anyone up at. Want to be immune to pick ups? Always go down at a pallet and have a friend who runs background player. 100% guaranteed to never get picked up.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,474

    I would agree if there was no Lightborn. Whenever there is a perk in the game that completely counters something "OP" then you can't complain about it.

    That said I never use Lightborn and once in a while getting these flashlight save teams I so much regret not getting that perk for them games lol

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    So many people here seem to forget that even one save is most often the difference between win and lose. Especially in today's meta, when all killer's perks work from a hooking.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 844

    For all the folks saying “just run Lightborn,” I do pretty regularly, and lots of survivors get really mad in endgame chat about it. Lots of insults about being a coward or being afraid and “just look a wall” even though, as noted above, that doesn’t always work.

    Which way is it? Run Lightborn or don’t?

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 844

    For the record, I don’t generally have a problem with someone blinding me. The vast majority of the time, if they get it, they earned it. I just don’t like getting blinded by something that is literally out of view.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2024

    Essentially this ^. The rest those things are fine as they require skill, risk and they have counter play. The only issue right now is Background Player. To me it removes the killers counter play. The perk removes smart pick up angles for the killer to avoid blinds and essentially resorts to the only counter play left being just getting lucky and being near a wall.

  • MSX_exe
    MSX_exe Member Posts: 50

    That's not the flashlight's problem, it's swfs abusing background player, which is ridiculously overpowered

  • BooomTetris
    BooomTetris Member Posts: 58

    Doesn't work with M2 attacks. I don't mind survs bringing toolboxes and medkits, I just don't like getting blinded.

    "Just look into a wall" doesn't at every down or breaking a pallete

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    None of your points are related to flashlight saves (flashbang, SWF, BGP) except complaining about the timing. If you allow a survivor to fully blind you before you can finish the pickup animation with a flashlight, that's more often than not an awareness issue on your end. Only killers at lower MMR were ever really negatively affected by this change - good players only need it rarely as a replacement for losing the flashlight click to adjust for bad timing.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    Have you ever considered that these two groups of people are not the same?

    People that tell you to run lightborn are giving you advice to help counteract your personal issues with being blinded, so you can have more fun. They are telling you what to do with your fun in mind. Conversely, people who think lightborn is boring and uninteractive are telling you what to do with their fun in mind. Not the same group nor the same scenario.

  • Moman624
    Moman624 Member Posts: 106

    its more about all the ways you can blind the killer in general, it just gets annoying

  • Moman624
    Moman624 Member Posts: 106

    Hes not only talking about flashlight saves, Sometimes you cant even avoid them. pallet saves are ok but they waste the killers time when there trying to avoid it. Flash bangs and fire crackers sometimes are not avoidable even when you look up. Lightborn shouldn't be the go to perk for getting away from blind saves. So his points were fine, and blinding can be op because the killer in most cases cant do anything about it. MMR has place in this topic.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    So let me get this right flashlights are a problem but tunneling isnt?

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    So then all the perks survivor have to run to not get tunneled as easily should not have to be run either with your logic do we agree?

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 520

    Flashlights are fine, flashbangs and firecrackers are not fine when survivors can glitch inside your model to create an unavoidable blind.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I mean, from what I can see, they didn't say that, or even imply that, so I don't know why you're bringing it up.