What is up with some of the challenges on level 4 of the Revision tome?

Hit 10 survivor(s) within 30 seconds of them being revealed by an aura reading ability.

Hook 2 different survivors with 60 seconds. Do this 5 times.

Down 5 survivors affected by a status effect that you inflicted.

Some of these are crazy


  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 338

    I mean the first one is just pretty much telling all the survivors in the lobby to run Distortion.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,554

    Some bad ones on the Survivor side too:

    Hide in the Killer's terror radius for 120 seconds, ie. throw the game.

    Apply hindered to the Killer 3 times in 1 trial. That's Champion of Light or Chemical Trap 3 times in 1 trial.

  • MarbleThrone
    MarbleThrone Member Posts: 548

    Hit 10 survivor(s) within 30 seconds of them being revealed by an aura reading ability.

    Scratched Mirror Myers has a field day with this one. I got it in one match as Clown with the cigar box add-on, and Awakened Awareness, Lethal Pursuer, Nowhere to Hide for aura reading.

    Down 5 survivors affected by a status effect that you inflicted.

    Plague might be the one for this, just get someone Broken and down them. Ghostface should equally have no trouble with this one. Or just run noed.

    Hook 2 different survivors with 60 seconds. Do this 5 times.

    Definitely best on instadown killers, like Bubba.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,121

    Those two are fine. It's the escape 2 trials that throws me 🤣

  • CrimsonVoid
    CrimsonVoid Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2024

    Champion of light is the only survivor perk that applies Hindered to the killer, Im not sure if the slowdown of Chemical trap classifies as Hindered since nowhere on the perk its stated that the effect is the Hindered effect, just a 50% slowdown.

    Post edited by CrimsonVoid on
  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,121

    Started it today too. I played for a couple hours and finally managed to open an exit gate but stupidly tried to save my team mate instead of exiting. Didn't succeed and the Deathslinger had Iri Coin add on, which i didn't discover until that second, and grabbed me from afar a split second before I was out. Was kicking myself for awhile over that one lol

  • ShyPirate
    ShyPirate Member Posts: 380

    "Hit 10 survivor(s) within 30 seconds of them being revealed by an aura reading ability."

    For anyone who hasn't completed this one yet, you can get two hits off the same survivor if you can catch them fast enough.

    I would suggest Nowhere to Hide, Furtive Chase, and Lightborn. These give aura reading with survivors close by as opposed to something like BBQ or Territorial which require distance.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,720

    I like bringing some of the killer aura addons. Amanda's letter (the one where she gets aura reading while crouched), the purple All-Seeing wraith addon, etc. Wraith is nice because if someone brought distortion they won't recharge it while you're cloaked

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 405
    edited March 2024

    I like the hit and run technique paired with nurses calling. This gives you 2 options to hit.

    The challenge I thought was gonna be rough is getting a killer to miss attacks on you.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Hit 10 survivor(s) within 30 seconds of them being revealed by an aura reading ability.

    Down 5 survivors affected by a status effect that you inflicted.

    These are just regular gameplay for many killers.

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 968

    for the first one: play full aura reading plague

    for the second one: play any tier S or slug them with deerstalker

    for the third one: play michael myers or plague


  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777

    Wraith with aura add-on, lethal, and floods of rage had me getting 2/10 per chase.

    Was pretty easy.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,783
    edited March 2024

    You can also get this by playing against Clown. I'm not sure if it's when he reloads or throws but I got my challenge done before I even saw the killer. Might have also been bugged for all I know.

    If it wasn't bugged then it might also apply to other killers who slow down when using their power. Not really sure.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 707
    edited March 2024

    Yeah while some of these are iffy and I really hate iffy challenges for survivor because you potentially ruin the game for three others these ones are mild for killer. Sloppy butcher for effects, the aura reading one might be tricky without certain killers or perks, like using stuff only available to the starting killers and generic perks I think you’ve only got A Nurse’s calling and Lightborn realistically since territorial imperative is not reasonable but that still should be sufficient.

    For survivor not looking forward to ‘Avoid three attacks from the killer in one trial’ that’s near impossible unless you get a baby killer or they let you do it. I really wish for challenges you were able to do the challenge or opt for random perks. Either escape on survivor or 3k on killer with no one escaping through gates while using random perks. This could overwrite any challenge you can theoretically do. This means if it requires a perk, killer or survivor you can’t do it unless you have that perk, survivor or killer.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,554

    I included that because If you search for hindered in the perk search in game it shows Chemical Trap.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited March 2024

    These are all pretty easy challenges, especially for the fourth page of a tome. I mean the first one I completed in a single game.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,145

    This might be the first new tome that I don't bother finishing since I started playing.

    I mean, where are my charms at? I was really hoping that the last level would have a charm to unlock but nope, just another banner. I guess they're really going all in with these banners and badges but I just can't get excited about collecting them.