STILL no Oni Killswitch

Literally has a game breaking bug with lunging at full distance while carrying, which is amplified going full backpack build. Played against this 4 times in as many days, reported all abusers, nothing done.
We just ignoring this because he has a fancy new skin in the Event Rift? Beyond hilarious they acknowledged this A WEEK AGO and he is still live. Won't hesitate to disable Knight for a month or Flashlights for 2 weeks will we.
- in what way does this break the game? As in one side can do absolutely nothing about it and creates a unwinnable situation or causes actual problems that crashes the game?
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Just the fact he can lunge after you while carrying and be just as fast as he is without carrying idk dude
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I don't think it's a bug worth kill switching tbh, and that's coming from someone who got stomped by a Backpack Oni a few hours ago. It's not the kind of bug that happens very often if the killer isn't going for it.
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As ArkInk said above, its not worth the switch. Knight could have all 3 guards out at once while the flashlights gave survivors effective invincibility to 90% of the killer roster.
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I made one a week ago as well and nothings being done lol
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Just.... Don't try to use breakout on Oni for like a week? Why killswitch him?
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That... isn't gamebreaking.
Gamebreaking means it's a bug so severe it effectively makes the game unplayable. An Oni lunging while carrying someone? Hardly an issue. A bit dumb with Mad Grit since you get a super form of Agi, but the game can still be played fine and this'll only last 16 seconds (if the person is wiggling) as they can't break pallets, use their power, or anything.
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Honestly if bhvr are gonna ban people for something they could easily killswitch then they don't deserve players.
People are gonna play this to meme and to be serious and that's whatever but to ban them over your mistake is wild
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I am pretty sure when nurse had a similar thing going on, they did not kill switch her?
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I versed it the other night and it is extremely broken so I am surprised they have not kill switched Oni but as already mentioned it probably has more to do with cosmetics than anything.
I versed it the other night and the only reason I decided to not bother reporting him was he let us all go. It was funny for about 2 seconds then it was just plain annoying and a waste of my time.
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Oni's lunge bug gives him a real and reliable advantage. Knight's guard bug did not. Having all 3 guards out at once sounds good on paper but not once you understand what you had to do to get it.
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Idk bout you but being chased by possibly 4 killers at once seems like a really good a good advantage. Meanwhile oni gets his normal lunge while carrying someone. It's an advantage to be sure but it's definitely not overwhelming nor breaking the game.
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I get what youre saying but he gets the lunge WITHOUT the basic attack cooldown/slowdown penalty you would normally get
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i'd advocate for killswitching mad grit instead, it makes the bug abusable.
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We get that, but its not like he's lunging across the map or having something lethal chase every survivor or multiple near guaranteed safe spaces. Its also not crashing anything (as far as we know), its not making the game unplayable, its not giving a huge advantage (it being comboed with mad grit not withstanding. Thats a hefty advantage, but not super stupid and more on the survivors for not getting away), and survivors can still wiggle off if oni tries to abuse it correct?
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I remember when people argued for Oni to be kill-switched simply because actions gave extra blood drops without the splintered hull add-on and there were threads for at least two weeks and people's argument for why he should be kill switched is because clown at the time was kill switched for having PERMANENT haste from a single yellow bottle. People do not understand why the kill-switch exists or even what warrants a kill-switch.
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You comparing this to the knight bug or flashlight bug where they could make you invincible.... is just silly.
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It definitely needs a killswitch, or at least the perk Mad Grit. You can use it to get to hook you couldn't normally, and if fully committing to the carry build, the Oni can get extremely greedy for hooks and it's like mad grit + agitation on drugs.
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GAME BREAKING…..? No, it’s not not.
frustrating yes. Game breaking is not true.