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General Discussions

To All Shack Pallet Enthusiasts

Today i’ve played a very strange game with a very strange teammate, i was doing gen, killer got me on hook, someone saved me and the killer was coming right after me so i straight went to shack…and guess what happened?

my teammate actually blocked the shack pallet door entrance to get me killed, so i was like maybe … just maybe he didn’t mean to.

After the game i asked him “we lost ofcourse”, why did he do that? He said you would’ve dropped pallet! So i asked, do you really think shack pallet is more valuable than a 2nd stage hook on me? Or by any means any hook?

he answered: yes.

I couldn’t fathom his intellect so i was like okay good sir you have a good shack day!

Any thoughts on this strange phenomenon?

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  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Intentionally sandbagging is a reportable offense.

    And no, shack pallet is not more valuable than your second hook.

  • Member Posts: 521

    Reminds me of a time I was in soloQ against a Knight and we 4 man escaped and instead of gg this Meg decided to lambast me for dropping shack pallet after looping shack like 3 times. I was so confused and even knight couldn't believe they said such a thing after we did so well.

    I feel like players hear about how good shack pallet is and think it must be protected at all costs not realizing that doesn't mean you never actually use it, it's such a bizarre thing. I promise shack pallet will still be there next game if you use it, it's okay to drop it.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    It is true that it is better to refrain from using shack palettes as much as possible, but in this case it is difficult to say because there are cases where it is determined that it is okay to use them. However, at least in this case, I feel like the survivor should have body-blocked and take one hit instead of knocking down the pallet.

    This area will be judged based on how much gen has been completed. If you can see that 2gen is coming soon while staring at the HUD, you can use it.

  • Member Posts: 22,857

    The entire reason why we say to not waste shack pallet is so that when people need it to stop them being tunneled they've got a guaranteed strong tile into a god pallet...

  • Member Posts: 16,777

    While this is a good intention, in reality it does not work like that. At least anymore.

    I often dont use Shack Pallet, especially when I was not hooked before. Only to see some default Meg to use it instantly after getting hit or camping it.

  • Member Posts: 675

    Comp players burn shack pallet in their first chase, its really nowhere close to as valuable as a second hook state.

  • Member Posts: 405

    This is not confusing at all. They trolled you by using pallet to get you down. Then used a lie to claim it was because you would use it. Not really much to it.

  • Member Posts: 2,260

    People for some reason think the 3rd hook state is more important than the others. The goal is to maximize the amount of time in chase. It doesn't matter if the chases go 45, 45, 75, or 75, 45, 45.

    If anything, extending the first chase is probably the most valuable because that is when 3 other survivors should be on gen.

    Using shack pallet before the window is a waste, but the hook stages don't matter.

  • Member Posts: 22,857

    It physically hurts every time I see it happen but yk what I'm not gonna be the problem. Shack pallet will live for as long as I remain standing

  • Member Posts: 337

    That's funny. Reminds me of beating old final fantasy games and realizing my inventory is still full of the most powerful potions I never wanted to waste

  • Member Posts: 491

    This is the correct answer.

    Seem someone bad obviously playing with WoO mindlessly wasting every pallet and then dropping shack and still getting down moments later is so demoralizing .

  • Member Posts: 8,612

    A shack pallet worshipper is usually the sign of a relatively inexperienced player. At least, that's my opinion. Resource exhaustion only comes into play when matches drag out, and matches typically aren't going to drag out in the first place if people aren't going down in chase. Desperately needing shack can often be a symptom of the shack pallet worship in and of itself. It doesn't even come up if you safely drop it in first chase and the killer doesn't get a down until 2 or 3 gens are done.

  • Member Posts: 3,058

    Pallets exist to prolong chases. If you used the pallet to stop the killer from hitting you, that was a good use of the pallet. If you need to use shack pallet at the beginning of the match to save yourself from being downed, then do it. "What if I need it later?" is nonsense when you need it right now.

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