The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Which unlicensed killers…

Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

Do you think are most in need of buffs?

Throw out a handful if you will.


  • OneGoodBoyDemo
    OneGoodBoyDemo Member Posts: 418

    Nurse. I feel like the time to end matches is too long for her, usually it's about 2 minutes and I think it should be shortened. Her blink should be map wide and she should have 7 blinks again.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 654
    edited March 23

    She also needs basic attack on her M2 again and maybe even a button to push to end the game if she gets too stressed.

    On a serious note, Dredge. Get rid of that weird directional woosh noise he plays for no reason, give him a couple Basekit addons, and he'll be good to go imo

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415
    edited March 23


    *mah bestest Clown laugh😌 yer silly

    Seriously tho, wouldn’t mind Demo fren pups getting a li’l somethin’ somethin’

    Edit: yes, ik ik… unlicensed

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235

    We got over 30killers in varying degrees of strenght. I'd say buff anything below top 15 to match atleast the next best one.

    Then repeat it for top 10. maybe top 5.

    There will always be a best and worst killer but the difference shouldnt be that high.

    I apologize for the us vs them but in but Survivors wanna give everything to survivor that makes up the difference between "bad players with random that dont wanna play to win" and "good players in swf with good comms usage". Thats like buffing nurse because I'm not as good as Supaalf. So i dont see why we cant just buff the worse killers, as unlike with survivors, changes to the lower half dont affect the top at all.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    The doctor is definitely the one who needs to undergo surgery ASAP. Whether or not the M2 directly causes injury is an important aspect of the M1 killer. He's missing out big time here.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,901
    edited March 23

    See I dont think thats much of a boon to Trapper really... it only really makes basement Trapper more efficient and allows trapping the crap out of a 3-gen.... which will still likely be a slow death.

    The problem with Trapper is fundamentally he is incompatible with the pace of modern DBD. He still needs to walk out and set up, and unlike Hag, his traps need to be directly stepped on to get value. His traps are easier to see, easier to avoid and easier to disable. After they score a hit, he still needs to pick them up/reset them, and his set up time is not usually worth the investment... so even if you improve his set up with all traps off the go, he still suffers the same problems, and the only thing he can do in try and hold a corner.

    As Trapper I find it much more fun to set up traps on the go, lay trap to cut off a loop as you grab the next off the floor, and have it get me a Snare later down the road. It may be impossible to make this good, but this playstyle is much more fun that just hugging a corner, and shouldn't be given up on.

    IMO Trapper needs: -

    • Trap colour pallette changes to match the realm.
    • At least one additional carry capacity.
    • Grab a trap from lockers on a 45 secs cooldown, where the furthest unopened trap dematerialises.
    • Faster setting speed so he can actually try to keep up at loops.

    He'd still be weak, but with his haste buff he'd feel pretty nice to play.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804


    I'm 90% the AI for the guards has been broken for the better part of a year now

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,046

    Did you just say that Doctor should be able to injure Survivors with his Shock?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Literally my exact handful I had in mind as well. I’d add Call to Arms for Knight as well.

    Dredge needs Boat Key and Haddies Calendar basekit desperately. He actually has a quite a few good addons but you’re just never able to run them because you’re locked into these.

  • KazRen
    KazRen Member Posts: 186

    The unlicensed killers that I would say needs a buff the most is Legion, Trapper, and Knight.

    Legion - Putting a survivor in injured is nice but it clearly isn't enough. Maybe legion gets a buff for more survivors injured like faster kick speed? They would need a longer cooldown in that case.

    Trapper - I honestly think Trapper just needs better trap spots/trap cover. It's way too easy to see traps. They could add more grass on some maps or some kind of stuff on the ground. They also could add some kind of base kit camo for the traps, though that would be difficult since you would have to make different camos for a lot of different maps. Also, better trap spawns.

    Knight - Fix guard ai. Make map of the realm base kit. That's all I can think of.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 840

    I'd like to see The legion get some buffs. Here are a few of my suggestions:

    1. Base-kit Frank's mix tap (Frank's mix tape to be reworked with a new effect). It's too weak for a purple add-on, especially now that 3 genning has been nerfed.
    2. Ability to see scratch marks or blood pools in Frenzy. It can be easy to lose Survivors while in Frenzy and it should also help Legion get that final 5th hit down.
    3. A shorter fatigue cool down when cancelling your own power, so you can use your power for chasing at loops (shorter fatigue only applies if you haven't just put a survivor in deep wound).
    4. 2 extra seconds of Frenzy duration and or a faster base frenzy speed. Without add-ons like Mischief list, you can typically only hit two Survivors with your power before entering fatigue. Faster base frenzy speed would also help with mobility across the bigger maps.
  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,404


  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Trapper could use an addon which adds grass or colour to his traps to make them a bit camouflaged. He should also ne able to carry all his traps or be able to get them from lockers.

    Knight needs Map OR as basekit so that we can pick an alternative addon. Guards need to be a little sharper (react quicker when they detect a survivor) his power is clunky in various ways thus needs refining.

    Freddie is non existent so something needs to be done. Haven't faced one for over a year when they used to be very common to face.

    Deathslinger should be able to carry nail grenades 🙃

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 326

    Dredge PLEASE, he needs faster locker lock breaking, and faster to outside out of nightfall, plus better/more lockers on all maps except midwich.