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Why is Corrupt Intervention a perk still?

Member Posts: 794

The perk is a shell of its old self 100% but I feel like it’s pointless to ever run it anymore.

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  • Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2024

    ^^^ it helps hag out a lot as her biggest weakness is that she takes awhile to setup at the start of a match.

    it’s just one of those perks that certain killers get more value out of than others. Kind of like how Doctor and Wesker get a lot of value from Distressing.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    I think the problem with buffing it back would be the fact that some killers (Nurse, Alien, Knight) are OP in chase and their winrates would be artificially boosted by having such a long grace period.

    This is one of the penalties of designing killers with such a huge power gap. C-tiers can't have good stuff because the S and A tiers would be able to abuse it.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Mettle, CoH, DStrike, even Object, DH n MfT

    yeah, there certainly are perks that are shells of their old selves that seem pointless to run anymore.

    Corrupt is still worthwhile

  • Member Posts: 521

    Hey those are all survivor perks there are killer perks like that too like Ruin, Undying, CoB, Overcharge kinda so now instead of gen regression and stall we have use deadlock, pain res, DMS, Grim Embrace which is... passive regression and stall....oh..... okay well we still have to kick gens with pop sometimes!

  • Member Posts: 832

    It's one of the best slowdown perks in the game, and is like the only reason Trapper is somewhat playable at high MMR. It's fine imo

  • Member Posts: 7,284

    It’s still very good. While it’s not a perk you’ll have for most of the game, the beginning of the match is usually one of the most, if not THE most important time in the game. Being able to block 3 generators at the beginning of the game when survivors are at their strongest is a big deal.

  • Member Posts: 16,771

    According to Nightlight and BHVRs official stats the Perk is on Number 5 when it comes to usage. (BHVR 12%, NIghtlight 14,31%)

    I also see it very regular in my games and use it myself on some Killers. It might not be a staple which is in every Build anymore, but it is certainly a popular Perk. And still good as well.

  • Member Posts: 9,439

    "shell of its old self" could be said of many perks, killer's and survivor's.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    it's still strong and does see lots of use so i'll have to disagree.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Yeah, Undying’s fine, I still use it, as well as Brine and Ruin… don’t use Overcharge so much, tho granted, yes, some were nerfed a bit more than necessary, for sure

    Players don’t necessarily need to use Deadlock Switch, PRez, GE every game (coz SoloQ), but there are those squads out there who it definitely helps against, and who probably stir up the, “It might be those pesky SWF teams again, so better load up the gen regression build” mindset in players.

    Deadlock n Pop are still a good pair w/o the others in the new meta, imo

  • Member Posts: 824

    Dude I’ve been playing a few sweaty games on pyramid head and I’m on the verge of dropping lethal pursuer in favor of corrupt intervention

    I hate 2-3 gens popping even at my first chase

  • Member Posts: 187

    It still is really good. It does suck that they didn't give it the lethal pursuer treatment and give it a second effect after they changed it.

  • Member Posts: 1,633

    Try playing trapper without using it and see what happens.

  • Member Posts: 3,987
    edited March 2024

    Did not expect to wake up to seeing Corrupt Intervention being called pointless...

    Whenever I see it as survivor a little part of me dies inside knowing my soloQ teammates are liable to take the time to be wandering around for 45 seconds+ not doing gens and focus on totems and chests... when they do start gens they almost always start to create a perfect 3 gen 😩

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    It still does it's job? It pushes survivors towards you, it does that now just as good as before... However I do agree that the change was not really necessary though.

    Corrupts job is just to make survivors walk towards you in the first few seconds of a match, and that purpose gets full filled just as good now as it did before.

  • Member Posts: 3,488

    Survivors won't notice all the traps placed? It's a good perk on Trapper but for Hag who needs to set up that perk can destroy her.

  • Member Posts: 16,771

    It would not need this treatment. The difference is that Lethal Pursuer is active only for a few seconds, while Corrupt Intervention is potentially active for 2 minutes, but at the very least most likely 30 seconds, which is a lot longer than Lethal Pursuer.

    Also, Lethal Pursuer "only" shows the Aura, while Corrupt Intervention makes Survivors move and lets them not spend time on a Gen for at least a few seconds, maybe even more depending on their Spawn and their routing.

  • Member Posts: 187

    In it's current state I agree. I do wish they reworked it though cause you potentially could just have this perk active for 20 seconds and that's it. I would absolutely trade 40 seconds for a secondary effect.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    It's good on weaker Killers and weaker on stronger Killers, which basically most (stalling)-Perks should behave like that.

  • Member Posts: 675

    Its one of the best perks in the game though? Especially on killers with lower map pressure.

  • Member Posts: 16,771

    Meh. Depends on the Killer, honestly. I would not run Corrupt Intervention on Nurse or Billy for example, because I usually get my first down very quickly with those two. But on Nemesis for example I run it, because I want to reach Tier 3 as fast as possible, which means I am switching targets after injuring. And when it comes to Killers like Trapper, I obviously want it as well.

    I just think that with deactivating on Down the Perk is not for every Killer anymore, but sitll good on many of them.

  • Member Posts: 794

    I have 5k hours just because I have an opinion on a perk means I’m inexperienced? 😂

  • Member Posts: 974

    nemesis is unplayable without it ngl

  • Member Posts: 5,986

    Comp players run Corrupt pretty much 100% of the time for a reason.

  • Member Posts: 1,633


    When playing trapper without Corrupt a gen is done and at least another is at 30% when you place your first 3-4 traps. If the survivor are a premade of rushers then even two are done.

    I sometimes play trapper with my troll build which doesn't contain Corrupt and it happens at least 8 out of 10 games.

    Corrupt is a very good perk with killers which have a bad early because they need to place things or because they have to start the snowball potential (Nemesis, Hag, Trapper, Oni, etc).

  • Member Posts: 678

    It's just crazy for me how someone can think Corrupt is a bad perk. Most of these type of players just read the description and say "Naaah, bad perk" and they don't even think about this perk for a minute and they just don't understand.

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