
How many times have u played against a Wesker that immediately came to u after u were unhooked and used a vaccine? Remove his killer instinct, he is perfect without his...I gotta win no matter what.. mentality. Killer instinct is making him tunnel far more then the Nemesis meme. He doesn't need killer instinct for vaccines
Not true. What really makes him tunnel a person is that hindred that can be like 50% filled up after unhooking making you easy pray. Its not rly about instinct, I wouldn't change that. Maybe reset the infection back to 1% always instead of somewhat filled.
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I mean he only has 7 minutes for all of you and with four survivors he can only spend 1 minute and 45 seconds with each of you. That's why they all have to tunnel.
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Do not use the vaccine immediately after unhooked yourself, it is a big mistake. Survivors should be the first to leave from hook unless there is a good reason to do so, and use the vaccine after completing treatment. Unless you're in a situation where the killer is never coming back, leave from hook right away. Survivors should remember that staying on the hook and letting the killer know about it is one of the worst things you can do.
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I mean maybe don't just use the vaccine directly under hook? But go away from the hook heal and then use the vaccine? No offense but if you give him information about an injured target that can tunneled that easily you really cannot complain if he does.
I dont think the killer instinct is that much of an issue.
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You know killer instinct activates when you use the spray, so whenever you use the spray you should be sure that it's the best time for you and the worst time for the killer. If you're using the spray without putting thought into timing and location, then you're not bothering to counter the killer's kit.
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To be fair, many Weskers like to tunnel, simply because the Infection makes it easy to do so. Once fully infected it is very easy to down the Survivor and Wesker-players know this, so coming back to the Hook means they dont have to chase that much, even if the chase goes bad for them, it will be rather quick.
Personally, I prefer to get rid of the Infection before actually being healed, because I can loop while injured and non-infected, but I can loop less good if I am healthy but fully infected.
I would agree. For some reason the Devs think that every Killer released for quite some time needs some form of Killer Instinct, either basic or available via an Add On. Stealth is already not that viable and releasing more and more Killers with Killer Instinct which cannot be countered by any means makes it even less worth to run Stealth-Builds.
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As someone who mains VCD on wesker
yes please don’t cleanse off hook
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Generally speaking many killers like to tunnel, but I admit that it is a bit easier on Wesker than on others.
I mean sure, but it is probably safer the other way around. Especially if you don't heal directly under hook. Due to his huge terror radius you should get a fairly big warning that he is returning.
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I usually wait until he is chasing someone else before I use the spray.
If I’m getting tunnelled by a Wesker, they are usually there as soon as I’m unhooked. If I have time to spray then he’s most likely not going to bother heading over to me while he’s busy elsewhere.
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Just make sure you are healed and then spray? If you are spraying and in a vulnerable spot then that is 100% on you.
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Wedkers stop chase all the time once they get their bogus killer instinct. It needs to be removed
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Understand its characteristics and consider the “risk and reward”. Nothing will help you for free, doing better yourself will help you. In any case, the common theory is that it is a mistake to do anything that takes time nealy of the hook.
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Why do they get a killer instinct for me using a vaccine? It only promotes tunneling. Am I wrong for thinking this? Give a legit reason why they should get a killer instinct. No realistic person is gonna say they need it fir the betterment of the game.
I love using Wesker, he's fun. I get a killer instinct and the game is basically saying...hey, go over there, they've been hooked, u will win if u go there
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Horribly designed power, but it is the Hindered effect that really makes him effective at tunneling.
You can loop him perfectly, and still go down because being hooked doesn't completely removes the infection. Being half infected as soon as you get unhooked is straight up dumb. It is bad for the game.
But that is just one of several aspects that makes him a problem.
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I don't know why people keep talking about healing under hook. All experienced players already know that the killer is gonna come back after an unhook 75% of the time. I get healed somewhere safe, then grab a vaccine...wesjer will stop everything he's doing the moment I try to vaccinate. It literally happens 4 out of 5 Wesker matches.
I understand that there are 3 or 4 killer nails that just wanna have fun chases and won't come rilunning to you the moment u vaccinate, but almost all of them cone running back because winning is mire fun than playing the game.
How nany of u survivors have unhooked and died, instead of just leaving out the exit. We exist and we need more of us
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All experienced players have a way to stealthily leave Wesker after the vaccine treatment at a distance, right? If Wesker is still sniffing around you, he must be thinking, "Well, no one is trying to complete the gen, so I can just dig the tunnel in peace." In other words, it's your companion's responsibility. In such a dire situation, your friends should show Wesker that they are actively completing gens for your safety.
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He's not thinking about a gen. He's mid chase and I'm 199 meters away but his killer instinct makes him leave chase and come back. They tunnel because they think it's a must. He needs to tunnel and get the guaranteed W or else something terrible will happen to him
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Wesker is a great killer, he doesn't need some garbage killer instinct. All it does is make him tunnel
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A killer who can't think about gen will only get 1k at best. That means you're always losing. Such killers are probably few in number, and if they want to win, they will not miss the opportunity to prevent the gen from completing if necessary. The threat level of the tunnel changes depending on whether the survivor is able to take advantage of the killer's psychology and guide the killer or not.