Killers you wish you saw more

Which killers do you rarely see but also wish you saw more?
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That music mixed with all of its other sounds and it flailing around only when its in chase, I love it. My favorite killer aesthetically <3
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Demo for me, it's a rare occurrence but as soon as I hear the terror radius I always get excited
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I miss playing against a Myers who doesn't use Tombstone Piece.
But other than that.. generally, I wish more people played Sadako. She isn't that boring slug and condemn Survivors thing anymore, but she can generally pull off more in a chase now, even if it's not really that much more but still.
Also, Iridescent Video Tape with Bloody Finger Nails might be my guilty pleasure.. even though your Condemn is practically useless then.
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Billy, Wesker, singularity. I know the first two are already seen a lot but I just want them every game since they are so much fun.
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Bubba :(
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Nemesis and Dredge.
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Pyramid head
last time I’ve seen one playing survivor was 5 months ago :(
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Bubba. Sometimes I think I'm the only one playing him :'(
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I would take all your tombstone Myers and give you my lazy mirror Myers in return.
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Dredge is my absolute favorite killer on both sides, so it's sad to see him so little
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I used to main Sadako for quite a while but her rework has left her in such a sad and pitiful state that’s it’s depressing to play her. She’s so, so bad now. That’s why we never see her anymore.
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Demo. It's been so long
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I almost never see him :(
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Freddy and Sadako
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I really asked myself what's the point of playing Sadako now? Yeah, she was way overtuned during the time of easy condemn and teleport frenzies around he map, but when BHVR reworked her that last time, they came so close to genius with that "locking condemn in" mechanic, bit failed so spectacular by setting a limit. Two secures condemn stages per hook still means nothing, as at that point they are an deathook anyway.
Things would look differently if you could lock them in at 4 or 5 condemn with the first hook, it would change the way that player played the rest of the trial massively. I also think that Sadako should see condemn stages, it's her curse, ffs, and locking in condemn stages doesn't really work if you don't know what you got.
Also, holding tapes shouldn't be free, it should hold some kind of inherent danger and doom.
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Which version did you main? Because currently, she seems like a better version of her original self. Well, except the condemn playstyle with Iri Tape + Ring Drawing
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The Executioner, The Singularity, The Dredge...
Any of those interesting and darker creatures. Way more interesting than bunches of teens running around in Halloween costumes, or a giant guy with a chainsaw, Hawaiian shirt and summer shorts (seriously, so many Hillbilly players have this cosmetic!). I'd like to see more monstruous creations.
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Twins, I love running around with Victor on my shoulders 😞
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You're not alone!!!
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Yes 🙌 Freddy and Sadako. Singularity, and skull merchant for me 😍
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Bubba. He's vanished into the forgotten realm ever since Billy reclaimed his king chainsaw crown.
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I mean yeah she’s “better” than her original I agree, but that’s like being happy she went from F tier to F+ or D- tier, still trash.
I mained her global condemn version. Which I do not think was unhealthy or overpowered. It was the most fun playstyle and was so unique compared to other killers. She has nothing unique about her now.
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As an Onyro Main I am P100 with…I both agree and disagree with this. Onyro 2.0 was interesting….OG sadako was unique for me. The passive condemn on tapes was neat and kept people from hoarding tapes.
2.0 took away from her original traits which I didn’t like, but it was interesting.
3.0 is just a mix between 2.0 and 3.0
They should have taken sadako 1.0 and give her todays buffs. She would be perfect.
They keep reworking killers from their original forms of what we paid for. Sadako, Trickster, Freddy, Skull Merchant.
I agree though. I don’t feel 2.0 was unhealthy.
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Dredge because I can’t resist the bp from lockers.
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Yeah I can understand that, different tastes of what we find fun.
I find her current version to be extremely weak and counter intuitive though. The amount of hooks to lock in a relevant amount of stacks makes the condemn pointless as by that point they’re dead on hook anyway, so it’s meaningless bar saving the time of a carry, which you wasted more time getting their condemn up than you saved with that carry time anyway. Zero punishment for tape holding so it feels like you have little control over preventing stack removal and you’re forced into an m1 killer with realistically no anti loop at all. While also realistically not being a stealth killer anyway as she has a lullaby.
The literal only thing Sadako has going for her right now is good map traversal and a tiny bit of passive slow down. That’s it.
Now if they returned destroying tapes on hit to give her some agency on tape control, removed limit of lock in stacks on hook to encourage hooking without trivializing condemn by needing 2 hooks, then now we might be talking with some potential.
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Hag and leatherface
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i cant really name someone who super uncommon that i like to see more. my favourites to go up against is huntress, blight, wesker, unknown, and nurse. None of them is super uncommon.
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I agree ☝🏼 Sadako is weak again against mid to high mmr and even more so against a swf.
Tapes right now are not threatening. They should be. Survivors have it too easy to counter her.
She still needed tweaking but this feels incomplete in my opinion. The new feature on Ring drawing should've be been base kit and left the original design.
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I feel the exact same way. Ring drawing absolutely needs to be base kit.
Version 2.0 she felt decently viable against actually strong high mmr groups. Challenging and close, but I felt like I had a chance of winning. Now not even a chance. I could play perfectly and I’d still get trashed.
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Yeah I felt that my friend. It’s sad. I just don’t know what to do. I really love her. It’s not every day you get to play the creepy well girl from The Ring in a video game. Dead by daylight is the only option of video game you can do that.
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Exactly! Felt like she went from forgotten, to an actual killer, and now she’s back to forgotten. Like why did we even waste time going through all those versions just to end up right back where we started.
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Pretty much… sigh. I’m depressed all over now lol
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Alien and Pinhead for sure
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I gotchu if you see a skill check build then it probably me.
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I agree with Singularity and Skull Merchant, my friend.
Singularity is extremely rare, but I like going against him. Skull Merchant isn't as rare, but there is always someone who suicides on hook and ruins the game for everyone else.
I wish I saw them both more often. Way better than playing against Wesker or Blight over and over again.
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I'll keep that mind, my friend :)
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Mhmmmmm mhmmmm! I agree. ☝🏼
wait woah woah woah, wait a minute my friend. What about Sadako 🤨 you don’t wanna see her more often? It’s a rare occurrence.
Don’t make me come after you 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Sadako isn't that rare, in my experience. Definitely not as rare as the other killers we've mentioned.
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Maybe I am unlucky. :(
I see her once a month if that.
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Michael </3.
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Yeah after they destroyed her I’m lucky if I see her in a month and I play a lot.
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He is one of the wacky fun killers along with Nemmy and Hux, but I haven't seen a Demo in over a month
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Deep in my heart I wish this offering would be reactivated and give me one last chance to play the original Freddy :'( He was my first killer main. But since his rework, my fire of passion has unfortunately gone out. Maybe I'll give him another chance in future.
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Glad to hear that mate <3 I would take any Bubba, even if it was a basement Bubba. But these days you can only find Sable Wards in the basement :(
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Demo, Pig, and weirdly enough, Wesker