Killer gen regression needs to be reworked for both tunneling and perk viability


The gen regression update made me quit dbd for a bit so now that i've  come back im complaining about it

For the record, I play roughly equal survivor and killer,  as I have p20 feng as my main with 22 total survivors being an average of p1.7 roughly. I have 17 killers, with ghostface being my main at p7, but most of my killers being p3-4 as I play many different killers, as I know how to play them (I know most of the blight techs like hug tech, etc, wesker hug tech, and also killers like pyramid head, singularity, wraith, huntress, and I main ghostface)

kind of a yap session ngl but top part is gen regress and bottom is tunneling, my proposal at the very bottom

NOTE: my suggestion is mainly what is important in this thread as its like 2 pages long, so if you dont wanna read it id just skip to that, but i lowkey spent to much time writing this so please read it if u have time

The gen regression of killer rn is really bad, and the 8 total regressions is really problematic for some perks in both ways. It either makes them a lot better - i.e. pop painres with the +5 seconds to cancel the gen regression, but it also forces killers to tunnel as they cannot continue to regress the gen without it getting locked in late game, which is just ggs. This update forces killers to use meta gen regress perks, and really narrows down perks that  killers can use as some are just unusable, or a requirement to use which can also be very punishing to new players. Imagine just starting out, and you have almost no gen regressing perks, having to dry kicks gens which runs out very fast as it only gives 5% regression, getting absolutely wrecked when you get to mid-high elo. In my opinion, starting as a new killer is very easy, as new survivors make many mistakes, but in high Elo killer becomes very difficult as the killer relies on capitalizing on survivors' mistakes, which becomes very rare in higher Elo.

Then there are perks like eruption and call of brine, which are two  perks that I enjoy using since they were both balanced (if not weak) before the gen regression update, as well as being good for killers like pyramid head who don't hook survivors or other killers like ghostface, who don't have the ability to go out of their way to use a pain res without getting severely punished in some cases, as the have no movement and/or use for hooks sometimes

A lot of games using  eruption I run out of gen regresses halfway through a game, and end up sacrificing that gen or survivors abusing the fact that I can't regress it by purposefully leaving that gen to be part of my final 3gen, (as without tunneling it is impossible to hold more than 4 generators at once), and that fact is by design which used to be fine.

Now that you can only regress a gen a certain number of times, this causes eruption to be able to be used a MAXIMUM of 4 times per generator, which is roughly 60% of gen progress INCLUDING THE KICK. The 5 seconds to remove gen regression is nice, however it does not stop survivors to swarm a gen and instantly get rid of it while you chase a different one. This also causes another kick, which brings the gen regressions down to 3 times with eruption if you re-kick it. I recently played a game where all my chases were roughly 20 seconds long each, with 35 seconds being my longest chase, with it ending as a 2k as I was playing a killer with no mobility abilities to get to a gen in time to stop progress and I was using  call of brine eruption, which burnt through all my regressions 6 hooks in (only half the game). By the time I ran out of regressions on one of the gens, (which ended up being one of the final 3 generators as the survivors purposefully ignored it until the last 3 gens were left). An average game should end in a 2k, and having almost every chase end by a down in under 20 seconds, that is far above average, and should not end in a 2k.

Tunneling -

Not only does this make eruption borderline worse to use than to not use at all, it forces killers into tunneling, which I personally do not like to do as a killer or face as a survivor. Before the change, there were ways to combat tunneling, albeit limited, such as being able to hold a 3gen. There is a difference between holding a 3gen and fully chess merchanting a game, as the final generators fly by since survivors work together on those gens, especially with perks like prove thyself, it is much less problematic in the final 3. Without powerful gen regressions, it is impossible to have a 3 gen and 4 survivors alive, and even before the regression update, it was borderline impossible to have 1 gen left with 4 survivors alive, even if they were all on deathhook, as while you chase one (for roughly 20-30 seconds), by the time you get back to the gen it will have popped. I'm glad the gen regress change happened to stop holding game hostages with killers like wraith 3gen or skull merchant, but only those. It is making killers that were already weak weaker in some cases, and

Almost everyone wants to win games they play, which is why survivors don't like getting tunneled out and killers do. Killers want to win with a 4k, so they tunnel a survivor out, which then the game becomes incredibly killer sided, but survivors don't like the fact they get out of the game early which is very understandable. If this were not true, survivors would be happy to be tunneled as they would get the most chase time, or "active time" in a trial, but that is clearly not happening, so at the very least winning has part of the blame to the dislike of tunneling on the survivor side and the use of tunneling on the killer side. This update has completely polarized it, as killers at a semi-high level (iridescent grade, which is kinda easy to get i've never not had iridescent rank, even when I had just started out as a complete noob) have to tunnel in order to win (get a 3k or 4k). From the killer's POV, a 1k is a clear loss, as that is a 1/4, and getting a 0k is very tilting as someone who plays a killer, while getting 4ked is very tilting when I play survivor.

All of the alternatives to tunneling have been removed, which forces me to tunnel to win and enjoy my games, and it forces all killers into a single meta perk build which can be very annoying as I find some perks to be much  more fun than others.

Tunneling has to be nerfed, as there is almost no way to win after a teammate has been tunneled out, even if they were completely new, but killer is in an extremely weak state right now which needs to be buffed. This creates a lot of tension on both killers and survivors, as in solo queue killer is immensely stronger than against a swf, which is generally low vs high elo. Killers tend to get dog walked in higher elos, vs the easy 4k is lower lobbies, which just depends on each person's skill level. You should not have to be a pro in order to get a  4k as a killer, as when playing killer and you get those 4ks, after a while you will be thrown into those high level lobbies, where you should not be if you are not a extremely good killer. And, as a survivor, playing against a killer while new can be very difficult and you will often never have a single survivor escape. Killer should either be able to make plays without survivors making mistakes, or at least have the resources to slow the game with what they want to use to slow the game in order to make time for survivors to make mistakes.

My alternative


please im begging you eruption is the worst perk in the game by far imo


There needs to be a buff to perks regarding anti-tunneling (which can also be very aggravating as a killer, however not having any is even worse for survivors), a overall nerf to items such as toolboxes and the syringe, (you get a free heal after you finish a medkit, maybe make it a 75% heal? that way you cant pop in chase, on yourself and instantly get on gens, etc). and flashlights are fine as is ofc. (if you get blinded it's just a skill diff ngl). Killer also needs to be rewarded for hooking different survivors, with an effect similar to a mix between eruption and incantation, or old grim embrace just being basekit but the time being nerfed, like once all four survivors have been hooked once all gens get regressed for 10% immediately or blocked for 15-20 seconds, with the killer being able to break through that blockage in order to start a regression but removing the blockage. This could be  disabled if a survivor is  dead, or nerfed/changed, this is just a general idea. (I got this idea from a yt video i watched a long time ago that said something similar, part of its mine , part of its the video idk what it's called anymore but if u know u can put it and if i read the comment i'll put it as credit). Additionally, survivors should be become better if a teammate  is killed or dcs (bots are almost useless, but way better than no bot), with maybe something like resilience or old mft applied on all survivors when one has been dead, but no buffs further than that, as when you have a 2k chases could drag out to be unreasonably long and/or final 3gen popping incredibly fast if you get the  3rd kill then. Either way, something needs to be done about the current situation between survivors and killers, as it causes an incredible amount of tilt in between them

if you read through my whole yap session with an incredible amount of grammar errors nice, idk if anyone will cuz i lowkey wouldnt, this is more of a rant but sensible


  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,710

    As an m1 killer main, this whole 8 regression limit has nearly pushed me out of playing DBD. M1 killers without map traversal are forced to stay near more centralized gens since they can't afford to patrol extremely far away gens. This means they are FAR more likely to hit the 8 limit - ESPECIALLY with surge or eruption. It's even worse when survivors all focus on 1 or 2 gens - this essentially forces killers to lock up gens early even if they aren't camping a 3 gen.

    The whole system just sucks. It makes weak killers even weaker. That's the LAST thing we need is to encourage killers to just all run the powerful killers. Let's stop invalidating m1 killers every patch, hmm BHVR?