Vanity Myers is actually fun with Friends 'Til The End

UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,097
edited March 24 in General Discussions

So this build is something I've never seen, and is pretty much a relic from old DBD... so I tried this build out for giggles to see if I could make the most M1 of M1 bullds... and it worked far better than expected. I have no illusions, strong survivors will crush me, but it was actually not awful as a build...

Vanity Mirror - Gives us wall hacks in tier 2 EW, we want this obviously to be a 4.6m/s bog basic killer.

Jewelery Box - Wasn't sure how this worked, which is why I made this build... Myers is 2.76m/s while passive stalking, and I wasn't sure if this was like Rabbit and be based on Myers passive stalk speed (resulting in 3.588m/s) or the survivor base movement speed (resulting in 3.96m/s)... turns out is the latter; you move as fast as survivors while stalking through walls. This surprisingly makes us quite deadly at any high wall tile. As we cannot be mind gamed.

Lethal Pursuer - I tried this to see if it kept my auras after I stalked through walls... it does not (big sadge). However it gives us an early chase to get FTtE going, and let's us extend out FttE aura read to hopefully get our instant down.

Friends Til The End - Always ensures we are running to the next Survivor, it basically means no one can hide from us, we're almost always finding another target.

Monitor and Abuse - Standard for this Myers, we can't be having that pesky terror radius giving us away as we charge at people after each hook...also increases of chance of getting our FTtE hit.

Deadlock - Better than Corrupt Interbention because we plan to down early, and this gives us time through the whole game (and we're gonna need it against anyone who can juice).

I expected to get pretty smashed with this build... but its actually not terrible... we're always in chase, and even vs. Locker hops, Calm Spirit and Distortion, finding people is not hard...

Myers may not be the strongest killer in DBD... but he is undeniably one of the most fun to build around 😅


  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,157

    Since Vanity Mirror had the speed penalty removed it has become one of the most slept on add ons. Only reason why it doesnt get enough attention is because of the Tombstones.

    Personally I like to pair it up with Dead Rabbit + Monitor to have basically no TR. Just a better version of Scratched Mirror since you can now chase normally.