Is it a hot take to prefer indoor maps with The Unknown?


Usually I really hate indoor maps all of them are just awful in my opinion but with the Unknown not only are they bearable I actually find myself enjoying them more than a lot of the outdoor maps. There is just so much more opportunity for fun bounces and shots through walls and the teleporting solves the issue of constantly having to run up and down the same few stairs and it feels like I catch a lot more survivors out with my teleports (having one at the bottom of the big drop on gideon is always fun or even at the top of a staircase). Weakened is also significanlty easier to keep on the survivors. It feels a bit counterintuitive since usually with ranged killers going for long range shots is the best bit but between the arc and speed of the UVX and needing weakened on the survivor already they just aren't that fun on unknown imo.


  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,030

    I made a thread about this recently as well- apparently for the reasons you said, a lot of people prefer playing him indoors. it is a popular opinion

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,732

    Yes because the AOE on his spray goes through many walls so you can spray and pray, you can set up teleports just around corners and catch survivors off guard (it has happened to me many times now) and in a hallway or corridor you have little room to dodge his spray and pray attacks. There are areas where you are pretty much going to take a hit regardless on indoor maps.

    If someone is actually competent with this killer, they are incredibly oppressive on an indoor map. The fact they can traverse an entire map in a second is incredibly powerful if you know what you're doing

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 296

    Survivors are easier to keep weakened on indoor levels with the LoS blockers I assume

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 347

    Hallucinations are a lot easier to surprise people with. You don't lose Weakness nearly as easy. Hitting people through walls can be diabolical. I think Unknown is one of the best killers in the game currently imo not cause he's OP, but because he's good on pretty much every map.

    Even RPD and GoJ are alright with the right strat.