Hacked to look like you're hacking

blepbloop87 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

I just had a game as killer where weird things started happening. I put a Bill up on a hook who had no hooks, and he was instantly sacrificed. My Dwight tried to drop a pallet on me, only for it to do nothing. Then I noticed the Dwight was gone from the game, and the sacrificed Bill was still in.

I'm fairly certain someone was hacking to make me look like I was hacking. I disconnected, not wanting to give anyone anymore ammo. I wanted to report this, but the game only gave me options to report specific people, and I have no idea which one was behind it. Probably the Bill, but I couldn't be sure.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,076

    I haven't seen this one yet, but I'd believe some script abusers would try to get away with this. I think you did the right thing in this case. Other than that, unless you can somehow make a ticket on their report page with a video on it I'm not sure what else could be done.

    I will say, I think if anyone comes across a script like this, DC immediately before that survivor gets sacrificed. Don't risk it.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 451

    Mandy had posted a comment recently in a different thread saying to go ahead and make the report, even if you're not 100% sure. They can check out the player in question to determine if they were hacking.

    I had a similar thing happen to me, except it was a teammate who was hacking. Whenever I got downed by the Killer (Chucky), they'd do something from across to map to make him drop me immediately. It looked like I had infinite Decisive Strike even though I hadn't even been hooked. The Killer even tried leaving me slugged, but the hacking teammate got me picked up from the distance with Buckle Up (At least he legit ran that, and I was also running Soul Guard). The only evidence showing the teammate as the hacker was that they had two of the same add-ons attached to their medkit.

    At the time I was afraid to report it because of that illusion that I was the one doing the hacking. (The Killer probably did report me for that reason, too.) I can only assume that the devs did check me out and found that I had no hacks. But I saved the video of that match to my highlights just to I could ######### at it anytime I want. And that hacker was also streaming, so I saved a video of the match from their perspective, too. XD

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,028

    I remember seeing an Otz video where he would forcibly DS the killer every time he was picked up, so it's definitely possible to mess with the server in that way.