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How I got Dead By Daylight's hardest Survivor Achievement


I have been on a Achievement streak as of late, getting every Survivor Adept, then every Killer Adept, and a whole bunch of other miscellaneous stuff, to the point where I was down to one final actually challenging Achievement for Survivor

That being...Item of Obsession

Hoh boy, this Achievement, complete a single match, as the obsession, without getting hit so much as one time, and be the last person to escape

Lets just summarise what exactly can go wrong with this Achievement

  1. If you take any form of damage whatsoever, you will be out of the running for it
  2. If you aren't the Obsession and have no way of switching who's the obsession, you're not getting the Achievement
  3. If your teammates are useless, the risk of dying increases 10 fold because you'll have to pray for Hatch
  4. If your teammates are good, you run the risk of not being the last person to leave, as cocky survivors may decide staying in the match is a funny idea

So yeah, this is going to be rough, but, I did have a strategy

Let's begin by asking ourselves what perks we want to have, I created this tierlist for reference

To begin, every perk related to being injured in some way is in Literally Useless, we can't make use of these and get the Achievement at the same time and they would just be a dead perk slot

The Bad tier is for perks that, although you can get value out of them, I didn't really think would be very useful to actually living, Niche was for the majority of perks that, although not bad, had limited use, they could possibly come in clutch, but I felt they were a bit too risky

Good is for perks that I generally consider to be pretty useful and easy to make use of while also providing useful effects.

BGP, Distortion, and Urban Evasion are in their own tier because, although they are good, I hate them, and I wouldn't be caught dead using them (Revert Background Player please BHVR this perk is bullshit)

Very Useful is for the perks that are very good for one reason or another, either due to increasing the odds of being the obsession, providing auras, being Sprint Burst and Lithe, or just generally very good

Now, why is Object of Obsession in Basically Mandatory? Thematic reasons mostly, but it does also increase the odds of being the obsession, provides free auras, and slightly increases repair speed

So, with this in mind, we want a build that maximises our chances of being the obsession, gives us aura reading, and has a strong haste effect

With all of that in mind, this is what I came up with

To begin, Object and Sole Survivor are there for 1 main reason, increasing our odds of being the obsession, OOO also provides free aura reading and Sole Survivor makes its primary downside much less applicable, Sprint Burst is there to discourage killers from chasing us, and Hope is there for the end-game to give us more speed

The primary strategy? Rush gens, never risk my neck for my teammates, and pray

So, how long did this Achievement take?

2 games

2 very stressful games mind you, but yeah, the hardest Survivor Achievement in DBD, one I was expecting to take several hours...took less then half of one

I can give the play by play, but honestly, wasn't all that exciting, Pig took us to RCPD, we got down to one gen, I treated Feng, Vittorio, and Nancy like sacrificial lambs, let the Pig close hatch, waited until she went to look for the other exit gate, and then opened the gate with Sole Survivor and escaped

So...Yeah, that's the strategy for getting Item of Obsession, play like a absolute coward and let your teammates die



  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,099
    edited March 26

    Glad it worked out, these type of trophies/achievements can be brutal.

    Personally I rate Haemophobia harder than this one, because its the same condition, but you can get this one any time just playing tne game normally...

    Haemophobia you have to take offerings to get the Crotus Penn Asylum, and you might get Chapel instead of Disturbed Ward, so you can't even guarantee an attempt... otherwise you have to just attempt it every time you get on the map, which given the number of realms/maps now, and the fact survivors like to take offerings for Eyrie, Ormond, the Game and Garden of Joy, it becomes an absolute slog if you're actually going for it.

    What made it worse, was the first 2 times I was about to get the achievement... the killer DCed and stopped me getting it 😩

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,846
  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 67

    Pretty sure I got both item of obsession and haemophobia by running into farming bot killers.

    They are offered when it happen, but these are indeed some very bad achievements if you have to make them versus a killer playing normaly.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,733

    Yeah I think this probably helped me as I play in the degenerate hours between midnight and dawn and I used to get a lot of AFK Wraiths and Freddy's that probably helped. It appears I got this back in 2019 before I ever intentionally tried to finish all achievements

  • SleepyLunatic
    SleepyLunatic Member Posts: 286

    Archivments like that are only hard if you try to go for it.

    Most challanges and trophys will do them selfs if you play normally.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 864

    I don't remember this achievement. The hardest in the game imo is Myers 'Evil Within' get 4k with his add-on/mori and 'Left for Dead' where you have to pray the stars are aligned just right for you to get.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,738

    I remember when I got this. It was on Disturbed Ward and this Trapper pretty much focused this one player for the entire match. I think it was a Claudette and she ran him for the five gens.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 971

    I remember getting this done by honestly trying to keep my distance from the killer. I was still immature at that time.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,646

    I don't really think that one is too bad if you rat it up. In fact most of the harder trophies can be cheesed in some way.

    Item of Obsession: Sole Survivor; to become the obsession, Calm Spirit/Distortion; lower your chance of being found and Wake Up for increased gate opening. Play stupidly safe and even a little ratty if you have to and this one isn't too bad.

    Hemophobia: Similar to Item of Obsession. Rat it up and it's not too bad as long as you win the 50/50 map offering.

    Left For Dead: Something I just learned is that apparently it doesn't have to be the 5th gen but any gen after your teammates are dead. It makes this challenge a ton easier since you'll have a lot more opportunities. Still hard but a lot more doable.

    Evil Incarnate: Not bad at all if you use the backpack strat on Meat Plant. I'd even consider it easy.

    From The Void: Can be farmed.

    Do X using Y: Usually time consuming but easy. Skilled Huntress is probably the most difficult IMO.

    Other Misc: Also normally more time consuming then hard. Things like Bless You, Outbreak Breakout and Taking One for the Team can be especially time consuming.

    With my recent discovery of Left For Dead not needing to be the 5th gen, I don't think there are any stupidly difficult trophies anymore. Just time waster ones.

    Skilled Huntress is the hardest for killer and honestly, Item of Obsession/Left For Dead are probably tied for survivor. Though I'd still consider Left For Dead a bit harder. If they remove the "any gen" and make it have to be the 5th gen like most people think then by far that'll be the hardest survivor one.

    Congrats on the achievements! I have nearly 100% myself. I'm only missing some from this current chapter and do the Shelter Woods gen. Map offerings are not kind too me and even when I do get the map, it just doesn't work out. :/

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,213
    edited March 27

    Yea, this was the 4th achievement I ever got.

    My first five achievements,

    1. Sorted. Unlocked Mar 26th 2021, 8:11 pm.
    2. It Wakes. Unlocked Mar 26th 2021, 10:39pm.
    3. Zealous. Unlocked Mar 26th 2021, 11:06pm.
    4. Item of Obsession. Unlocked Mar 27th 2021, 5:01am
    5. Adept Ash. Unlocked Mar 27th 2021, 5:01am

    So yea, not that hard honestly haha.