MfT as anti-tunnel?

Yharwick Member Posts: 521

As we know MfT has fallen far from it's old glory and while it was a bit dumb I almost kinda miss it as the game felt more even during that time. Regardless MfT is never coming back in that form and since then I hardly see it anymore and while it is much worse I think the perk could still have potential possibly?

Tunneling as we know is very common in the present day perhaps more than ever and if they decide not to wait out the basekit endurance you get a free trigger for MfT and pushing it even further if they try to wait it out while you have OtR then you're still getting the trigger and now you're faster and much harder to track. I guess my question is has anyone already tried this and what were the results? If you haven't tried it do you think in theory MfT could still have use as an anti-tunnel perk?


  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    I still use mft. But you dont have to resort to using it only for anti tunneling. You can use it for altruistic plays if you want to get someone off the floor and take hits for them. Same can be said for when you finish healing someone and taking a hit. Ive pulled it off many times and it does help. They will swing at you most of the times immediately because now killers dont really expect mft anymore. And it helps even more if they choose to chase me afterwards.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    MFT would have been fine if they removed the endurance effect and made anti exhaustion perks better. The 3% really didn‘t do that much.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    Don't hold you're breath as a killer50 this whole thread is about to lose their mind. Don't ever try to help the survivor out they have all the perks already.

  • SpaghettiVase
    SpaghettiVase Member Posts: 341

    I mean no perk is saving anyone from being tunneled, they all just delay the inevitable.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962
    edited March 2024

    Same as its always been, 3% in the hands of a good player can be absolutely devastating and specifically shafts m1 killers, particularly Doctor.

    MFT is a good perk for anti-tunnel and m1 killers, especially with OTR and Resilience. It's problem is players don't get to use it for free anymore, it only works if you get tunneled or otherwise deep wounded, so you don't see majority of people bring it.

    The fact you can still take an exhaustion perk and get the full benefit of MFT is a great balancing feature that many people tend to overlook.

    I actually like to use MFT now, because it's no longer a crutch perk that activates every chase encouraging bad habits. It gives a noticeable boost when you need it, and if you don't make any mistakes you become borderline uncatchable.

    One benefit is because its not common, and its always been a subtle effect, not many people identify that you have it.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    If you want it for that perks like sprint burst, overcome or even DH are just far better for anti tunnel purposes because you will be netting more distance.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Don't see it being better than DS+OTR, and running a full anti-tunnel build doesn't make sense. It is in some ways an anti-tunnel perk but that mostly comes from the condition to activate being synergistic with OTR.

    What made MFT so strong was the fact you could continuously leave gens early while injured resulting in a slightly less effective SB that had no CD and in addition to that would gave amazing value in chase at times. You could then pair it with DH to ignore the only really downside the perk was suppose to have.

    If you want a good anti-tunnel build then DH, DS, and OTR really cover all the bases for tunneling and different types of killers. Throwing MFT on top really does nothing outside of your low-mid tier killers, which you shouldn't be having an issue in the first place.

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 491

    The overlap between killer players who say things like this and killer players who play survivor 'for fun and don't care about escaping' is probably pretty high.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962
    edited March 2024

    Yeah OK, fair enough that is bad wording on my part. Been a while since MFT discussions have come up, but I'll try and clarify.

    MFT gave an effective 20% distance more on the killer for every action the survivor made while injured. For your average low to medium survivor this doesn't make much difference, because most newbies and even moderately experienced players don't tend to link tiles together well, or hug tiles particularly effectively. This means that a lot of weak to mid players get caught running into dead zones or get caught at weak pallets, where that extra 20% distance doesn't make a difference.

    However, when combined with WoO, every low level and medium level player can effectively hold W and run pallet to window to pallet, and regularly made that extra meter so, allowing them to clear it. I don't care who you are, this game is a matter of inches quite often. Hold W is still toted as being too strong against a good portion of the cast, and MFT just made that problem worse. Strong survivors, didn't need this basic strategy however, and could really punish M1 killers hard using the extra safety that MFT brought. M1 killers would have to swing, because MFT was allowing them to reach each window and tile just that little bit sooner and keep greeding for extra loops, and every mistake was even harder punished. It effectively forced the killer to have to go for long lunges to force the pallet to try and get it dropped. This made every chase for killers without a strong chase/cut off power have much a harder time catching them. Doctor especially would actually lose distance trying to use his power against MFT, and basically got completely wrecked during this time. Your 4.4m/s killers literally couldn't catch a survivor running in a circle around a rock... Huntress was prime a victim of this, if she didn't have hatchets, she basically had nothing vs. MFT.

    Your strong chase killers like Wesker, Nurse, Blight, Spirit, didn't give crap, your anti-loop killers like Artist, Knight, Pyramid Head and Xeno didn't give a crap, but your Trappers, Myers, Pigs, Freddys and Doctors really felt it.

    If you put Resilience on MFT, which most people did, and those close calls where survivors would only just make it, became even more troubling for your M1 killers, again not so much the kilelrs better suited against it. Resilience is still a good perk now for squeeking out of the way of hits, but with MFT, it was downright brutal on any non anti-loop killer.

    So yes, the perk was a crutch, because it gave access to the speed boost way too easily, and could be built around with little penalty to get a lot of value with the most brain dead of playstyles. On it's own the perk was managable, but with the right builds, or a sufficient amount of skill, certain killers basically became obsolete in the game.

    If you think 3% is not a big deal, i hasten to remind you Huntress had an add-on that inflicted 3% hindered with her hatchets.... Survivors correctly complained that add on was unfair, and it got removed. 3% is a big deal if it's easily available. Skull Merchant proves as such, as without the haste, she would REALLY suck, even with all the other stuff in her kit.

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 969

    3% was the problem, the normal survivor speed is 4.0, with mft it increases to 4.12, more 0.12 meters for every single second

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    The 3% were no problem. You difn‘t even feel it. The problem was only that some killers are too weak, which is not a problem of this perk. Also there are a lot of options to deny it.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    Well imagine if there were games where you could 1v1 a killer all game in a 4v1 game, when both roles are playing well

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 789

    Yes it did you must’ve ain’t play killer during that time

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2024

    First question why are you only responding to me when Aven_Fallen wrote almost the same in his first part of his post and got far better into detail than me?

    Secondly I did play killer at that time and it didn‘t make a huge difference in the outcome of matches. Was it annoying: yes!, but everything can be annoying in this game.

    It got completely overnerfed, they should just have removed the endurance effect (which was more annoying for me) and buffed anti exhaustion perks.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    People say that 3% was so overwhelming but hello, Boon: Dark Theory is a thing and in some ways better than MfT was (no risk as it doesn’t require injury for the haste boost). Why don’t I see killers complaining about it?

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,025

    Because Dark Theory has a set-up, only works in specific places, has a limited area of effect, has a weaker Haste effect, and can be disabled by the killer.

    Or to put it simply: it is not better than MFT, not at all, not even close, and to pretend it is is laughable.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2024

    a revert would probably the best.

    no :)

    but a buff would be neat where it gives extra speed while affected by bt's deep wound since hitting that already gets rid of otr and dh for free.

  • Objectively_speaking
    Objectively_speaking Member Posts: 514

    It may not seem like much but 1 inc...percent makes all the difference <4.08 2% or 4.12 3%>. Also, its not just movement speed it survivors basekit vaulting and it being mixed with resilience that leads to MFT being so bad and creating literal infinites<all 110% Killers literally cannot catch MFT users and some 115% cant if the survivor shift techs>.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    because finding and blessing a totem and somehow keeping the entire chase around that isn't as reliable and easy as... getting hit. plus that's a 33% weaker haste.

  • terror
    terror Member Posts: 3

    I don't know why killers get so obsessed with me and get tunnel vision. They camp, tunnel and slug. They even wait for me to bleed out. As soon as I get up They are on me again, but the most annoying thing is when they see me about to escape the rage quit.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,141

    "The 3% didnt do that much" If it didnt do that much then why was it ran so much? It happened to everyone where that 3% would have made the difference between a down or not.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    It did not make a huge difference in the outcome of matches, but it allowed bad loopers to finally learn to loop with a bit more mistakes, instead of dying instant and hiding all game therefore. It would have been balanced with the removal of the endurance.

    According to your logic pain res and pop should get hard nerfed into uselessness like MFT was, because those perks basically win matches for you! So what is the difference? Killers are allowed to have good perks and survivors not?! Seems like it! The survivor role is in such a miserable spot and killers still aren‘t happy! All my friends refuse to play this game, because of how unfun and killer sided it is.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,141
    edited March 2024

    The endurance was not the make of break or the perk. It was the speed boost. Also comparing regression perks to chase perks isn't the same like you think it is. If a killer could just passively get a permanent speed boost half way through the chase then you would have argument.

    When you even have some of the best dbd players saying "if you defend MFT you are dumb" it starts to make you wonder how strong the perk REALLY is. But yeah survivor isn't as bad as you say. It's only really soloq but strong perks aren't the way to alleviate that. Survivor still is after all these years... a try to lose roll a good chunk of the time. You HAVE to make mistakes to lose especially with how every reworked year 7 map is a failure to balance them out.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,786

    Im glad the perk is good and buried because it just wasn't good for the game or a healthy perk design, free speed for being injured, one of the strongest status effects for one of the most mundane activation requirements in the game that happens nearly every match and affects almost every chase and killer

  • caligraph
    caligraph Member Posts: 359

    dark theory only effects a small area, in which theres a limited number of pallets. if your totems in a deadzone it wont do much, and if its not by a window loop then it'll be worthless once the pallets run out. not to mention you need to set it up which takes plenty of time. The 2% is strong but its held back by all the setup. Mft had all the benefits of dark theory with almost 0 limitations or time loss.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    If you’re strategic about boon placement you can position dark theory in advantageous spots. Plus, its effect lingers for 4 seconds after leaving the perk’s AoE. And it affects all survivors in the match. Not just one.

    MfT required the user be injured and could not pair with exhaustion-based perks… unlike Dark Theory.

    2% is not strong. I’d argue 3% really isn’t either.

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    Made for this or rather made for trash=cause the perk is trash is not worth it period. Better off with SB or Lithe. That 3% is garbage even before its nerf I barely felt how 3% gave distance. Only time I see it is vs a doctor trying to use his power on you or 110 killers when combined with hope.

    Killers also got something call rapid brutality which is annoying giving them 5% for whacking you. Clowns/Singularities love using this the most thanks to a certain popular streamer. Haste stacking is problem for survivors but not a problem for killer to do so ofc. Average typical dbd.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437
  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209