Updates and changes

Can we update the game and make changes with solo queue in mind as well 😃. Solo queue as usual is in a god awful state and the last thing solo queue got that was helpful was the hud and people in solo queue still act oblivious even with the hud. The game is “survivor sided” because a killer ran into a good swf and lost their match and solo queue will suffer for it because they don’t have any bit of what a swf has (good coordination, comms, etc.). There are killer mains casually going on 1000+ winstreaks and we aren’t nerfing killer because of them alone so why does solo queue have because of how a swf manages. Before I hear anything saying solo queue is in a good spot tell me honestly how many of you are choosing to solo queue over taking a swf when playing survivor 😐. MMR just doesn’t exist and you can’t change my mind the amount of matches I’ll lose because of someone giving up early in the match, someone getting tunneled early in the match, pop and pain res winning a killer a match so on and so forth you’d think you’d be low mmr from not being able to escape any of my matches but no I still get comp blights ending the match at 4 gens after killing me and my solo queue team and saying himself that the game is survivor sided for swf but trash for solo queue after ending a match in 3 minutes. The killer meta makes the game unenjoyable tunneling makes the game unenjoyable you run into both solo queue while it’s already unbearable enough and each an every update seems like you just don’t want people to be able to play the game solo queue anymore 🙂.
So what’s the updates and changes?
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The post was in regards of updates and changes 😡
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Make updates and changes!
Ok what changes?
I don’t know but here’s a wall of text that’s just a generic rant complaining about pretty much every aspect of the game. Waah!
Now make changes!
The subtle art of constructive feedback.
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The worst are those who commit suicide or DC for their own convenience, and the second worst are those who do not manage the hook state and try to survive only own, giving the killer an excuse to tunnel or camp other. What's also at fault are all the survivors who don't plan to complete the gen while staring at the HUD.
This game is a game about how you aim to complete the gen. Abandoning that purpose, he just chases the butt of the killer he's chasing with a flashlight in hand, or he gets so absorbed in the chase that he passes by others to prevent them from completing gen, or he collects all the pallets in a lopsided area, If he use nearly pallets and create a dangerous zone for complete the gen, everything will be ruined.
They don't need buffs or base kits, they need to learn how to play properly. Without it, nothing will change.
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It’s a rant about the state of solo queue and how it gets demolished every update because killers need everything they get because of swfs but ok 🙂
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If I were to say anything about changing pop and pain res I bet you’d be crying about that too because killers won’t have any other perks to use or the 3 gen system that I’ve only ever seen against someone chasing in one area with surge and that wasn’t even through my match it was through a live stream for a streamer I watch no matter what I suggested to be changed you probably would have had a negative opinion on it so I chose to ask for changes with solo queue in mind and you still find a way to be a negative Nancy about it 😃
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I too am confused. The title is misleading.
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That’s ridiculous and you know it. They aren’t making killer changes just because swf exists.
It’s born of assumption and hyperbole. Our head cannon is wonderful but it does tend to lie to us to make ourselves feel better.
lol you didn’t ask for any changes though. You just ranted a one sided opinion about the state of the game.
This reply rants more, making all kinds of assumptions about what I’d think purely because I pointed out the flaw in your don't actually ask for anything but just rant and say you’re asking for something approach.
Sometimes the comedy writes itself.
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I didn’t ask for anything specific because I didn’t want to get into an argument with someone who wouldn’t want what I suggest changed buddy which is why I said have solo queue in mind when making changes and updates 😃. I’ve made several other posts about tunneling and the killer meta this and that and it always goes the same way so I’m simply not gonna give a specific request or suggestion so if you don’t mind go on about your day homie 😐