Unknown=new skull merhant?

Ginnypig Member Posts: 144


Im totally speaking of survivors giving up, not willing to play etc. look it so strange but this is happening alot on my unklnown matches. I run totem build or a nurse/nowhere to hide build.

This is by far the best killer design in years, i would even dare to say i didnnt had this much fun since plague came out.



  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209
    edited March 27

    Yes I am glad this exact topic was made. He is surely a new skull merchant for me. Another boring antiloop killer that takes 0 skills to use as of every killer since after wesker. I knew after wesker came out any future killers being made will be boring and dull and I am so right so far. Not one of these killers after wesker is fun.

    Idk why people hate wesker so much and he is a balance m1 killer not too op and not too weak, I rather him over neme too because neme is far more annoying(with zombies and giving him free info and a power that instant smash pallets once leveled up and worst of all anti loop since you cant use pallets on him easily like any ranged killer.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 983

    The killer is fine for the most part, just repeatedly seeing any killer will make you feel that way. Though there isn't really ever much variation anymore in killers. Usually only see Nurse, blight, wesker, huntress, unknown now.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 497

    shots going through walls absolutely intended as a high skill ceiling mechanic devs are not gonna budge on removing that

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,405

    It really does not feel great to get hit through walls lol

    I'd rather give him something else

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 420

    Dbd just has an entitlement issue. Skull Merchant just normalized it

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,879

    Not experienced this much myself. I do note that often when a new killer is out that a number of players will give up, rather than get to learn it, claiming it's too OP and such.

    He's not impossible to face. The ability for the goop to have a blast zone through walls can catch me out on occasion, but it's not far different to The Executioner's ability to send his power through walls. Granted, you get a brief, visual clue, but the ability to pass through things isn't that new - Nurse has been here for years!

    Obviously, different people have varying opinions, but for me he's a fun killer to face, with a number of things to watch for, without being especially overwhelming.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 542

    Only thing I think needs changed is the distance you can dispell his debuff. Like you can run half the map looking at him and still only remove like 50% of it. It's not like it's that difficult to hit survivors so you shouldn't need to be in hitting distance looking at him to remove it.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 420

    To this day, my friends still camp pallets in front of Huntress and act surprised when she just respects the pallet.

    I think people genuinely try to apply a "1 size fits all" approach for all killers and don't want to make adjustments when needed.

    You need to be Unknown when playing against the Unknown, otherwise he'll just get free hits from an unknown angle. So maybe don't be obvious by camping a check spot etc.

    Fom my experience, when I get smoked by UVX i just genuinely feel outplayed. He feels really fair to me, but unlike Huntress this killers strategy feels Unknown And incomprehensible sometimes :p

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,879

    Don't worry, General. I still feel Freddy will get his day in the sun (or in the burning fires of a boiler room).

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,416

    Not really my experience. I have had 0 people who gave up against me when I was playing Unknown and I also did not see Survivors when I played Survivor who gave up (at least not on first Hook).

    But I think he will get some Tweaks and slight Nerfs.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 214

    then........path away from walls? Its not like the hit goes deep into the other side of the wall. Just dont be next to it and your fine

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,208

    I sure hope so, my friend.

    It has been over four years. I need my killer back.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,405

    Ambient occlusion I think is the term.

    DBD has always had issues with sounds disappearing through objects, happens with footsteps and grunts of pain a lot.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 513

    He needs green and iridescent addons just to function properly at basic level. This killer needs buffs to his power because right now any decent survivor can get rid of weaken status and dispel illusion like noting.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,405

    "Don't hug the loop"

    "Path inefficient"

    "Account for ping"

    "Just wait it out"

    It does go fairly deep into walls and it has a lingering hitbox. I've gotten SO many hits that have just been so bad. On a lot of loops he sucks, but man, anything with traditional walls is just agony it looks like

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,405


    It was pretty well documented, once upon a time. It got brought up a lot in regards to an IW nerf, or lack thereof.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 214

    You referring to wall loops like the old fences in old Haddenfield? First off, I think we're long overdue for a killer who flips off those specific loops. And two, it kinda makes him a unique anti loop killer, where some loops favor him while others don't

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,643

    They're just bored of playing against him. It happens all the time when new killers come out and every game is against them. It'll stop soon.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,292

    That would literally take away the most interesting part of the power, is like removing curving on billy. Yes you can buff him in other ways after removing that but he would judt loose all the depth he has.

    Aldo if you do not give him something really good after deleting that he is just a worse huntress/artist and he would still have to weaken survivors and hit them again. At that point just play artist who actually would reward tagging someone with cool downs trough walls by predicting movement or just play huntress who can just injure without having to tag someone.

    That change would literally erase the unknowns most interesting aspect and the one who give it such a good skill ceiling. However based on some of your comments I am aware this is not an aspect that you personally value in the game so I understand why maybe this is a non issue in your opinion.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,342

    Hits behind walls only happen if you hug the walls so don't hug them.

    More slowdown would make him clunky and unfun to play as.

    He is solid killer with decent skill floor but Survivors still need time to learn more how to play againts him.

    He doesn't need any changes atm maybe.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,389

    I just played against Skull Merchant and Unknown in back to back games.

    Not a chance the Unknown is the new Skull Merchant. One of those games was actually fun.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 341

    I have seen the issue of the dc and give up occurring more lately and it does not matter who I play. My guess is the players who do this were affected by a previous match and brought that bad vibe into their next. It’s unfortunate but it happens.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,405

    Shots fired, I suppose.

    I've been told, simulatenously, that it's completely inconsequential and vitally important. Interesting.

    I'd give a power recovery boost on successful direct impacts. It feels like he's rewarded very little for good aim. I'd also polish up his collision. Feels like old lubed up blight sometimes. Consistency is vitally important for him.