Background Player

Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

I wanted to see how people feel about this perk and how healthy it is for the game.

To me it feels like it removes a lot of the skill of landing flashlights and even worse also removes nearly all of the killers counter play bar the random luck of being near a wall.

Background Player 50 votes

Healthy for the game
YunamoiMazoobiHerInfernalMajestyGeneralVglitchboiGuiltiiHalloulleCypheriusFilthyLegionRevivalsolidestcross63katspaw[Deleted User]jonifireBlightedTrappercaligraphBafugabooSamatrainYharwickTyler3HypersKng 22 votes
Unhealthy for the game
GibberishOnryosTapeRentalsBlueberryFlopiyutiopMattie_MayhemOGaeonskulDerZuntorQwQwLeFennecFoxfussysizzlingmario4tyantlmumagjiaonuhaduyguRick1998Archol123HexonthebeachMrRetsejCorvusCorax86Orthanenodforkiss 28 votes


  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80
    Healthy for the game

    I agree, the perk is fun to use and promote altruism, but I think the issue lies with how easy flashlight saves have become, and how flashbangs can just be placed at the feet of the killer instead of in front.

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 361
    edited March 2024
    Healthy for the game

    I think it's not a huge deal, though they shouldn't have buffed it in 7.3.0. It was one of only two already decent perks from Tools of Torment, both happening to come from Renato. But apparently they thought it needed priority over the pathetic Teamwork perks.

    Post edited by BlightedTrapper on
  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,393
    Healthy for the game

    The amount of people that have tried to go for flashbang saves has increased by a lot - and I'm all here for it. I like people actually trying to save each other - one of the very few positive changes over the past months.

    And while it adds another level to getting your hook as killer, it also means survs aren't as efficient on gens. even with background player a surv can't make it across the map; they will have had to have trailed chase for a good while, which means they weren't on a gen.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    Healthy for the game

    Think the buffer for flashlight saves just needs to be tuned down like how it used to be. Flashlight saves felt far more rewarding and satisfying when you had to master the timing.

  • FilthyLegionRevival
    FilthyLegionRevival Member Posts: 313
    Healthy for the game

    My reason for why I'm against it being changed is the fact that while it's meant for saves, it's also just really good for getting around when someone is getting picked up. Imagine the guy getting picked up is death hook and the gates are open. Being able to book it to the exit before potentially getting trapped by blood warden is SO GOOD.

  • katspaw
    katspaw Member Posts: 13
    Healthy for the game

    I've seen like 2 people ever use it in my matches. I've tried running it myself and you have to either be on comms or have really good game sense to be in a position to use it effectively. This perk allows skill expression on the survivor's part and I always think that's a good thing for the game!

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2024
    Unhealthy for the game

    It has 0 counterplay and the numbers are too high. If a survivor is even remotely close and has this perk you cannot pick up 90% of situations especially since survivors can control where they go down. Flashlights were made super accessible as well it's no longer even a skill shot. If it's on a pallet it's just over nothing you can do. This is forgetting that the person going down can also just run power struggle and save the pallet.

  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 455
    Unhealthy for the game

    People not understanding it's not even about the Flashy saves is kinda sad. It makes Pallet Saves impossible to avoid. If they go down on a Pallet and you know someone has Background Player you literally cannot pick unless you're okay with them getting saved. Pallet saving is the real reason this perk is so bad for the game. With Flashies at least you can sometimes position yourself correctly to avoid them even with Background Player in the game, but there is nothing you can do against Pallet saves other than pray they mess up.

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209
    edited March 2024
    Healthy for the game

    Lightborn and flashbang/and flashlights have 0 effect gg wasted attempt of the perk there and overall then useless. Pallet saves eh as if that 100% always happens unless the survivors is trailing down the person being down(which is still a thing without back ground player) people chase team mates with bond to pallet save/flashbang/flashlight. I swear it seems killers just want survivors to start the trail with 2 hook states and injured and stand by the hooks and have us point at it to instant win the game. Even little things which aint too meta and is a different play=is a complaint on lol

  • nodforkiss
    nodforkiss Member Posts: 196
    edited March 2024
    Unhealthy for the game

    pair this with flashbang and you will have %100 success on saves unless you mess up the timing. the movement speed is too much and killer cant do anything unless they are looking straight into wall.

    and lets not forget about pallet saves. its gg if they fell down under the pallet.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,352
    Unhealthy for the game

    What does this even mean? Do survivors just want killers to afk if their 1min chase target is on a pallet and another survivor with background player is within a mile radius? 200% for 5s is as simple as "I'm about to die on shack pallet" and they're in range without needing to follow them for the entire chase.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,067
    Unhealthy for the game

    I'd say it's probably unhealthy for the game, just because it's very obnoxious to play against. But it's also a perk that's very fun to use and promotes interactive gameplay instead of gens.

    So whilst it's very annoying, I'm not sure if it's bad enough to warrant the removal of the fun, interactive loop for survivors. I'm very much on the fence.

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209
    Healthy for the game

    I literally am talking about how background can be useless and be a killer perk at times. If a killer has lightborn naturally and downs a survivor and another one attempt to background flashbang/flashlight save it was a total waste of time of no gens for a pointless save. Pallets ok yeah I get that but smart killers should look around and not auto pick up instantly if they down a person by a pallet.

    Also the main thing I am saying is that even before background player perks link bond/empathy/after care could still be used to track down a team mate about to go down for flashbang/flashlight/pallet saves. Finally the meaning of what am saying EVERYTHING a survivor do even if its not very meta=is complaint about by killers.

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 301
    Unhealthy for the game

    no effect of the weak solo queue yet makes the strong stronger . Aka swfs with coms .

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,211
    Healthy for the game

    It doesn’t bother me really. Plus flashlight saves feel nearly impossible most of the time.

  • caligraph
    caligraph Member Posts: 359
    Healthy for the game

    its healthy, a good exhaustion perk that isnt chase related. the only issues are the flashlight buffer period and phasing into the killer for undodgeable flashbangs.