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Solo queues biggest problem.

Lost_Boy Member Posts: 515

Solo queues biggest issue is other survivors. It's honestly much more of a problem than any killers or perks currently in the game.

I've lost count the amount of times I've been in chase for 1+ minutes to look at the HUD and people are literally doing nothing. It's so disappointing to see zero progression on any gens at the start of a match when you've put in a bit of work to try and occupy the killers time. This usually translates into mid game also when half your team is sneaking about at the corners of the map for no reason at all.

Like it's not difficult if you aren't getting chased just do gens or heal your teammates. If more people done this instead of just giving up or doing nothing I bet solo queue wouldn't be half as bad as it currently is.


  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 27

    While I agree I don't the biggest problem with solo q is matchmaking there's no reason that when a survivor leaves that they should replace someone (the person who left) who had 10k hours gets replaced by someone who has 300. Or to speed up que times you might just get someone with under 100 out the gate and that's why your teammates hide in corners. I see it all to often 3 players with thousands of hours then some one with I've seen as little as 3 hours.