Déjà Vu: remove the repair speed bonus

- Increases your Repair speed on those Generators by 4/5/6 %.
This effect is no longer necessary because the anti 3-gen strategy system has already been added to the game.
Remove it as soon as possible and return Déjà Vu to normal perk.
I don't see a good reason to take away one of the few decent free survivor perks in the pool.
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Because Déjà Vu's speed bonus was added as a Band-Aid until the anti 3-gen strategy system came into the game.
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why not still keep it? theres no reason to get rid of it tbh, and i personally dont even ever see it as there are better gen perks.
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The 6% saves 5 seconds. Kicking the generator once and that value is gone.
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I think it is perfect fine, and not meta defined. It just pretty much a good Noob friendly perk, with a extra incentive to not 3 gen and used this perk to their advantage, especially in solo que.
Coordinate SWF teams don't need this perk, as they can easily explore and identify the gens that needs to be work and has the most progress, especially if the killer is not there defending it. Prove Thyself is a much better and more Op gen fixing speed perk then this
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It saves 27 seconds if the survivor with Deja Vu solos all 5 generators. It's hardly game-breaking to leave it with a little bonus to working a 3 gen.
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Oh wow, so it's as strong as killer kicking? that's op bro.
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kicking a single generator also allows survivor to hold W into oblivion at the same time
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Okay. Then you have no problem removing the speed bonus to restore it to its original perk design.
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Then it's not a problem. Let's remove it.
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Let's restore the original perk design! It is the information of the location of the 3 generators in recent contact that fills the gap between Solo and SWF, not the 6% speed bonus.
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The 6% speed boost is fine for this perk. It is a good and helpful perk in general, especially for indoormaps, new players, and SoloQ. Taking the 6% from this perk away could turn it into a useless one which would be sad. Especially for SoloQ because players could replace it for a selfish perk or something.
If we have to talk about repair speed, then we should talk about Toolboxes and their addons first before we look at Deja Vu.
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Taking 6% hardly makes it useless.
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I repeat: "Let's restore the original perk design! It is the information of the location of the 3 generators in recent contact that fills the gap between Solo and SWF, not the 6% speed bonus."
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Yeah, then ask for Visionary to be nerfed after. Because that's what surivors will run instead.
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I see it almost every lobby I am in, but I agree. It doesn’t need to be removed.
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The perk is completely fine. I only ran it as beginner as it had a 5% increase, after I knew where the gens were, I chose other perks. There is no need in nerfing it.
The anti 3 gen system isn‘t really good, it only does something against jolt players.
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gen speed perks need to be removed entirety, gen speeds are already fast enough base kit.
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lol um yes it is good, it punishes you for using gen slow. by end game you have like 1-2 gens blocked if you run 1 or 2 gen slow perks like eruption or pop,
use eruption + jolt and tell me it dosent do anything....
eruption + volt
applying eruption is 1 regression event, then eruption + jolt procs thats 2 or 3. your almost already have of the way to the gen being perma unkickable and this is early game.
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I don‘t like this system either, but outside of eruption and jolt it rarely does anything.
I only mentioned it, because it was OPs arguing against dejavu.
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outside of eruption and jolt it still does do something dude.... what game are you playing?
Call of Brine
Pain Res
Pop goes the Wesel
oh and nowhere to hide, which I use, you get punished for using it .
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In that case, if the aura reading is what's closing the gap between swf and solo, and we're making changes to close that gap like the hud, we should make the 3 generator locations basekit and leave the 6% the way it is
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Deja Vu is perfectly fine, it’s a good general perk that literally doesn’t need any changes.
6% only saves 5 seconds too so even then it’s not like it’s broken but it shouldn’t need to be removed either?
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How are you playing then? Are you camping a gen from the beginning? I only hit the limit with jolt or teleport killers. It never effects me otherwise.
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I run
nowhere to hide
friends till the end
I kick gens anytime I can for aura
but my old build was
Call of Brine
so I would melt through 8 stacks VERY quickly. and would normally have a game where the last 3 gen 1 gen is blocked maybe even 2 depending on if they were hidiing and I needed to use nowhere more.
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déja vu is fine and doesn't need to be changed. and the gen repair speed is needed with how overpowerd anti gen perks are and how much killers are abusing them. especially grim. getting all gens blocked for 30 seconds everytime someone is hooked is so op. gens are blocked constantly and increase the time for doing gens too much. grim need to be nerfed not déja vu.
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This would make this perk unusable why run this when you can run visionary (which no one runs). Its meant to be a reveal 3 get a bonus to either allow a quick 1st gen or late 4-5 gen to speed up the process.
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Your old build got killed completely. I just meant it’s very unlikely to run out of stacks as long as you don‘t run eruption and jolt (especially not together).
Post edited by jonifire on0 -
I know a lot of people defend Deja Vu, but it's true it was given an infinite amount of time to fix the 3-Gen issue until we got our proper fix.
It should go back to what it was before the change, at the very least. It wasn't a bad perk before.
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No, this perk update is perfect fine, and it doesn't need to be reverted, not one bit.
Before that it was niche and not so well used perk. But with the additional 6% increase repairs speed when working on those Generators, this perk has a benefit worth running.
If they reverted, you and probably everyone would not even care about it anymore. Band Aid Fix or not, it is perfect fine perk that doesn't need a nerf nor a buff either; and benefit that is good for new player experience.
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I disagree, this perk was among the niche to most useless perks, that only gives information. No one even bother with it, when so any meta survivor perks offer much more benefits and viability uses, then limited time gen aura perk that only tells the gens that need to be worked on.
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I used to use it a lot with other gen repair perks. It was perfectly fine to let you know where the 3 gen was before the change. 9% nearly gives it the same repair time before the gens took 90 charges as well. It doesn't need to be limitless when it's real power is to break gen stalemates early.
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This isn't quite true. It was given 5% repair speed in 6.1.0 patch, but given that the duration was still 60 seconds and you still had to travel to the highlighted gens to get the bonus, it didn't really change the fact deja vu didn't really do much for experienced survivors.
It was still a good perk for new players since it's in the free pool and finding gen and doing gens is one of the things new players have trouble with.
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I think it's okay.
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I was hoping this was a zombie thread about Deja Vu needing a nerf. But it's a fresh one. How does anyone have strong feelings on either side? It's Deja Vu. It's so meh.