Geez with the escape cakes
5th game in a row where i bring bloody party streamers/anniversary cake as the killer and just all 4 survivors bring escape cakes. I mean if were hogging points i can swap to pudding as well. But now it feels like im being robbed by giving them more lol. (In all seriousness idrm eitherway but its a surprisingly weird trend ive seen this event) im just trying to maximize the points for both sides this event.
To be fair out of every 50 levels I get maybe 2 bps and 3 escape cakes.
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It might be due to they have had too many times where they bring bps and killer just stomps them. I say this from experience.
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I'm using escape cakes because most people in my games are doing challenges from the Tome instead of trying to win. I'm not wasting BPS so everyone can try to Sabo 3 hooks in the killer terror radius or hide for 120 seconds. My only problem with this event is that it's during a Tome.
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Ever thought about the fact that some maybe just used all of the streamers and stuff? Or keep it for the time after the event?
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I've basically run out of BPS on all my characters so I have to resort to the more common Escape! Cakes 😓
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I don't even bother with BP offerings on survivor because a lot of the time I don't even feel like I'm enjoying the benefit.
On the flip side people are selfish with BP offerings. I rarely see a killer use universal's always the pudding. It's a form of thinking the other side doesn't deserve my offering.
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Yeah that is fair. I had to get to p65 to get over 50 on billy so thats why im burning them for this event. And i dont know how many people bought cakes in bulk last year.
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I've played almost exclusively survivor this event
I can count on one hand how many games everyone brought BPS/cakes (cause I only need one finger). I can also count on one hand how many times 4/5 were bps/cakes.
I'd say...65% of my games there is one BPS/cake in play (mine). It's been incredibly disheartening this event.
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Very unfortunate truth. I've been through 2 prestige as Plague and haven't saw one streamers.
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Yeah, I wish I could bring more BPS, but I just don't have enough of them. I have way more escape cakes.
Though once we hit that 400% goal (if we haven't already), I could burn a few BPS next time I play...
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Nobody wants to bring a BPS only to get tunneled out with no points while the killer gets double their usual huge BP amount.
That's just the state of the game right now.
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Did this event even include an offering for BP? All I have is like four hundred Bloodsense maps.
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it did not, just the offering that's disabled to see the fountain at the start of the match for 15 seconds.
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Tbh its kinda hard rn to get bps and such when the bloodweb has been bloated up with 7 (now 6) new/returning items, like seriously the mystery boxes should have never returned. I also am trying to bring terrormisus in all my games but it always seems like if i dont bring them in a swfs i just get tunnelled out or left to die on hook.
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Because Killers don't change suddenly their playstyle or mindset and most of them play to win with full meta builds and A tier killers. So why waste them if you prob gonna get tunneled or be dead within 10 min of a match?
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Sorry but every time I bring a BPS the killer is suddenly a tryhard tunneler/ cake it is.
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I mean ever game it tunnel someone at 5 gens so no real point
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The last time I brought a BPS in this event the Killer tunneled everyone, humped me on the ground and said "Thx for BPS" in Endgame-Chat (and I think they were not even mocking me, they meant this seriously).
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I am willing to guarantee 99% of survivors aren't bringing Escape Cakes to slight anyone. I'm personally working on getting Yun Jin to prestige 25, I don't have any BPS or even Green Envelopes because I use them as soon as I get them. I'm not bringing an Escape Cake cause "I'm not giving anyone else extra bp," I'm bringing it because that's all I have on her.
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I'm bringing always BPS if I got any. Sometimes I'm throwing one and get 4 cakes. And in the next game I have only a pudding left but I'm getting 4 Bps.
Sometime I'm throwing a BPS and the killer drop every chase till he find me.
######### happens. But that is not stopping me from bringing BPS again.
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The problem I have had bringing BPS as survivor is the killer plays like its a tournament and they get paid more if they do the least hooks possible on each survivor.
I end up feeling regret for giving these killers any extra BP since I get so little for using my precious few BPS/cakes on survivors.
I have a lot of cakes on killers though so I use them every match and still get a ton of BP even when I let everyone go after they are all on DH.
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Exactly why I stopped bringing BPS
I still bring cakes every killer game though as I have so many on some killers and I can make the match fun and let everyone go at the end and still cash out on some big BP's
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Yeah, as Killer I also bring Cakes and BPS. Because I usually end up with a bunch of BPs, even if I dont win the game. But as Survivor you get just tunneled out early, have minimal BP und the Killer can basically farm at this point, because they won anyway when it is an early 3v1.
IMO it would help if Party Streamers and Event Cakes just give 200% Bonus-BPs to the person using it while everyone else still gets the 100% Bonus-BPs. Getting triple BPs might motivate more people to use them.
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True, as survivor it often feels like a waste to bring BPS and event cakes because if you get tunneled out of the game, or killer slugs, you don’t get much points anyway. I only bring these if i’m playing with friends
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I think the "bring BPS and get tunnelled" excuse is bunk. You can't know when you're going to have a bad game versus a good game, and what else are you going to use the BPS for? You have to use it at some point, and that point will always be a coin flip. Some BP is better than no BP.
The only valid excuses are saving it to play with friends rather than randoms, or because you want the benefit of a different offering.
Withholding them because you don't want other players benefitting from 'your' BP is petty and sad, and a fallacy. You're cutting off your nose to spite your face.
That said... there is no benefit to running BPS during this event.
BPS don't multiply event bonuses.
Say you scored 20K from base scores, 30K in event scores, then the +400% turns this into 250K BP.
The BPS just multiply your base 20K and bump it up to 270K total.
Literally no more profitable than running outside of the event to turn a 20K game into 40K.
So bring BPS if you want to, don't complain about other's not bringing BPS, and don't be vindictive and territorial over 'your' BP offerings.
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Since the release of Skull Merchant, I never used cakes anymore
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You can blame the killers who tunneled me out when I always used a BPS or Anni-cake. Since then I made a promise to myself to never burn any of those when playing survivor.
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I have also noticed when bringing the beneficial for all offerings the killer side tends to go into ultra sweat mode. So I will not be unlocking that ability for them no ty.
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Bringing streamers or event offerings isn’t some benevolent act. It’s also not selfish or vindictive to not bring them. All the people bemoaning other players about what addons they do or don’t bring… you are part of “toxic” community problem. Let it go already and just play the game.
To me that’s not fun. When there is no threat from the killer dbd is nothing but a dull farm fest. If I don’t have to flee for my life and try to survive what is the point of playing survivor. That’s the whole concept of survivor in dbd.
The idea that “playing nice” and letting everyone go is some sort of service to the other side needs to change.
This is one downside of events, they are breeding grounds for some of the most tedious types of dbd player, namely the bad sport whom is always angry they didn’t get max BP’s and want to take it out on everyone and the misguided quasi benevolent do-gooder who panders namely to the bad sports.
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I don't like outright farming either but what I am talking about is offering a BPS so everyone benefits, only to have a killer play like they are competing for a cash prize in a tournament and tunnelling/camping at 5 gens and generally playing like an absolute ass.
I don't want to farm either, I want chases and I do believe there is a middle ground - which I do myself when I play killer. I try to spread hooks and engage in chases as that is what I enjoy on both sides.
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Sure, you may think the bring BPS and get tunnelled is bunk. But you can't know everyone their experience. 9 out of 10 times when I brought a BPS in as survivor, the killer was a complete sweatlord. Sure, he can play that way, but why should I take a risk from those experiences to bring a BPS and gain almost nothing from it.
It would be nice if you can burn one in the aftergame, if the match was great and you want to reward everyone. Might take some pressure off some killers as well, to be a complete sweatlord when they see a BPS is being burned by the survivors.
Me as a killer, I always play super chill when someone burned a BPS (because of my experiences in the past). Just want to be a shining light in this dark world that is called DBD. And most of the time I was met with great appreciation from the survivor(s) who burned them, because they had similair experiences in the past like me when they burned BPS.
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Farming is the most egregious case sure. "Playing like an ass" as you put it, is kinda the killer's prerogative. They are there to kill you by any means necessary. I'm not gonna bemoan someone who wants to play in any particular way because they are allowed to and its perfectly fine within the game rules to do so.
Event or no event, offerings or no offerings.
If you feel you aren't getting value from a particular offering then sure don't bring it. I personally don't tend to use streamers or event addons when playing survivor either because the outcome is highly dependent on the quality and motivation of random team mates, which is never guaranteed.
I save those things for when I play killer because even a bad match is still a full game for killer with more opportunity to get return from the addon.
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It's a risk and you might be better off with a map offering. The last time I saw more than one cake played (the survivors played three) the Killer (who was a Skull Merchant) brought a Midwich offering, hard tunneled one person at the very start and tried to slug for the 4K. If someone had brought a map offering instead the game would have lasted longer and the first survivor most likely would have probably gotten more BP. The remaining survivors may have gotten more BPs as well if someone had played an offering.
That's only one example and I have seen more chill Killers during the event but the majority have played similar to the SM I mentioned above. It feels frustrating to play a BP offering that benefits everyone and then not actually get to play because the Killer hard tunneled you or slugged you to death. It's not going to happen all the time but extreme events stick out more in people's minds so why play something that makes a bad experience (being tunneled and slugged for a 4K) even worse?
I do still play cakes if I have them but, if a particular set of matches is going poorly, I just switch to map offerings. Video game time is supposed to be fun and recreational so if I have to play something like a map offering to make it fun instead of frustrating I do and I completely understand other people doing the same.
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As survivor BPS/Anniversary cakes are always a jinx for me. Everytime I've played them I'm either be quickly tunneled out or end up with a killer that's slugging everyone until bleedout with Knock Out because solo q.
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I stop being nice and use bp offerings that also give the killers extra bp , my p 100 leon have 200 party streamers 300 flans 400 terrormisu and p 100 yoichi about the same. I will use green envelopes that gives all the teams bonus points at least since it do not give killers any . Sorry the truth is 6.1 to this day have change my respect for killers now.
The constant tunneling/camping/slugging and nerfing of survivors perks and also the fact is that killers naturally even if they play very badly always racks up more BP than survivors which makes 0 sense. I had a killer yesterday got almost 300k (277k he made) and the rest of us was only half which is like 150k. In closing other than my two p 100 chars, all my other survivors and killers are all p 3 with all perks so bp now seem pointless to me.
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It would be nice if you can burn one in the aftergame, if the match was great and you want to reward everyone.
Bit of a tangent, but this should be what the 'thumbs up' at the end of a game should be.
Maybe not a direct BP bonus or score for that game, as that could lead to identifying who did/didn't give you a 'thumbs up', but it should go some way to earning people some extra BP. Perhaps something like:
At grade reset, get a bonus 5000 BP for every 'thumbs up' received that month.
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I do it out of spite to be honest. I have thousands of anniversary cakes and I usually bring an escape cake. Got tired of killers playing like their life was on the line so I just gave up on bringing them.