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Trolling of two perks self care and iron will

goodfriday Member Posts: 209

I am one of those survivors that even though so much good perks like dead hard is gutted and I moved on to lithe no problem. However to this day and time there is two particular perk I am still bitter about and that is Iron will and self care. Now why is it that this event survivors we stand in the blood pool *standing mutes us it seem to about 75%) and crutching 100%=no grunts of pain?

It makes me wonder why even mess with iron will in the first place and feels rather insulting. Sure it technically can work with DH still but I do not run dh no more since that perk is useless because it only works if unhooked and if the killer saw you use it, you are sure to not pull it off the second time. With other exhaustion perks its annoying(or if the killer is using mindbreaker and your injured working on a gen its pointless.

Anyone who play stealth game or watch horror films knows that as a survivor= your goal is to not be found and even if your bloody and bruised, you still do the best to remain as silent as possible either breathing soft or not at because the main argument is a iron will survivor was making 0 breathing sounds compared to a healthy one. I mean if your trying to survive are you going to pant so loud and give your predator the sign that your around, or do you breath real soft or even stop breathing for a second as they patrol/pass you? Makes sense to me why the injured person did 0 breathing sounds.

This is what I love of tcm even near death the family cant find you and they cant hear you(even though on your pov your char is talking as a family is right by you but on family pov you do not hear the victims talking) it is all about stealth play which makes sense in survivor horror game.

I do not get the issue with iron will when there is so much info perks to find iron will people(aura reading) and before one say distortion users, there is still blood pools/scratch marks, ultimate weapon/spies/whispers. Some killer cause of their powers(like plague who infects you makes iron will a wasted perk slot.

It baffles me(least in solo que) that no one even runs calm spirit even though they hate Ultimate weapon/friends till end so you can easily still find iron will survivors. So yeah please buff it back to one of the two advice below or if not please let bite the bullet work when another team mate is healing me not only if am healing myself or someone else then I say forgot the whole iron will idea.

A=either remove the exhaustion keep the 75%

B=put it back to 100% and keep the exhaustion

Self care/Strength in the shadows

I am loving strength in the shadows but I cant help but wonder why not simply have just put back self care to 50% self heal or overall leave it the way it was. Sometimes it makes you wonder that even though selfcare is slow 35% your better off just using it where its already available from start as the time it probably takes you to find basement if its main or shack specially big maps (unless using offering used) is probably a more waste of time trying to always use strength in shadows than using self care.

Also before anyone say just bring a medkit those are honestly as slow as self care and killers love bringing franklins making it a waste if its knocked out of your hand, its most likely empty then and am not brining no built to last . Healing is not a problem in swf cause I do not use self care or shadows in swf. Its solo que that healing is a problem and you do get people who just pull you off the hook and run off to do their gens or whatever. But yeah the moral of the story here is am trying to figure out why this even gives this iron will troll effect stealth play and shadows is nothing but a self care 2.0 but seems in some way more waste of time than gutted self care.


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,293

    Self-Care and Iron Will were both Perks which were just nerfed to "change the Meta". Both Perks did not deserve to be nerfed, at the very least not that hard.

    IMO Iron Will should just remove Grunts of Pain completely and make perma-exhausted. Then the Perk would be useful, but cannot be paired with Exhaustion-Perks. Which would be more than fair and probably not even that good of a Perk, but way better than it is now.

    And Self-Care should gets the numbers reverted. It was not good before, it is even worse now.

    Strength in Shadows is worse than Self-Care IMO, mainly becasue you have to traverse the Map (while being injured) to get use out of it, while Self-Care would allow you to heal whereever you like.

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    Exactly even though self care is so slow I much just rather use it since its right then and there, why take a trip and waste time using shadows ? to me it already adds up to self care fully healing you by the time you make it to the basement wherever its located. Though out of curios

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,151

    I think the perks in their own ways were problematic and needed to be fixed but the fixes were either too lazy or too heavy handed

    Iron will this perk was problematic because of how often other sounds were also broken and to this day still break, no grunts of pain in chase extends chase time through making it harder to successfully mindgame a survivor and buying free time when a killer mindgames nothing and you hold W, now this on its own isn't extremely problematic except for the main counter to iron will being skilled enough to pick out the other sounds a survivor makes in chase just not working most of the time. Instead of fixing the sounds and making them more consistent across the board they took the easy option of nerf iron will instead of across the board fixes.

    Self care was preemptively nerfed to match the medkit healing speeds but I think it could easily be buffed from 48s heals to 40s or 36s with no real problem but if it stayed at 32s with all the synergy of other perks you could bring means it would just be a better infinite medkit by a wide margin. I think a balance of 1 perk slot being worse than a medkit, 2 perk slots being equal, and 3 perks slots better than a medkit is a more fair balance, compared to its current state of 3 whole perk slots still being worse than 1 medkit (at least its infinite) and especially compared to what it used to be because 2 perk slots for an infinite strong medkit would be busted. It could use a bit of love but not full revert.

    TLDR Iron will was nerfed because it was easier than fixing related problems and self care was preemptively nerfed a bit too hard