Opinions on “Crutch” perks

Since a lot of people found adrenaline to be such a big issue I want to hear what people have to say about killer endgame or “crutch” perks (noed, nwo, remember me, bloodwarden, terminus). Personally I didn’t mind these perks but now that adren a survivor “crutch” perk is being change I find it stupid especially considering the fact that two of these will counter adren (terminus and noed)
Blood Warden and Remember Me are not at all crutches. They're perks that are only strong at the end of the match. If a killer is good enough to not make it to endgame, they're worthless. If a killer is constantly in the endgame, they probably need perks to help them out a bit.
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Noed is a crutch perk. You get value for doing nothing.
No Way Out, Remember Me, Blood Warden and Terminus all need you to do something to work. NOED doesn't.
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A crutch perk is only a crutch if someone uses it like one. If they don't rely on it to the point it hinders their ability to play if they don't have it, it isn't a crutch.
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It smells like neologism. The crutch is probably the base kit, not the perk.
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I also said endgame but I guess that word just didn’t exist in the sentence
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Ok but the same could be said for adren you need to do your objective for it but it still gets called a crutch perk
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I wouldn't call it a crutch, it takes effort therefore it's not a crutch perk
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Endgame perks =/= crutch perks.
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Good thing I didn’t say endgame/crutch then I said endgame and crutch 😃
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I’m not saying you specifically but many people in the dbd community label adren as a crutch perk
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You said endgame or "crutch" perks, then exclusively listed endgame perks. It's quite clear you were calling endgame perks a crutch, otherwise crutch wouldn't have been in quotes (and you'd have also listed non-endgame crutch perks).
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The community doesn't really have agreed definitions on anything. Maybe you'll get someone who comes in and is like 'yes, I called adren a crutch, here's my reasons why, and here are my thoughts on the other perks', but that would require quite a bit of setup.
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NoEd is the only crutch perk out of that list lol. Terminus doesn’t counter Adren because the 5 second sprint burst you get is still insanely strong and it’s a paid for perk that not everyone has.
I do think Adren is a crutch and I don’t use it anymore as survivor, it is very cheap that a killer can have multiple people injured/ hooked and then everyone is instantly fully healed and able to cross the map in a few seconds. Its absolutely absurd that I be punished for hooking a survivor when survivors hate slugging so much, but if I did slug you with Adren then you wouldn’t be fully healed.
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I put crutch in quotations because that’s what everyone refers to the perks as crutch perks and to be fair most the time and endgame perk can be what very easily starts to turn the game around for a killer given a situation 🙂
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I’ve seen many different people refer to adren as a crutch or second chance perk
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You changed this into, "I SAID ENDGAME AND CRUTCH BUDDY"
Your unedited post has you admit you called endgame perks crutch perks, your edited post is just a lie. You said "endgame or 'crutch' perks," not AND crutch perks. This was as simple as you saying, "Whoops, my bad," and spending five seconds editing your post. But here you are just lying to people. You've lied twice now as to what your original post says, just call it quits and don't insult my intelligence a third time.
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Besides that only other thing I guess you could call a crutch perk are the only two perks I see on j every build pop and pain res 🙂
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Terminus does counter it sure you still get the speed boost but that would suggest that you think terminus would only be a valid counter for it if you get neither effects
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Terminus is a crutch perk? Blood Warden is a crutch perk? REMEMBER ME?!
I think we've reached the point where anything that only does something at endgame is a crutch perk :p
Personally I only consider NoeD and WoO as crutch perks currently. Distortion and Ultimate Weapon are real close though.
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NOED is the only crutch perk listed. You can see that by how much NOED Killers typically struggle in chase before NOED activates.
The other perks mentioned are not crutch perks and might be the opposite of crutch perks as they could be suboptimal. There is an opportunity cost for perks and every endgame perk taken is one less perk slot for Pop, Pain Resonance, Deadlock, etc which will delay the game more and generally give better results than the endgame perks.
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"Crutch" is such a meaningless term. Perks are meant to help the gameplay of the match. The only thing that could remotely be close to a "crutch" would be old Spine Chill or Shadowborn but the devs have fixed that.
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Well if they're crutch perks then adrenaline is also.
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I disagree with the perks categorised as crutch perks... Personally I define perks that are consistently strong and effective regardless of playstyle and build to be crutches. The main criteria for me, is it is a perk you can become too reliant upon, because you don't learn how to compensate without it.
I'd argue this includes Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Pop Goes The Weasel, Grim Embrace, STBFL, Sprint Burst, Off the Record, Lithe, WoO, etc, etc.
I don't frown on these perks, I consider them good for new players to shore up their weaknesses while they learn... but I feel if your goal is to truly get better at the game, you should be moving towards completely removing them from your build, or at the very least, ensuring you only ever bring 1 of them.
Post edited by UndeddJester on1 -
Bro does not like end game perks.
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There's no such thing as a crutch perk. People use the word crutch as its own crutch to downplay their own mistakes or their opponent simply playing better.
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The perk that requires you to make it to the end game using only 3 perks = crutch perk obviously.
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You make it seem like people don’t already say adrenaline is a crutch perk
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Using items, offerings, perks or add-ons are all crutches when you think about it.
Whether it's early game with Lethal/Distortion, in chase with I'm All Ears/WoO or end game with No Way Out/Adrenaline, a crutch is a crutch.
But who cares? These things were meant to be used based on your preferences. Perks can enhance your strengths or patch up your weaknesses. Or, you can use them for personal comfort i.e. Lightborn or Agitation.
Ad killer, it's reasonable to expect 2 survivors to reach end game a decent amount of the time. If the game was meant to be over by then, the Entity would just automatically sacrifice the killer. The exit gate switches exist to be a funnel that Survivors must pass.
If a survivor thinks they can pop Adrenaline, or if a killer wants to play most of the game with 3 perks, cool beans I say.
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Not sure what is with all the endgame perk hate. Killers are willingly backloading their power and letting survivors get into the easier part of the match. I would rather go against an endgame build killer with minimal hooks with all 4 survs alive than not even reach the endgame from slowdown/tunneling. The killer can also be victim to surv endgame perks too like Hope/Wake Up/Adren.
NOED - reveals itself now and there are many items/perks that give you knowledge on totem locations. Making you instadown doesn't counter a 5s sb across the map buying time to remove it. Killers that rely on m2 for hits are turned into m1 killers for value.
NWO - only grants stacks if the killer is spreading his hooks out. They're trading early game pressure for endgame to last longer.
Bloodwarden - Completely avoidable by survivors
Remember Me - The design is unhealthy, but if the obsession lives through endgame or you force obsession change it's a double edged sword. Running only remember me for endgame isn't going to get you much value.
Terminus - Still doesn't stop the 5s sb and pretty mediocre w/o NWO
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Being able to cross the entire map and reach an open exit gate is very valuable so yes I would say Terminus is not a full counter. It’s just not viable tbh. It’s better to bring perks to try and stop them from ever reaching end game.
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"...they probably need perks to help them out a bit." Almost like a crutch is needed to help people walk a little bit?
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I think crutches are fine, as long as people don't pretend they earned their victory if they brought more than their opponent. I would go as far to say any Killer Power/perk/add-on can be measured as a crutch, but you only measure which side has more aid to determine who is crutching overall. In a single match, the 3-man SWF with meta perks+items is crutching against the average Killer who in turn is crutching against the perkless/itemless soloq Steve. The Killer can brag against the 3-man if they win, and the Steve can brag against the Killer if he wins. The Steve can only be claimed to crutch on the fact that be paid-to-win with his Scoops Steve outfit, and everyone thought "aww dang he's too cool, I can't chase that".