Can we please fix this?


Ever since September last year, matches will randomly freeze and then crash -- disconnecting everyone with the message "Dedicated server is not responding, disconnecting..."

I've checked so many times and it's not my internet and it's not just me. If you head over to r/DeadbyDaylight, it's happening to a bunch of people and has been for months:

It doesn't happen very often, but it's super annoying when it does because it's almost always when I'm having a good match and then bam. Disconnected. Bloodpoints and Archive progress out the window.

The random disconnects seem to be concentrated around updates. I started getting this around September last year after 7.3.2 dropped, then it went away for awhile. Then 7.3.0 came out in October and the problem came back before slowly tapering off. Now, after 7.5.0 dropped, it's back again.


  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 666

    Friendly reminder that this issue has still not been fixed.

    Currently have a 4 minute penalty because of it and I don't really want to keep playing and risk it getting higher. Very annoying :|

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 513

    You should note that some people may make the server ''crash'' when they don't like how things are going. You could be victim of this doing.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    A huge portion of those are cheaters crashing the server.

    I haven't been DDOSed since the end of august last year. I have however, encountered the same "issue" that you have mentioned and funnily enough, every single one of those happened when I was playing killer and when I had the upper hand. Not one instance of a disconnecting server when I'm survivor or losing as a killer. A very funny coincidence to be sure!