Babying the survivors

Getting increasingly irritated with this game for 2 main reasons; first and foremost, it feels like the survivors are constantly having their hand help the whole time because they seem to complain about everything. Events have led to the BT basekit change, anti-camping, the recent 3 gen change to limit how much you can regress gens...what have killers gotten AS A WHOLE?!? Not talking 1 or 2 killers being buffed here and there. Second thing I hate is how survivors don't seem to know what the word KILLER means!!! I don't care how I have to kill you, whether that's tunneling, proxy camping, camping at end game, etc. my goal and the point of me playing killer, is to KILL YOU by any the amount of people I get messaging after the game or popping into my stream to tell me how "trash I am at the game..." it seems the community and Behavior as a whole have forgotten that π
The game has never been easier for Killer.
People shouldn't trash-talk you.
You should have some empathy for the other side.
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This game attracts a large number of people who think they don't need a license or training to drive a car. They then think that they are good drivers, so they complain about anything that inhibits their self-esteem. Even if they cause an accident, they blame the obstacle, not their own driving skills.
Listen to genuine criticism. Any that doesn't is the sound of fly wings flapping. You see it a lot on this forum, right?
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The post seems very "I'm winning 99 out of 100 games and it's very unfair it's not 100 out of 100" coded.
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BT basekit change is not much of an issue at all, so long as someone knows how to count. Anti-FACEcamping has barely any impact and only affects killer players who were crap to begin with. The 3-gen is actually a killer buff, thanks to the removal of survivor tapping, and I have yet to see the gen-blocking ever occur. Again, this is for killers who weren't that good in chase and relied on protecting 3-gens from the beginning.
These are non-issues.
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Okay, so we have:
Increased generator repair time
Nerfed healing
VASTLY buffed tunneling
General buffs such as faster kick and swing cooldown
Gutted survivor perks
Broken killer perks
Broken killers getting buffed
Maps with built in dead zones
Yeah, so hard to play killer these days.
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Don't forget nerfing every single survivor item into the ground.
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I disagree with you, but the game is very killer sided right now.
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I'd say killer has been getting their hand held for quite some time.
It's only killer that complains about balance.
Survivors complaints are largely about camping/tunneling.
The devs continue to nerf survivor but killers are still tunneling at 5 gens and playing in other unsavory ways.
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Survivors are often the only ones who complain about tactics. So there's no point in asking that question. Rather than using off-board tactics, you should gain experience and learn counter techniques even in one game.
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Not sure if that's a general "you" or a you directed at me but I'm good.
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Killer players complain about lots of different survivor tactics. I see complaints about gen progression or "gen rushing", stealth or "excessive hiding", and grasp rescues, body blocking and aggressive play with Head On / flashlights (which all get called "bullying") all the time.
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Most of them have counterplay on the survivor side. Like gen regression to gen rush. So I think they cancel each other out.
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The last year and a half or so has seen many changes that allow killers to be more lethal consistently.
Many of the complaints from survs revolve around how it feels to be hard focused and yeeted on out very early in a trial. That happens from a combination of mistakes on their part/lack of experience, and tactics & strats killers use. I doubt you enjoy the feeling of being directly tunneled as a surv, when it happens early and often.
DBD does take a couple of hundred hours to no longer suck, and a thousand to be good. But what happens when the average player doesn't even get to a hundred hours? A lot of the "hand holding" changes are various attempts for the masses to be able to enjoy the game.
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to add to the list
boost of speed when hit from a killer=massively nerfed
Flashlights=massively nerfed= Also what I think to be a lie was about Epilepsy, it was more killers hated rapid clicks when they was salty and getting wreaked. I mean doctor and dredge I guess should be nerfed because the intense darkness and pink clouds makes me feel distorted
Do not hook me build=massively nerfed
stealth builds builds=iron will/spine chill nerfed
fast vaults=forever bugged because the one time they fix it after a week its back to being hit through windows while fast vaulting
Pallets= Nerfed, lately idk if its me but even if your mashing and see the pull down command the pallet wont drop and even before them vacuum c effect gone
maps= all that has reworked has been killer sided and some maps like knight maps is full of so much clutter to run into but they claim they was removing alot of the clutter.
Yeah survivors surely being babied well for a good while now all of which adds to them getting 2 itsy bitsy and mostly useless base kit (bt and anti face camp) that hardly if ever works. 3 gen fix situation barely helps too because since this 3 gen fix thing came I notice the gens in EVERY map has been spawning really stupidly close to each other already creating automatic 3 gens and killers have been abusing this of lately, surprised this has not been brought up.
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If you want to kill them by ANY MEANS then they have the right to ask for tools to at least try to fight those means.
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You forget the old days with original Undying + 200% regression Ruin. If the survivors were unlucky, they had to cleanse up to 5 Hex Totems. These times were even worse, as literally any killer could do an EZ 4K even against decent survivors. Still, I agree that the balancing today is the best we've ever had. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement on both sides.
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You should play the way you want. But you shouldn't expect the survivors to love you for the way you play. Unfortunately, bad manners generally occur in PVP games and are not ok. But there's not much we can do about it other than ignore them.
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that's true, but also is completely not related to what we were talking about.
you said that only survivors complain about the other side using tactics. i gave examples of survivor tactics that killers often complain about.
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Donβt forget reducing map sizes also favors one side. Otherwise you nailed it π
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Nah. I prefer playing killer, but i find survivor to be a brutal and unforgiving experience. Killer can be difficult too but they truly do feel like the power role at the moment. As it should!