why are survivors so entitled even when you play "nice"

i intentionally didnt tunnel, and even used meme perks, and ended up with 2 kills because i stayed near the hook and then all 4 of them barrage me with hate and saying i camp at endgame, you cant win with these people so im playing however i need to win, cause it doesnt matter how you play
i swear im either playing with children or grown adult babies.
I'm so grateful 🙏 that Nintendo Switch doesn't have end game chat.
Not everyone is that way though. I'm a respectful Survivor and I play Killer how I see fit.
Do yourself a favor and just turn off the chat. Out of sight, out of mind.
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Why is it killers are so toxic during events? I've had 6 killers intentionally slug the last survivor or hold them hostage in the end game collapse in the last 25 games?
It's not just survivors, its literally everyone that plays this god awful game my dude.
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I could say the same about killers. So who cares.
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BHVR is grateful 🙏 that someone is playing the game on the Switch.
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To be fair, you can say the exact same thing about killers.
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No matter how nice you play, there will always be people who are mad after a match. But I wouldn't worry about it. And as @CountOfTheFog mentioned, you can disable chat if necessary.
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I remember a Ghostface that was completely steamrolled by my Solo Q team. I wanted to give him a free kill at the end, but he didn't want any pity. So far so good. But he flamed me in the aftergame chat, called me names. He wrote pages of comments on my Steam profile and wanted to explain to me why my behavior was antisocial and wished me all the diseases in the world. That guy was really weird.
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Your second paragraph is probably correct; you are playing with children or adult babies if they do that. You didn't tunnel, everyone got a chance to play and the match was a draw. They were either children or had the maturity level of children to complain about that.
I would just add a 'some' to your title to show that this isn't reflective of all survivors and that this isn't an 'us vs them' post.
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Survivors aren't really held to the same standard/expectations though
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To me, they are.
I expect people not to BM others, regardless of which role they like to play. Toxicity done without reason has no excuse, imho.
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Killer main?
They're held to the same standards. Its a game not a political debate.
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Personally, I think it is because rude players don't get punished in dbd. Every night I have someone be rude to me or BM me in the game even though I play really nice. I report these players but nothing is done to them. Meanwhile here on the forums they enforce strict rules where you have to be respectful and civil towards everyone, including the devs. You even get a comment removed if you use the wrong words to criticize the devs on here but in the game, ppl are allowed to be as rude and hateful all they want to be. I just think in-game toxic behavior should be punished more just like it is here on the forums. Lucky tho I turned off chat in the game now and never looked at it, I don't even say GGs anymore.