Bye hug tech?

Improved collision detection to reduce cases where The Blight slides off objects.
Dev note: It could be frustrating to slide off an object you were trying to bump into and end your Rush prematurely. We have improved the collision detection to make The Blight’s Rush more consistent. This also fixes an issue which allowed The Blight to incorrectly slide along obstacles and lunge around tighter corners than intended.
Took what 2 years? But at least i wont slide of 52 trees trying to hit a survivor i hope.
Whaaattt?! Lemme go load up and test this!
edit - nvm this is not current, jumped the gun. 😂
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We are free
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Yeah i believe it was march or may 2022 that it was acknowledged as a bug. Too way too long for it to be fixed and they never mentioned it again until now.
I'm glad they didn't nerf him in other ways because i'm a player who doesn't use hug tech and isn't very good with blight anyway. I do not get good results with him right now, so if they nerfed his basekit or something he would become unplayable for me, so i am very happy that this is the only update they are doing to him.
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But I expected even more nerfs.
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I mean... You might want to wait until it is out, how does the saying go "don't praise the day before noon"? We don't know how his collision will get affected by all that.
And even if hug tech is gone entirely Blight still be able to get hits around most of the tiles he hug teched, he just needs to use bump logic then. Just as LilithOmen said in one of his videos, hug tech only gives the killer another layer that has counterplay, but bump logic is the way saver method to go, which is also why you will barely see Blight players go for hug tech in comp.
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Exactly what @Archol123 said. Bump logic was/is objectively stronger / more consistent with getting a hit. If they successfully fixed his collision, then bump logic will be even more reliable. Sad days, hug tech added so many layers of spice and fun to blight.
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My only hope is that "fixing" the hitboxes mean that they messed them up even more, so Blight will be killswitched after the update for a little while and the game will be slightly less unfun for people.
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Kind of my line of thinking.
I never had issues with Hug Teching since it was normally easy to predict and counter; and I like it since it added a layer of depth to both sides.
Bump Logic is a more consistent, and by proxy, more boring way of getting hits. And basically forces the Blight to play each specific tileset the exact same way every single time, experimentation and new ways of playing is discouraged.
I really think playing against Blight after this is going to be miserable than before once people start picking up on Bump Logic more.
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Best patch ever
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Finally, inner peace.
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Spice and fun to Blight for the Blight player.
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Exactly why I loved the hugtech. So much more fun than using the same bump logic I’ve memorized for every loop. Agreed, it is very VERY easy to predict, see, and react to. I’ve went down the rabbit whole many times here. Lol
But I guess we’ll see what happens! Still not a good update for blight, taking away a significant amount of depth.
Many survivors don’t mind the hug tech, because of said layers of depth it adds. You are entitled to be happy about the change, and I am entitled to be upset about it. :)
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Does this bump Blight from S to top of A tier do you think?
I still think Blight will be the 2nd best killer in the game but this might make them not entirely busted anymore.
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It could very well be a buff.
I'd say wait to see it in game first.
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I think it will do very little about his strength to be honest. He will still be just as good, only more reliable.
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We don’t know what BHVR did. They might have removed the secondary collision detection mechanic, which would be a big nerf for Blight.
We’re also not sure yet if they really fixed all his collision issues, or if they just removed hug tech, fixed some of the broken collision, but Blight will still slide uncontrollably on some objects.
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All I'm gonna say is if I get styled on by some bump logic monster, I WILL simp.
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While I’m not a Blight main. But I do enjoy playing him from time to time. So anyway I kind feel a little mixed on this. I mean I am glad that you don’t slide as much anymore cause that always annoying to deal with. But I hate to see something that took time to learn be taken away. I mean I understand it was a bug and needed to be fixed since it was long overdue which again I understand. I just think removing techs that require you learn like 360’s, Oni’s Flick, etc, does kind of suck. But at the same time it was also annoying to deal with. So anyway I’m gonna wait and see what else is in store and maybe it will hopefully make Blight feel better to play which is what I hope for the most and so do others.
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Good ######### riddance.
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Nah, this is not really a nerf, or at least it doesn't seem so. Hug tech is useful to players who are still learning to play Blight, but it's not really what makes him so strong. If anything, it's easier to predict and counter hug tech than Blight repositioning with bounces at full speed. Either way, it was not intended and for that is being removed, but Blight should also become easier to learn if he slides from objects less often, which is by far the worst part of playing him. Not even joking: expect to see more Blights from now on.
Or… that might not really work and Blight will keep sliding off things. I hope that's not the case, but the devs tried to fix the Blight's colision twice in the past and not only he kept sliding off many things, they also created the hug tech by doing so (it was not possible at release).
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IDK why they would remove something that only affects top tier gameplay. Average blight players aren't hug teching, and its not OP against SWF kill squads.
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Honestly saw this coming lol. Time to safety bump and play the most boring way imaginable.
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Ok, I can live with that, but can I still hug the other killers? 😥
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literally. Lol
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Blight was never in a tier because of a bug.
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The way it's worded seems very scary I really hope you don't just get stuck on random objects even more or they completely removed slipperyness on certain tiles
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Blight undeniably needed basekit basekit nerfs but certainly not that type of basekit nerf. Now Blight players have no reason to take any risks, they'll just fully embrace the pinball life and monotonously collect their 4ks.
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People claiming to be Blight fans defending hug tech by saying "normal" blight is boring/too easy
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Right lol? So the intended playstyle.
I personally wouldn't mind if other parts of his kit was tuned down, including the new iris, and leaving "hug tech" as is. All it results in for me is getting an easier flare 70% of the time and watching blight slide off the environment that he thought he could collide on.
I don't care either way, but now I no longer have to watch a blight attempt a hug tech and have to w key the loop or prepare to flare. Nope, I get to count rushes and always keep something inbetween me and the blight knowing he can no longer slide off of stuff. Bring on the "boring bump logic" that I'm already used to. Still have to test the ptb so see what they've done with the boy.
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Pub surv gives you pallet control then you use 3 bumps and get a guaranteed hit very exciting gameplay
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So you're saying Blight is a boring killer then.
That's all I get from this response
If some people think a bug was the only thing that made Blight fun then idk what to say that's hilarious.
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Well it is, blights been blight for like 3 years, more mechanics more interesting
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Again there's a disparity, there's people saying blight's only interesting because of this bug that's going away
But in the same breath there's people saying most blights are average and never used it anyway.
It doesn't make any sense lol.
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Hug tech is just gambling your tokens away to create 50/50s that are 100/0s for blight if you actually know how to play him. It's going to be interesting to see if what the change actually means for him because he might just bump randomly now where he would slide before.
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I mean I am a P100 Blight main with over 1000 hours on him. I'd be glad to show you how sweaty and boring a safety and bump logic Blight is.
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So you're saying Blight is a boring killer then.
Well, my friend… they sure aren't wrong.
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I don't know how people can say he's weaker with the stuff being removed but then say oh it's a gamble/show off it's stronger to play him normally.
Personally I've vsed hundreds of blights both bump logic/tech trying ones and there is no difference between how "sweaty and boring" they are when they are trying hard to win.
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This is also what I'm thinking. There were so many spots where his collision was awful and/or so inconsistent. If just all of those got ironed out, great, probably. But with the vagueness of the dev update wording, we won't know what's different until this update comes out.
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Hug tech has its places like getting around nasty geometry, certain tiles that are hard to react to it, and using it to setup for confirmed hits. He will 100% be weaker without hug tech I don't think it will matter enough to move him even once place on tier lists.
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It is almost as people liked Blight because you could play in a suboptimal but fun way and when you change that, they will just stomp you even harder, by playing less fun but more safe.
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Not really, the argument is more along the lines of bump logic being more reliable but less boring, the argument was also made by Lilith Omen, one of the most experienced Blight players out there.
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Then you are purposefully misunderstanding it, Blight is not unfun, but using techs such as hug tech give the killer more depth and stuff you can experiment around with, whereas Bump logic just works and will more often than not put the survivor in a spot where they will get hit regardless...
It is not that he is unfun, but some things on him are just more fun than others.
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Same, I’m probably at around 2000 hours with him. I constantly got compliments and positive feedback from skillful survivors on my play-style of going for insane and spicy hugtechs/moonrushes/ etc. It’s what has kept me playing DBD for this long. Without it, each loop will become very monotonous and same ole same.
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Not necessarily weaker when faced. I think his potential has decreased, because you could always just use bump logic, however by trying to hug tech you are risking more than you gain most of the time, especially when still learning, while bump logic is more consistent. What will happen is people will rely more on bump logic and therefore potentially achieve better results than before.
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One of LilithOmen's own arguments in his video from a while ago defending hug tech literally boils down to "bump logic is stronger and survivors will hate it more" aka they will find it more boring to go against.
If people really feel strongly about this then ideally they should be campaigning for this to added purposefully into his basekit and then balanced appropriately but I doubt anyone will do that because you're asking for one of the strongest killers in the game to be buffed. It'd be like asking for Nurse to be buffed
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Am I wrong? Blight is still very much in S tier and him staying there because hug tech was never a thing. He has incredibly map AND chase pressure with some good addons.
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fair enough im of the more is more group, not a this is the end of the world group, normal gameplay replaces it 90% of the time so not being able to view gameplay in a different way from time to time is boring but its not that bad unless it also ruins normal collision