Dear BHVR (My Road to Prestige 100 Trapper on Switch)

It was back in 2018 when I first heard about your smash hit game from a friend on Discord. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have spent the last six years following this game and playing it as much as I have.

We've been through a lot together. Through times of different metas, different chapters, paragraphs, updates, tomes of lore, and even staff shake-ups (I still remember McLean, hope he's doing well for himself out there!).

I started out on a low end laptop that could barely run the game smoothly half the time, and naturally like most players, I had no idea what the heck I was doing. Just trying to figure out the maps, the gameplay, all of that. And all of that started with me finding the role of killer more interesting in terms of gameplay, leading me to the poster boy of your game, The Trapper.

I remember that first game decently - on the old Father Campbell's Chapel before the Realm Beyond updates to visually overhaul the map. Back when the realm's hooks were bronzed in color, the grass was a bit thicker looking, and the HUD had yet to be turned into what it is today. I stumbled my way through the first match I ever played, somehow managing to get one random trap I placed to work. From there, it all developed into me learning to love an otherwise low-tier killer, and grew into a fascination of wanting to see where I can put bear traps and get them to work. When it was announced that prestige levels were going to be overhauled (I never prestiged my characters because I didn't like losing all my perks and items), I was fully on board. I don't know when I decided to go on the grind to P100 Trapper, but I remember wanting to be the 'best Trapper on Switch'.

It was around 2020-2021 when I made the jump to the Nintendo Switch, the exact date eludes me, but the earliest photo I have was me as a Level 11, 0 Devotion player who was having a lot of success with Ace at the time.

When the Switch was an upgrade to what I had earlier, that's how bad it was for me. Financially I couldn't really afford a gaming PC to run this game efficiently, so I went for something that I could afford. And of course, the Switch version isn't the most…optimal way to play DbD. In fact, I'd say it's probably the most challenging platform to play the game on. If you ever want a challenge, try playing on Switch and see how you do. Despite all of that, and any frustrations, malding, triumphs, and heartbreaks I've endured along the way, I persevered. All culminating in today being the day I finally got here.

My last game before getting to P100 was played on Disturbed Ward, with me bringing the map offering! I thought it'd be fitting that the road to P100 Trapper end where it all began for me (lost the 50/50 but it's whatever). During that last match and playing some tunes, I was partially focused on playing, and partially focused on the entire road that's led up to this moment in time. It was a real trip down memory lane as I envisioned the old look of Crotus Prenn, the anniversaries that introduced Silent Hill and Resident Evil into the game, all the good times, the bad times, everything. And during that whole match, I was smiling, because I knew it was all worth it in the end to share my story with everyone here.

There's a couple groups I want to thank before I finish this off.

First of all, I want to thank BHVR for making this game. No other game on the market has gotten me as invested as Dead by Daylight has. When I'm playing, it's usually high energy in a particularly tense match. I can get kinda loud, but I wouldn't want to have it any other way, otherwise I'd have left. I also never would have gotten into following the horror genre as much as I have were it not for your game either, so thanks for that! P.S.: I've only watched the first Hellraiser film, and it was more surreal than scary.

Secondly, to everyone in the playerbase I've either faced, interacted with, watched, etc., I want to thank you for the sheer amount of learning I've done in all the hours I've poured into following this game. From guides, to random public matches, streams, it's all been a wealth of knowledge that's been a total boon (and needed no totem to light!)

To all the streamers I've faced, both live and not, I want to extend a thanks to you as well. I've watched the VODs to see your perspective of a match and learn how I could improve as my main killer as well, since I don't have any way to record my matches. Hearing all the support on how I was playing on Switch and Trapper, with some other killers on the side, kept me motivated to push on with playing the killer I mained.

And lastly, to my close-knit group of friends who were able to keep me sane on this long road that I've known long before entering the Fog. I owe it to them I was able to stay the course and make it to this great milestone today.


Flash (AKA: Many other aliases)


  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763
    edited March 2024

    Congrats, my fellow 2018 player!

    I'm close to finishing the journey to P100 on Freddy, then I would like to go for it with Claudette and Knight. It is quite the ride, isn't it?

    I love how you tried to end the P100 journey on the same map where you started. I was thinking of doing the same thing myself, but I would need a lot of luck to actually get Azarov's Resting Place.

  • Adamant_Tepig
    Adamant_Tepig Member Posts: 128

    By my calculations, it's a 20% chance for you to end where you began if you use a map offering. Wishing you the best of luck in finishing strong!

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Thanks friend!

    It would be amazing if I could do that.

    I fondly remember my very first DBD match in 2018: Azarov's Resting Place, of course. I was a baby Claudette, desperately running away from a Huntress. Good times.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,674
    edited March 2024

    Congratulations from a fellow Switch player who recently got his second Survivor to P100.

    I think Behaviour should award us by giving our platform new Exit Gate Switches as they look so nice

    on other platforms with the flashing red lights! Look how nice everyone else has it while we have those yellowish, non-flashing light bulbs.

    We need pretty Exit Gates Switches please and thank you

    This is me, below, playing as Dwight tonight. I want the nice flashing red lights instead of this…

    Post edited by CountOfTheFog on
  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 969

    what a journey

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,350

    I still remember my very first match as a brand new Piglet.

    Sent to old old Haddonfield by a decent 4-man. They took my baby Ruin. They took my wallet. They even took my left shoe. Gens done in no time. No hooks, and I think three of them had Balanced Landing too. I distinctly recall then all slowly bowing their heads in unison on one of those second floor overhangs facing the street.

    They messaged me after because we all were on Xbox back then, wondering how they got a killer with like 30 hours-ish something like that. Which for me was all on Surv, and that blood spent on Hag to get that baby Ruin in the first place.

  • Adamant_Tepig
    Adamant_Tepig Member Posts: 128

    Man, matchmaking was always such a wild experience playing this game. Still is to this day.