Let’s talk about about DS buff

concubined Member Posts: 140
edited March 2024 in General Discussions

With the current state of Decisive Strike where it's only a 3 second stun, good survivors knows that it is still a great perk, we understand it only means we need to path somewhere with resources we can work with after the stun. Raising the stun duration to 5 seconds only limits survivor skill expression by making the escape guaranteed, specially against weaker killers but really it's just a huge time waste for your team to rush gens.

A common misconception is that as a survivor you have a right to not be tunneled, with my own experience I can't count how many times I've watched ttv survivors literally report me for tunneling as if it's a bannable offense and have hate mails/threats sent to me for tunneling all the while I have never BM'ed (it's a waste of time not spent on pressuring gens). You are not entitled to the killer not continuing to pursue you after you've been unhooked, and anti tunneling perks and basekits are not a birth right as much as they're starting to appear to be.

Remember the very first meta shake up that had very positive impact as far as survivor builds finally having some diversity? Well prepare to see DS on every survivor in every game. Because this patch is the great flood on everything that’s good and holy and DS is the only passenger on Noah’s ark.

You know how killer’s “meta” builds are basically 4 gen slow downs? Well this is the survivor equivalent of that

but you don’t see survivors running this or is even considered meta, why?

Now imagine killers have the opposite equivalent of “DS, OTR, DH, Adrenaline” basically 4 perks to ensure you can tunnel out a survivor. Oh ya and now imagine the killer have that times 4, that’s survivor meta for you.



  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,370

    I'm trying to formulate a response but I literally can't even.

    All I'll say is, the existence of DS will just encourage killers to go for Grim Embrace/Pain Res value. Don't think it's gonna be a super huge deal.

    Tunneling has been out of control ever since Attack on Titan came, and Survivors are over it. Something had to give.

  • concubined
    concubined Member Posts: 140

    ”prove is not good lol” , an opinion, subjective

    “tunneling isn’t good for the game” an opinion, subjective and differs based on the situation presented

    “Can’t be solved via perks” but a killer tunneling someone with ds otr dh basically just loses way too much time so he goes to the next guy, oh looky he also has ds otr dh, next guy, next guy, next guy, oops the gens are all gone? Prime example is Momoseventh losing his 1900+ blight win streak because everyone had otr ds (and that’s with the 3 seconds ds for future readers)

    killer perks has to be “stronger, by design” because survivors 16 perks while the killer has only 4

  • concubined
    concubined Member Posts: 140
    edited March 2024
    1. first of all, no way you just compared prove to shattered hope, you see a boon maybe once in 15 games and you waste a perk slot to “counter it” when they can just put it on another totem which you then have to waste time destroying again but there are 7 generators in every game and 4 survivors chances are likely there’ll be times where two are doubled up on a gen and if you think gen progression perks aren’t viable and not worth running then don’t worry about gen regression perks.

    2. I watched his stream, him reviewing the game and his after thoughts. He was giving it his all. Let’s be real here, a comp team having ds otr on each and everyone of the survivor is an unwinnable game for even the top tier comp killers, that’s why in competitive settings there are rules implemented. And no way Momo would’ve lost if they didn’t all have ds otr, and I know you at least know that.

    3. “Dh is bad” another opinion that’s subjective. Definition of the word subjective from Oxford language dictionary : based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.

    4. Thank you for agreeing. If you somehow debated with me on that that’d be concerning

  • concubined
    concubined Member Posts: 140

    ”fight back” okay at this point just introduce pistols as an item and just shoot the killer because the initial idea from the devs were that the killers are threats and inflict fear in survivor to create a horror atmosphere.

  • concubined
    concubined Member Posts: 140

    ya I wrote it like that because some survivors really enforce the no tunneling rule like it’s written on the constitution. But with playing the survivor role, you have to understand you’re one of four and your lifespan in the game isn’t of value in the grand scheme of things and the killer is supposed to have enough power to tunnel you out early, by no means am I saying to just stand there and let them go for you for free, but the value you bring to your team increases as the time you build for them to complete the objective increases. Creating perks and basekit mechanics to limit the killer choices and survivor skill expression is lowering the skill ceiling for the game as a whole, meaning both sides are becoming easier and easier

  • Yagot
    Yagot Member Posts: 30

    If you think the perk is weak against S tiers or something like that, that's okay. But to say that DS isn't a great perk is just wrong. It's so weird to me that some players seem to have this misconception and I wonder if that's what led to it being buffed in the first place. It's comfortably meta right now even with the 3 second stun. It had to get nerfed from 5 seconds, so it's odd to me that they opted to revert the stun time to 5 seconds instead of changing it to 4 first.

    In my opinion, the way to buff DS (if it even needs a buff) is to make it give 10 or 15 seconds of endurance when it's used. It would barely change how it works against low tier killers, but would make it much stronger against S tiers.

  • concubined
    concubined Member Posts: 140

    so like a 15 seconds styptic? Making them able to make cross map distance before you can hit them or if you hit them you sit through the weapon wipe animation and have to catch up with them after the speed burst of being hit. Isn’t that just 5 seconds ds stun with more steps?

  • Yagot
    Yagot Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2024

    What? DS is comfortably meta at the moment. It's an S tier perk already, so that's why it's strange to see it getting buffs

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    DS was kinda meta pre-nerf, but still sucked at doing what it should do. atm its far away from meta.

  • concubined
    concubined Member Posts: 140

    the same statement was made by the best most well-known players in the competitive/content creating community. The statement simply implies that there’s a skill difference between players and the players at a higher mmr or overall understanding of the game have a better understanding of how to get value from the perk compared to the lower mmr survivors. Which isn’t a bad thing it’s just real life but it shows that buffing it in the sake of the lower mmr survivors will only make it more abusable by the higher ones. Hopes this explanation suited you well enough that you didn’t choose to stop reading not even half way in, I understand reading things you don’t agree with isn’t the easiest but it’s the way to find communicate and hopefully find common ground

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    I mean if you knew how to count how long it actually works would be a start its a 2 second perk 1 second is used jumping off the killers back.

  • concubined
    concubined Member Posts: 140

    I brought up the gen slowdown meta for killer as a mirror to show that the survivor equivalent of that (a gen speed/progression) build isn’t meta so why is a killer’s

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    I can tell you dont play much survivor. Its meta lol? Its only use is not to get tunneled out of the game for new players in 2 min of a game and you still have to use 3 perk slots dh and otr to make it even viable lol.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,227

    DS is maybe B-tier against someone like Trapper and F-tier against any Killer higher than B-tier.

    This DS won't be much better, but it's something I suppose.

  • Zraith
    Zraith Member Posts: 143

    let's settle to disagree. The points you have brought up come out of thin air and does not match my experience with this game, or the streamers i had occasionally watched playing. I also don't like arguing with people who pretend to have a good point but all they have laid out are logical traps to derail every other point about the topic at hand.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,014

    I don't like the DS change because it's just moving backwards.

    It was changed because it was meta, highly used. It's the anti-tunnel solution, and it's behind a paywall. All these problems are coming back with this change. Survivors will probably start using it offensively again, like forcing a wesker grab to get a DS off. It's gonna be annoying.

    It's also not even that bad of a perk right now. I see it fairly frequently as it is and it does make a difference when i am playing killer.

    Something else should be done to address tunnelling.

    I'm disappointed i really thought they wouldn't go backwards on this. I hope they reconsider before this goes live. Maybe make it 4 seconds or something.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150

    I'm not sure what you were expecting. Tunnelling is one of the most common complaints. The devs were always going to address it. Now either they address it with something basekit like they did for face camping, or they give survivors their own means of countering it via perks. Basekit means tunnelling will be pretty much taken off the table as a strat. Perks simply add a layer of risk. The latter is obviously preferable. You can still tunnel, you just take the risk that that survivor has something up their sleeve to help them along.

    It fell out of meta after 6.1. One of the biggest complaints at the time was it being used in endgame, which was removed in 6.1. Most people agreed the 5s time didn't need to be adjusted and the perks nerf was overkill. All this buff looks like to me is the devs finding the middle ground between old and new that they should have settled on in 6.1.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    No the only reason it was meta was because it worked after the last gen.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,014

    I don't believe that. It was very effective at dealing with tunnelling. Everyone on forums who complained about tunnelling would just get told to use DS.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    It wasnt and we wont know until we find out there was never an in between to see how it worked.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,014

    Well that last part is true but i still believe it'll be in nearly every loadout if it goes live

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,014

    Nah it's gotta stay meta to keep the fear there. Once people feel comfortable to take it off, they'll get tunnelled and put the perk back on again. That's what happened before

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    No back in the day killers would sit out a locker wasting time and the reason they complained was because end game you could get taken off hook be at exit gate and crawl out. I used to hop in a locker waste the killers time and not even have the perk. We have never seen the perk actualy give you more then 2 sec to get away and be disabled after doing an action. 6.1 was the first complete nerf of the perk description we have now.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,014

    We have though? For like an entire year ds had 5 second stun plus the deactivation conditions.
    Yeah i agree the endgame usage was the main complaints but the 5 second stun was very powerful, many people say this. It's why tunnelling was on a rise when it got nerfed. It's why they buffed OTR to replace it.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    They also found that otr does nothing and they also changed the distance surviors got after the stun because they didnt gain as much distance anymore. A lot of things have been changed including the stun duration on killers in 6.1 so well see how it plays out.

  • Yagot
    Yagot Member Posts: 30

    I'm surprised to see that people didn't really hear a week or two ago that momoseventh, a comp player that mains blight, lost a 1947 game winstreak to a team running 4 OTR and 3 DS. The perk is absolutely meta even against S tiers, and if comp didn't enforce unique perks on survivors you would see it on everyone or nearly everyone in scrims. It's super strong.

    I record my games on nightlight and decisive strike is the 10th most popular survivor perk that I run into when I play killer. That's for a reason - it's really good! This is at higher mmr though, I'm a p100 blight main so my games are against the strongest survivors matchmaking is willing to give me, which is not saying much lol. In my survivor games I've been playing with brand new friends and DS is definitely not a popular pick in low mmr

  • Yagot
    Yagot Member Posts: 30

    That's not true, I play a little more survivor than killer. I record all of my games on nightlight, where DS is the 10th most popular perk when I play killer. I'm surprised to see a lot of people in this thread unaware of how good and popular the perk currently is

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    Okay not to be an ass but you only have 260 games played. Its not that good of a perk.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    Well I guess we both play a lot I just disagree its not that great of a perk. It almost never effects me as killer.

  • concubined
    concubined Member Posts: 140

    you have misread my intentions. I’m only expressing the concern me and other killer mains I’ve seen said or spoken to on this issue and putting it out there after putting it into words with the concerns I’ve heard expressed and of course through my own personal experience and biases which I won’t deny but I do believe it’s healthy to hearing an opposing view on the matter at hand and find a middle ground when dealing with such a controversial topic

  • concubined
    concubined Member Posts: 140

    ya I also brought up Momo’s win streak lost and they completely dismissed me on it

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 969

    Killers already have that meta build. It's called stacking four
    slowdowns (stronger than Survivor perks, by design) and then tunneling
    someone out immediately.

    not to mention that tunneling only works that well if you´re a tier A killer, and the tier A—tier S killers, low tier killers suffering because nurse is (for some reason) a thing

  • Zraith
    Zraith Member Posts: 143

    because it is not a good point, and it is mind-boggling to me that someone does not see that