Crouch tech and Pluto tech next?

Since we’re getting rid of the hug-tech, we’re gonna do away with the crouch and Pluto tech next right? Right?…
What's Pluto tech? I don't play blight all too much so I've never heard of it. Crouch tech will hopefully be fixed with the new collision changes.
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What is Pluto tech?
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My dog’s name is Pluto. Did he invent this new Blight tech by chance?
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Don't tell us. It won't be as cool as whatever we are imagining in our heads.
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Pluto tech is when you trap/bodyblock/pinch blight on his first rush, not allowing him any collision and forcing him into fatigue.
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So something thats resaonable intented as Blight has to bump off objects and survivors arent objects?
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Considering that Blight's collision is being improved, I think Pluto Tech will be gone as well.
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- 1) Hug Tech affects all matches with Blight, crouch tech sounds like it happens very rarely.
2) Not sure why balance adjustments need to be a tit for tat. Even so, locker tech was removed a while ago which would probably be the trade-off for these tech removals.
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im sure they're working on crouch tech. Making survivors objects would make blight ridiculous. First thing bhvr needs to address though is killer ping tech.
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Well by trap means even if the blight turns into a wall sometimes wont even collide. But most of the time pluto is standing in the way of something the blight wants to causing him to slide off you and miss the object like a tree at the end of a pallet wall.
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Nah bro they're coming for dumb tech next
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I wouldnt be surprised.
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So it’s ok because you perceive it as “rarely happening”? Tell that to all the billy mains, who are the real victim to crouch tech.
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Yes they should fix bugs. Crazy thought. Just because Blight got to live with this bug for years, maybe the next Survivor bug on the list should live an equally long time, but I'd rather they just fix them all. Especially collision on mid-air invisible hitboxes.
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My guy both these things have been around awhile. They are not new. Lol
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I thought you were defending Bug'tech' in another thread because it also was around for a while, but to be fair it might have been a different Blight icon poster. You can ignore the rest if that wasn't you. So we should accept any and all old bugs? Is that the stance you want to take? When is a bug old enough to be considered 'good'. If the locker bug lingered beyond a hotfix would that be considered 'good'? I don't understand the point you are making here.
My stance is bugs=bad, remove bugs.4 -
I don't understand the bugs = bad thing. It's created some of the most entertaining and fun gameplay across every genre of gaming.
Every conversation I've had about the hug tech goes like this:
Person: Hug tech isn't counterable because!Me: Hug tech adds a layer of skill to anyone who's put time into this game (not a lot at that) and has plenty of counter play.
Me: Lists off several scenarios where hug tech is a gimmick and several where it's actually good but very niche
Person: But, but… IT"S A BUG it's not intended!!!
Me: What logic/reasoning did you provide to the conversation here?
Conversation ended.
The point is that the hug tech was a fluid mechanic that created another layer of skill on both sides and was very interactive most tiles, although it seems it was hard for people to learn blight could hug off of anything that wasn't a bush/jagged. Now it's far more linear, some interactivity is left as it's blight but a lot of tiles will be is it playable for blight? Is there anything I can do but guess? We love 50/50s around these parts, we love anything that could make this game more uninteractive!
The only reason it's being removed is because people simply can't be bothered in this game, regardless of the reason they prop up.
Regardless there's a solid chance blight gets 10 new techs that either get him kill switched for 2 years or take 2 years to patch. I'm all but done playing killer but it's so odd people talk about things like this like it hasn't been permitted not only in this game several times but in many, many others.
PS: If they delete something the blight initiates aka the hug tech that is skill expressive for both sides in major collision update it only makes sense they delete the pluto tech, something the survivor can control that also regards collision and is skill expressive. It's not just an us vs them thing it directly regards what's being changed about blight. It's not pain res for dead hard it's blight on blight.
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The Pluto tech is when you trap/bodyblock/pinch a blight on his first rush, forcing him into fatigue.
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Skill issue
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Why is everything a tech with this game?
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I'm all for removing the crouch tech. It's silly that this has ever been a thing.
For pluto tech, I'm honestly unsure I would even classify it as a tech. The word "tech" is used to describe exploits, tolerated by the devs and the community. But blocking Blight's bump doesn't really sound like an exploit to me (it's kind of hard to explain). So, I'm honestly not sure, if it should be fixed for the sake of fixing techs. Especially considering it's one of the few things survivors can do against a good Blight and it also takes a good bit of skill to do it well enough to make a difference.
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You were right.
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Crouch tech - Sure, it's really dumb that it screws some killers and it looks incredibly dumb.
Pluto tech - No, bodyblocking isn't a bug or exploit. You shouldn't be guaranteed a bump just because you clicked M2. Nor does this break gameplay or is beyond the Blight's control any more than survivors bodyblocking a hook for any killer.
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Going to agree with most people here. Crouch tech is a thing against multiple killers and looks silly when you suddenly dodge a billy chainsaw because you are on stairs. "Pluto" seems fine, even based on the video, the first blight rush cannot hit, if the blight rushes too close to survivors and they counter this, that seems fine.
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Almost everything people call a "tech" in this game is exploiting an unintended or unforeseen interaction with mechanics.
In any other game, people would call these what they are, exploits.
Do I think whatever tech and stupid name tech should be fixed? Yes, because unintended interactions that create an advantage for one side over the other should be fixed.
Do I think that that means BHVR can't fix one exploit without fixing every single exploit all at once? No, that's stupid. They should fix what's broken they can, and not in a constant "I feel nerfed so I need compensation nerfs for others at the same time" holding pattern.
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I’m not saying it’s an exploit. Hug tech was not an exploit, but it was “not intended”. I would be willing to bet a survivor being able to pinch me against a wall, breaking my collision (even if I look at the wall, it completely disables my ability to recognize collision) is not intended. Obviously, not many people have talked about this, so we don’t know the devs position on it. I like the Pluto tech, and I think it adds another layer of skill for survivors to show off, and I have only played a couple survivors who could consistently do it.
However, my point here is that the community would not look at it (including the crouch tech) with the same standard they have constantly used on the hug tech. “It rarely happens” …. “It takes skill to pull off”….. “it’s just a gimmicky tech for fun”…. All I want is consistency.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
I am saying it's an exploit though. And technically everything that is used in a way the devs did and do not intend is an exploit. However, the devs did not want survivors to have collision with Blight's bump (although the main reason probably was so that you wouldn't bump into them and immediately get the hit) and this is a direct consequence of it. So I'm not completely sure, if I would consider it an exploit. It would be nice have word from them. I think it's best to wait and see how Blight fares with the changes to Hug Tech and reevaluate.
I get your position and I share it for the most part. Back when they removed SkyBilly, I said, that I would be fine with it as long as they stayed consistent. Meaning, if we're going to fix exploits for the sake of them being exploits (which was the explanation on why SkyBilly was fixed), then they'd have to follow through. That's the reason I also want the CJ tech removed. It has counter play, yes, but that is besides the point. I would however be wary to fix exploits or "techs", if that means creating worse issues. And in Blight's case, I fear that might actually be the case.
The Hug Tech is a direct consequence of the safety measure that prevents him from getting stuck in place with his rushes, so if they simply remove that, then that could actually make this killer almost unplayable on some maps. At least in theory.
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I think that is fair to stay. It gives some more counter play for the survivor without being too powerful.
Crouch tech should go though. That is just silly and isn't a good form of counter play because the killer can't play around it as easily as they could with the other tech. Remove it for Billy and Demo as well.
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Hug tech needed to go because it made Blight even stronger, and he really doesn't need that. Crouch tech needs to go and Pluto tech… eh, maybe.
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I was referring to the Pluto tech specifically not being an exploit. Exploits are grounds for bans no? That’s why the hug tech was not an exploit by BHVR’s rules. You could not be banned for it.
I understand survivors are not obstacles with collision.. I’m not advocating that at all. I guess I should be more specific, and clarify I’m specifically talking about being pinched against objects that should absolutely have collision, but something about the survivor pinching the blight makes him lose his ability to collide. If a survivor simply knocks me off course, fair game.I also agree there… that was a big reason I didn’t want the hug tech touched, is I fear BHVR is going to massively break blight in the process.
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pluto tech is not a bug lol why would it ever be removed.
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It does not make him stronger. Bump logic is stronger and more consistent. I think a lot of survivors have this false idea that removing the hug tech is going to completely change their chases with blight… it’s not. If you were getting tagged by hug techs before, absolutely nothing is going to change for you when they utilize bump logic instead.
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Just because Blight is finally fixed doesnt mean you get to start making demands. At least not for two years or so. ;)
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Oh is that the standard now?
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I want to state I want Blight to have his hug tech. Made chases fun and felt more rewarding when you did juke well.
But if removing it breaks Blight, he was never good to begin with. He was scaled up due to hug tech, and if thats all he has to fear, he should just be reworked or given back his hug. imo anyway
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Enduring base kit
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When I say “break blight”, I mean literally break him. When they have messed with collision in the past, it was a miserable buggy mess with him, some of which still has not been fixed.
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The BHVR touch is usually never a good one. Again, I honestly wish they would have left him as he was. I don't really get that sense of urgency and seriousness unless its Blight, Nurse or Oni. Those killers make me enjoy being a survivor in a horror game.
But you're right. They may very well just break everything. If he gets killswitched on a botched patch, Im gonna laugh so hard lol
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If I have that authority, sure! lol
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we should also get rid of kiss tech too. (When you run into a range killer to avoid projectiles). Should be auto hit!!
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Crouch tech needs to go, but why would Pluto be unfair? Blight needs to collide with objects to use his power and a survivor is not an object
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100% agree. A REALLY good nurse can be very overwhelming and frustrating when not playing SWF.. but Oni and Blight make the most fun games. I wish more killers had sound design like Oni.
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A survivor can pinch you against an object that would otherwise have collision (ie, shack wall) and it breaks your collision entirely; even if you were to directly face the wall.
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does this happen when the survivor is still touching blight, or blight slides off the survivor and hits a wall but can't bounce? If it is the former I still don't have a problem with it, if it is the latter then i could see how it would be bad
Edit: I just saw the video you posted showing it, it seems like the survivor in that clip is still 50% blocking Blight so I don't have a problem with Pluto staying if it is like that
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I am always fascinated by the cringey names Blight players come up with for anything Blight related (although Bump Logic takes the cake imo).
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Ok? Weird flex I guess?..
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How can Bump Logic possibly be worse than "Pluto Tech"?
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maybe the improved collision also fixes that issue!
Besides that, we don't know for certain that hug techs are getting removed completely I don't think. The only think that is confirmed is that collisions will get better.
I believe it is best to have these kinds of discussions when whe know 100% what the case is. That being when the ptb launches and we can test everything.
-edit: I just saw that hug techs are confirmed to be removed0 -
I did as well. But lets be honest. This is just their intention. BHVR needs to deliver. And until that happens, I don't believe 100% they will remove hug tech.
Im hoping they dont tbh. Hug tech is super fun to try and outplay. But if they do attempt its removal, its hopefully successful, and not the usual 'fix one, make 10 more problems.'
Im just worried he'll be unplayable :/
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Cowshed? Idc what map. If he doesn't 1v1 you, I'm game. lolol