It’s funny how so many people complain about the DS buff

Like us survivors have no anti tunnel perks that are decent, OTR people just instantly hit you after unhook so it’s an useless perk imo. I still use current DS and the 3 sec is garbage but I can reset my deep wound and use Dead Hard after chase.

Blight/Nurse/Spirit/Wesker and Oni with Pop-PainRes-Ultimate Weapon-DMS or Grim Embrace just tunneling every match is not a problem since nobody mentions that but everyone is looking down on DS going back to 5 seconds since we’ve been asking for it after 6.1 update… i see this as an healthy update since killers will be more scared to tunnel now and they are afraid they will probably lose the match if they commit to the tunnel.

Why did it take them so long only to change the number and a new ‘animation’ ..


  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,952
    edited March 29

    Yeah but it going back to 5 seconds does NOTHING but hurt the rest of the roster. Nurse, blight, spirit and sometimes wesker will still instantly catch back up to you while the rest of the weaker roster suffers because of it. The 3 seconds COULD be capitalized on but people refused to do the simple thing of… not dead zoning themselves. The better buff to it that wouldn't affect low tiers as much would just be a power lockout for like 10 seconds after getting DS'd.

    All this buff will cause is even more blights and nurses. But hey I guess people reap what they sow when they simply say "buff this" without giving ideas.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,558

    4s stun and 4s power disable would have been a better balance since longer duration mostly just hurts low tier killers more than high tier killers

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,828

    Okay but why are we wanting perks to cover a problem that effects everyone? Why not something mechanically changed to make it not as easy to do and can't be weaponized by survivors against the low tier killers that are going to be effected by it even worse? Kinda getting tired of the band-aid fixes on both sides.

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    Why do people always mention when survivor get any slight buff its increased blight/nurses and that is never true nurses are still so rare in availability to this day at least for me they are I may get 1 once a month or so but I never see this as a thing. Blight is 50 50 for me if anything I see more chuckies/unknown which I rather him over those 2.

    Tbh as a survivor main am a wierdo that actually do enjoy vs blight as opposed to something I despise like spirit with her 0 counter play(that audio que does nothing for me) so I do not consider it a counter. Even nurse you can still see her red stain when she is blinking.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,952

    Well when you get the current state of DBD and buff an already strong perk… it is gonna make more 4 hit builds so more people will switch to stronger killers.

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 336
    edited March 30

    It's an off-topic topic but I want to comment on the idea of "artificially inflated MMR" So many ppl in this community act like DBD mmr system is this strict system at only pairs you up with others same skill level as you. From my exp and being someone with over 1000 hrs I say I don't think this is true. We all know that MMR has a soft cap and the second you get to that soft cap it doesn't matter how high your mmr is, you still get paired with others who are at that soft cap. I get paired with survivors all the time who are clearly more skilled and better than me and as a result, my matches are so unfun to the point I just want to play something else. For exp the last two nights I wanted to play something outside the 2 killers I main, so I decided on Dredge and knight. My matches with those killers was so bad and so unfun. I didn't even get a single hook at all in those nights of playing. I cant tell you why either but it did feel like I was being paired against ppl who was well above my MMR. Before you ask no I did not "artificially inflate" my MMR with these killers. I have never tunnel ppl to win on any killer, the way I play most of the time is by bouncing between 2 or 3 survivors.

    My main point is no matter what players eventually reach the soft cap of the MMR system no matter how they play(esp true for killers) and in turn will always get matches that feel unfair to them. The biggest problem in dbd is match quality in feel. I don't think it tunneling, camping, gen rushing, ect. I think it is the fact that mmr system honestly sucks and is most likely the worst mmr system in gaming in my option. I'll also add on my mains I have the opposite exp where I feel the games are way too easy and I stomp survivors 75% of the time.

    Again sorry for getting off topic just wanted to get that off my chest. I do agree in most cases DS will only hurt killers who want to hard tunnel but I think there were better ways to deal with those types of killers than just putting DS back to 5 secs. I do not want to settle for things, I wholeheartedly believe the devs should do better and stop choosing the easiest options for balancing or fixing an issue. The easiest option isn't always the best and imo the DS change is far from the best…I think it's the worst option they could have done.

    P.S. If the mods remove this comment bc I criticize the devs then I honestly don't know what I can say anymore that would be acceptable in their eyes.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,164
    edited March 29

    As long as it disable on end game I'm fine with 5 sec stun. It only does damage if the player suck at killer.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252

    Yes. Handicap yourself so that your opposition is on equal footing with you, when you let them, aka when not tunneling. Its like weight training, you train against a certain resistance, and if you win, the game increases your MMR aka your weights accordingly. If you lose, it takes off weights (aka lowers MMR). Eventually you will reach an equilibrium of your true 'no tunnel MMR' and only win more when you improve yourself, aka gain skill. Assert your dominance, strive for perfection, and don't accept mediocrity in yourself. The only one holding you back is yourself. Be the best you, you can be. If you need to, keep the idea "I could have just tunneled and won" in the back of your mind to soften losses, but seek improvement over all.

    I do agree nerfing BBQ was a horrible step, but I think most of the 6.1 perk nerfs were poor choices (and many of the buffs cough genkick cough).

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,372

    While I don’t think the current DS is as bad as everyone is claiming, I also don’t think the added 2 seconds is going to change much other than killers tunneling more at the beginning of the match to get out of the way.

    As for players switching to stronger Killers, I don’t think that would happen either. If it makes the role more frustrating, it’ll just make the killer players go play something else like they did in the past (as evidenced with the long wait times Survivor had).

    In the end, if it becomes a problem and kill rates drop, Devs will most definitely buff Killers again albeit a year later.

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657
  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,252
    edited March 30

    I mean if you get paired up with someone far worse than you as Killer, you probably don't need to tunnel anyways. I would still consider that 'win' as artificial, as that match shouldn't have happened in the first place (and shouldn't have shifted MMR).

    As far as the Dredge and Knight games, to be fair that was a small sample size, and these things iron out over larger numbers. Also you didn't artificially inflate your MMR, but the game did because of the shared minimum MMR system. I think that system is dumb, as it punishes 1-tricks too harshly when they try to expand. Even newer Killers should be expected to play 1 Killer until they truly understand them, and this punishes them too. It punishes everyone other than people who were already variety Killers before MMR was implemented.

    The soft cap preventing dropping below is part of the problem, as a player will have a steady increase of pool depth, and then suddenly thrown into the ocean off of a boat. I 100% agree MMR is garbage if you reach the extremes (mains/SWF too easy. newer/learning/soloq too hard). I would love to go back to rank based matchmaking, as I could play the way I want (8 hooks no kills) and not be stuck with baby Survs as a result. I feel obligated to kill Survivors, instead of having fun the way I want to.

    I don't think the DS buff back to 5s will harm gameplay unless they also decide to allow it to proc infinitely during the 60s timer(s). They went back on PR/Pop nerfs from 6.1 because they recognized they were the wrong decision, and now I just hope they continue this trend after DS with Thana and Self-Care as well.

    Feel free to last word reply to the off-topic parts, but if you want to continue those conversations then create a new thread and @ me.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,952
    edited March 29

    Would love to but sadly the MMR in this game isn't good so I can go several games with 0ks but still get super efficient survivors where the only option I have is to tunnel. Hell I could even turn this around and say… dont want tunnelers? Just macro gens better to trick a killer into committing to a chase while at 4 then pop 2 more at 99.

  • edgardot02
    edgardot02 Member Posts: 149

    not true at all u are exaggerating u don't need to wait 60s

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,565

    Yeah, we all know that…

    but certain players are making it seem that DS is this god-tier perk that leads to easy survivor wins when in reality, it is a perk that can only stay active up to 60 seconds and provide nothing but temporary invincibility to hooks since slugging is still an option.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    and what happens when the survivors play efficiently? Surely this wouldn’t be complained about if tunnelings the meta, right?

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,828
    edited March 31

    I swear to-

    Most players are complaining that the buff isn't fixing tunneling. High mobility and M2 killers will still catch up while this just punished slow killers against survivors willing to attempt weaponize DS like ye olden days. If it works, it's an annoying waste of time for the killer (especially paired with OTR and UB) and if it doesn't and survivors try to take hits off hook with just DS, it's a detriment to the survivor team because no killer is going to pick them up.

    We need better mechanics instead of extra time on a perk locked behind a license.

    Post edited by ChaosWam on