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Unforeseen Overstepped

Member Posts: 1,725

Hard to justify playing a Killer with basekit stealth, when Unforeseen turns mobility and instadown into the best stealth killers in the game.

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  • Member Posts: 339

    Probably my favorite perk in the game right now. Sneaking up on people who are hiding from the gens terror radius is actually chefs kiss

    I used to think it was a straight upgrade to Trail but ToT usually lasts much longer once a survivor is dead and can actually be defended pretty decently now that gen tapping is gone

  • Member Posts: 128

    I have been having SOOOO much fun with this perk. I pair it with plaything and tinkerer and turn any killer into a stealth killer.

  • Member Posts: 160

    Unforseen / Plaything / Dark Devotion / Nemesis … Nemesis is exchangeable but that's my build 95% of the time and it's so much fun

  • Member Posts: 128

    Only downside is nemmy has some STOMPIN ass feet. 😂😂

  • Member Posts: 2,371
    edited March 2024

    It's fun to catch survivors out of position and minimize shift w when using it. When i play it killer the perk great but ill give u my thoughts as survivor. It's the same thing I thought on the ptb It haven't change and i even made a thread about it before . Some of the new perks that been coming out just totally out class the older perks. Buckle up is superior to we gonna live forever. Current ultimate Weapon (getting change i know) is superior to thwack in every way possible. Unforeseen is just trail of torment with no counterplay to cut it off, no good indication that it on, and nearly no cool down like current UW. Trail have a 60 second cool down, indicate the survivors map wide that a gen is yellow, and can be counter by working on the gen. Dark devotion- injure the obsession in order to go undetectable and place your terror radius on them. Unforeseen similar effect but requirement way easier to activate....with a 30 second cool down just like dark devotion. which basically meaning you undetectable the whole match. Much like old Ultimate Weapon soon u done with a chase u off of cool down and ready to go undetectable again.This is definition of power creep. let just look at one character who become complete bull $h** when undetectable the whole entire match.

    Plague- if they sweating they run the aura reading and basically undetectable the whole entire match with this perk making it nearly impossible to counter them at certain gens. Gens often spawn at Jungle gyms, main buildings, shack, etc which all have terrible line of sight for approaching undetectable killers. Certain characters isn't designed to be walking around with no terror radius most of the match. A instant down killer especially like bubba shouldn't be able to round a jungle gym corner undetectable constantly

  • Member Posts: 1,062

    While I think that this is the strongest Undetectable perk in the game and can be pretty BS on killers like Leatherface, I agree with what @squbax has pointed out regarding both the fact that you have to spend a precious perk slot on this as opposed to one of the powerful slowdown perks, and that "stealth" killer perks are cool and something that we should have good options of. Ever since Tinkerer more or less died after having had been the one Undetectable perk to be meta-relevant (and I still think it got overnerfed - with the Ruin and Undying nerf Tinkerer didn't need quite as harsh a nerf itself, it at the very least should still be able to activate up to two times per gen, but even an indefinite amount wouldn't be overpowered I don't think) we really haven't had good Undetectable perks that create this threat that a Bubba or the like can just pop up on you. Trail Of Torment was collaterally improved with the regression changes, but Unforeseen is a different beast still, as it not only doesn't announce itself across the map with the gen aura, but can even confuse SWF survivors as the lingering heartbeat doesn't make it as obvious what's happening. And it doesn't have the counterplay of stopping the regression either, you get the 30 seconds guaranteed. (It also has some interesting interactions with perks/abilities that apply in the terror radius, then of course applying around the affected gen.)

    So yeah, I much welcome the introduction of this perk. And I don't really enjoy playing many of the stealth killers anyway, and those that I do enjoy have engaging abilities that still set them apart from others (Wraith, Chucky).

  • Member Posts: 568

    No they are not, literally you have Ghostface and Myers with insta-down abilities, other undetectable killers have higher speed (Skull Merchant, Wraith).

    And there is pig.

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    I prefer any killer picking that over Corrupt, Pain Res, Pop, Noed/Nwo. But that's me

  • Member Posts: 1,526

    Ghostface and myers are still m1 killers, they activate exposed? Its no issue just loop em its not like they are slinger or have a power that makes exposed scary, literally go to a jungle gym and if you are a decent looper the expose should ran out before you get hit.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    This perk is extremely poorly designed IMO.

    An absolute screw you to solo queue players as there’s no tell unless you see them kick the gen or run near the gen that has been kicked. Every other stealth perk in the game gives survivors some sort of indication that the killers undetectable and to be more aware besides this one.

    Dark Devotion is the only other one that doesn’t immediately give you a tell, but once you see it once, you know when the obsession gets hit to be on the lookout.

    I’ve died to this perk multiple times in situations where I feel there was actually nothing I could have done to be aware it was in play. Just feels extremely stupid.

    If Trail of Torment highlights the gen, why in the world would this one not?

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    I haven't played around with it yet but it seems to be a slightly more consistant Dark Devotion, since you just kick a gen instead of having to injure the obsession.

    I'd still argue that Trail or Torment is better after it's recent buffs.

  • Member Posts: 258

    I feel like this entire thread's comments are missing the point, at least as I seem to understand it—OP is saying that the issue is that stealth killers have little to no reason to exist with such powerful stealth options available to every killer, stealth options that are often better than those of the stealth killers in question. Maybe I'm misreading it, but it seems more like OP cares that stealth killers are severely underpowered than that other killers have stealth options, Unforeseen is just so exceptional in this purpose that it highlights the issue.

    And they'd have a point—Why, on earth, would you play a character with no chase power or map presence(ironically probably bar the Pig now), when you could pick one of the many superior killers with potent rushdown or macro abilities AND have better, almost faultless stealth?

    [It bothers me greatly that at least one comment also says this is fine because stealth killers aren't fun, when perhaps that is the issue that needs fixing? Doesn't it make more sense to make those killers functional in the modern game rather than to replace their niche entirely with perks?]

  • Member Posts: 1,526

    Tbf most stealth perks are useless, maybe except for plaything, like trail of torment doesnt work if people have half of their cerebral cortex working. I rather see more stealth perks that replace slowdown perks than see every stealth perk be useless and killer keep running 4 slowdows because other perks are not usefull.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    I’m fine with stealth perks being good, but I’m not fine with them giving no practical implication to survivors that aren’t on comms.

  • Member Posts: 1,526

    The problem is perks with implications such as trail of torment make them useless as the implication negates any value the perk can get. Like if I see a gen go yellow if its near me ill wait a little and stop the regression and if its far I will just keep an eye out so when I see the killer in the distance approaching I can prerun. Both cases mean the perk got no stealth value because the telltale was too obvious.

    Like I personally have never gotten surprised by ToT as it literally screams "watch out the killer got stealth, also this is were the killer was when they activated stealth so you know where they might be coming from" I feel genuinly curious how someone can get surprised by any ToT play, is like falling off a cliff after you saw a sign saying "cliff ahead" and you have like 3 bussiness days to react before arriving at the cliff.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

     issue is that stealth killers have little to no reason to exist with such powerful stealth options available to every killer


    The issue is compounded by the fact that several killers can proxy as better versions of certain stealth killers with Unforeseen. So not only are better "stealth killers" now available—some effectively replace the playstyle actual stealth killers had to offer.

  • Member Posts: 823
    edited April 2024

    Tbf Unforseen highlighting the gen kinda defeats the purpose of the perk as the terror radius staying behind is meant to ward survivors away from the gen. If there's a tell that it's in use then survivors already know the TR is fake which makes it basically useless except for Doctor.

    Although I don't personally think the current perk is an issue, a fix could be to gut Undetectable from the perk entirely and let the killer have two TR's out, confusing survivor's as to which is the real one and synergizing with other TR perks.

  • Member Posts: 2,371

    This thread desperately need to go back into rotation. This perk is broken against solo q as is. It right up there with background player, current UW, or ftp/buckle up. It Zero counter to this perk on indoor maps especially. Bubba isn't meant to be permanently undetectable!! You kick a gen, enter chase, and soon the chase over u back undetectable again. It stupid!!!! the cooldown non existing just like UW

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    I'm curious why this perk appears to be flying under the radar.

    Thankfully survivors have a few perks (Spine Chill and Rookie Spirit) that can help to play around it, but I don't think we'll ever see a day where Rookie Spirit is meta

  • Member Posts: 2,371

    lol rookie spirit vaule for once. I don't know why players isn't talking about this perk but it usage have only been climbing.

  • Member Posts: 3,964
    edited April 2024

    It is an issue worth watching... but it's only with Tinkerer that I've felt this perk actually becomes pretty strong for stealth, and you have to give up 2 perk slots for it, which in turn means stacking gen regression is less effective.

    Also I'm not so sure on the full value of stealth, a key advantage afforded to a stealth killer is a small profile and silent footsteps (with exception of Myers). Pig and Ghostface can crouch, Chucky is naturally small, Sadako, Wraith and Freddy turn invisible/partially invisible beyond a certain distance.

    Like yeah a Pyramid Head can turn off his TR... but he's still Pyramid Head, unless you're on Lery's or something it's hard to miss his big head wandering across the Skyline...

    Its worth keeping an eye on, but you have to give up substantial gen block and regression for it, and/or you'll lack any aura read, where that is something Stealth killers don't have to do... they can still go hard on gen regression and aura read if they wish.

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