Let's Talk About Decisive Strike

As of recently, many of you that Decisive Strike will get buffed back to its original stun timer of 5 seconds compared to its current 3 seconds. Many people have said this is a good change while others disagree for various reasons.
I remember hearing a rework for Decisive Strike that involved increasing and decreasing the stun timer every time a generator was completed. This, if I remember correctly, was suggested by Scott Jund. His change to DS was the following:
If the killer tunnels a survivor at five gens, the killer will be stunned by DS for 7 seconds. However, the stun timer will go down if and only if gens are completed. Essentially, it's as follows:
- 5 gens remaining = 7 second stun
- 4 gens remaining = 6 second stun
- 3 gens remaining = 5 second stun
- 2 gens remaining = 4 second stun
- 1 gen remaining = 3 second stun
All the other conditions of DS such as deactivating in endgame and deactivating whenever you do a conspicuous action are still part of the perk.
What do you guys think of this change? I personally am a fan of this change.
i agree
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Just edited the discussion cause I accidently hit save by mistake without typing anything.
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There’s nothing wrong with DS as it punishes hard tunneling. Old DS was mad annoying as I allowed you to do gens and such, but also keep it active and survivors would force a grab off gens into a DS. 5 seconds helps newer or less-experienced survivors the most to actually have a chance to escape a tunneling killer by getting to a possibly better position for surviving longer than they would have otherwise.
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Sounds fine to me. It doesn't really address many peoples issues with it though which is getting hit with it when you aren't tunneling. If it never hit me unless I was tunneling I wouldn't care if it was always 10 seconds.
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The problem is that there are still things that survivors can do to "progress" the game while not being tunneled and still get to keep their DS. The big one right now is they can do pallet saves, and flashlight saves.
The best solution is to:
- Buff DS back to 5 seconds, hell i'll even say buff it to like 7 seconds, why not
- Add in: "Deactivates if another survivor enters the dying state"
Problem solved.
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I agree with this and only deactivate if you touch gens or time it out. The amount of tunneling lately has been insane. I have utilized it every match I’ve been in as survivor. The amount of people I have seen tunneled out at 5 gens left is insane.
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This ^
There's lots of aggressive non "conspicuous" actions that are still abusing it for unintended purpose and/or progressing the game.
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I would suggest this change that Scott Jund advocated for and add maybe add the, "Stun or blind the Killer to rescue a carried Survivor," as a deactivation requirement since they're not being tunneled.
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Picture this: I’m tunneling Dwight on death hook, Meg tries to body block to protect him. I slug Meg and continue tunneling Dwight.
Same problem, now made easier.
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I'm fine with the 5 seconds. My issue with DS was that a survivor could use it after being downed. The killer was punished for downing a survivor and the survivor rewarded for failing a chase.
That was mitigated by making only one survivor able to use it instantly and other having to wiggle a little. This was still bs because the killer was being punished for doing their role.
That was finally fixed where the survivor could only use it after being hooked. While this was a step in the right direction, they made it so a survivor was invincible for the timer. That means jumping into a locker when the killer was near and working on a gen when not.
Finally, they made it so it disables when performing an action that progress the game. This is acceptable. The perk can be tolerated.
Some bring up Enduring reducing the 5 second stun made it fine. But since that was removed it must be 3 seconds. Not everyone ran Enduring! If 5 seconds was fine then it's fine now regardless of a mitigating perk.
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While that’s possible to do within the minute DS is active, that’s rare in higher mmr games where killers aren’t lacking awareness. Forcing a DS while actively doing a Gen was just straight up criminal.
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It is interesting how you brought up the original versions of Decisive Strike. You know how I much I love the Old DBD, and I always try to participate in every discussion about it, but I honestly don't see this perk being mentioned often.
And to think it was a very important factor when playing killer. I am pretty sure I still know the proper way to dribble a survivor to the hook.
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The problem here is this could still encourage tunneling. If Surv A is on hook and Surv B goes down either immediately before or after A is unhooked, that doesn't mean magically Surv A commited a CA or started progressing the game again. Also I could just hit Surv C as they unhook Surv A (to injure), then down C after unhook, and now I have a tunnel free card to go after Surv A and leave Surv C slugged. Think about basement, I injure the rescuer on the way down, slug them on their way back up, and now the OG basement Surv is tunnelable.
That's why CA's are on an individual Survivor basis. I may have downed two other people crossmap, but the original Survivor still just got off hook mere seconds ago. It is important to view the match from both sides, regardless of which side you are currently playing, as it will give greater insight into your opponent's decisions and perspective.2 -
That was engrained in my head, watched a lot of youtube on the game back before playing and dribbling was one I defiantly remembered seeing, never understood why they did it though until I started playing. Part of me also misses old doc, and most of the pre reworked maps, and chainsaw Myers, and space Billy.
Wow thanks a lot now I realize how much I miss old DBD xD.
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No problem, friend! I am always happy to talk about the Old DBD.
I miss all of it, you know. That is the game I truly wish to play. Old Freddy, Doctor, the maps, perks... wish we still had it all.