When You Play Fair, Do You Get Treated Fairly?

notyarbllewe Member Posts: 213
edited March 27 in Polls

I play the game primarily for just having fun. I do not tunnel, camp, bring overpowered items, or act like a tryhard as either a killer or a survivor. However, whenever I play killer rounds fairly, I often get punished. There was a teabagging Nancy, yet I did not tunnel nor camp her. And the funny thing is, she was probably the easiest or second easiest of the 4. However, because I played fairly, she crazy teabagged me at the exit gate and did not appreciate the fair play.

The game is not the problem; a lot of the community is.

When You Play Fair, Do You Get Treated Fairly? 40 votes

10% 4 votes
77% 31 votes
Teabagging Should Just Be Stopped Already
12% 5 votes


  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,783

    I voted yes, but to be more clear I need to explain. I'd say about the top 20% of people act nice no matter what, the bottom 20% act 'toxic' no matter what, (even if I wouldn't call it toxic, but the communities' definition of toxic) and the remaining 60% give you back what you feed them. Since it is as high as 20%, that can basically be 1 Survivor per match, so it can 'happen every match'. At the same time, the remaining 3 Survivors likely weren't stinky.

    Back during Rank based matchmaking, I would predominantly 2-hook tango people, or hook them twice each, cap my BP categories, and let them go. The vast majority of players would be kind in endgame chat. Very few players t-bagged or insulted me in chat. When they did t-bag, it was often an obvious newer player who lacked the game sense to understand that I let them go. I couldn't be insulted by someone that probably had difficulties tying their shoes, so it never got to me. As such I usually see people crouching at exit gates in that same light. In a normal match I purposely don't tunnel/camp/slug/etc., and the weakest and most foolish player is always the first to t-bag if they win. The rest of the players knew if I decided to sweat or turbo-tunneled a single one of them, I would have won, so they leave with grace.

    My mindset is, if I take offense by being insulted from an idiot, I'm probably the bigger idiot for letting them get to me. I mean they hit control on a keyboard, its not a big deal. They insult me in endgame chat, then I can hit the close chat button.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 213

    True, true. I just wish more people would actually try to enjoy the game. Just too many try to focus on winning and not having fun, even if they're not trying to be toxic. Probably 50% of the people in my games are just normal but still focus on winning, but possibly a good 30% or 35% are tryhards or newbies.

    Maybe only a tiny bit of those actually are doing it due to tryhard killers, as most talk snotty back to me when I mention it to them. No matter how much of the tryhard survivors are actually due to tryhard killers, both sides only keep worsening each other.

    Literally, I was waiting for a round to start as I was reading yours, and then a Pied Piper book popped up on my screen, and anyone that has played this game for an extended amount of time is almost sure to know that that map is horrid for killers. In just about every one of my games, at least someone is bringing some sort of thing that's an absolute downfall for killers, going from bad map offerings to BNPs.

    Probably only 5% or 10% in my games actually try to have fun, and maybe another 10% are just normal.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,683

    I just watched my friend play a round against Xeno. He was the first one found because his teammates failed skill checks, first one hooked. His teammates didn't heal him after unhooking him, so he was left to heal himself. Then a survivor got chased and brought the killer to my friend while he was still trying to heal. Killer hooked him again. He got unhooked, the survivor who unhooked him once against disappeared, and the killer quickly put him back on the hook and nodded at him while he died. I still have no idea why. My friend did nothing toxic, he just got screwed over by crappy teammates and tunneled out at 5 gens. Wow, the killer sure taught him a lesson... about bothering to play the game, I guess (lessoned learned, I took the controller from him and rather than dealing with DbD I'm playing Bloodborne).

    I try to play nice as killer, and rarely do the survivors notice. Back when messages were still on I got accused of tunneling despite spreading out hooks. I don't personally enjoy tunneling so I rarely do it, I often don't even kill because I just don't feel the need; I don't expect to be thanked for it, it's my choice. But survivors will still wait out the EGC teabagging in the exit gates, oblivious to how much I was holding back because there's no joy in slaughtering potatoes at 5 gens.

    How I or my friend are treated by the opposition rarely has any connection to how we play.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,208

    No :(

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 312
    edited March 28

    Generally, yeah. Contrary to many people's experiences on here, the far majority of my post-match messages have been positive, especially when I play killer. Not tunneling and knowing when to just have a little fun goes a long way for the enjoyment of everyone in the match.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,184
    edited March 29

    I generally speaking try to play very fair. I try not to tunnel anyone and let them get hook saves.

    However any time I get a streamer I go back and watch the game from their point of view and like 90% of the time it’s “tunneler, camper, stream sniper”. Like no matter what you do they’re gonna say this. The definition of tunneling people go by is ridiculous. If I haven’t hooked every other survivor once before they go down i’m “tunneling”. They stretch it so far that everything is tunneling.

    This makes you just be like why do I even bother if they’re gonna say all that anyway. I make myself unnecessarily lose games for people to blame me anyway.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,169

    Very weird when I play to win on killer I get ggs and the like when I play nice and get outed it's generally the reverse.

  • BOFH
    BOFH Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2

    There have been several games recently where I was accused of "tunneling" or "camping" even though the entire reason I got the 4k was the survivors' hilariously bad misplays.

    I'm talking about stuff like "unhooking the survivor before I've even had the chance to walk out of anti-facecamp range" or "running towards the hook one at a time in full view along an obvious path against Bubba while I'm trying to walk away and patrol gens", stuff like that.

    What made that second example really hilarious was that I hadn't hooked that Leon once the entire game, because he ran me all over The Game for a good 2 minutes, only 1 generator got done in that time, and then he died at the same time the other survivors did after they all hit 2nd hook stage when everyone failed their self-unhook attempts.

    Obviously, that's not even counting all of the times I've been rolled over by survivors for the crime of doing Daily Rituals on killers I'm not familiar with, and then getting teabagged until I chase/hit all four of them out of both of the open gates.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 1,490
    edited April 3

    Nope. To be “fair” is it unfair to play unfair? An objective is an objective you gotta get done by any means necessary.

    When I play fair I get used and abused. So I stop doing that.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 495

    Killers shaking their heads or nodding isn't always toxic. Killers will often nod if a survivor loops well, or give you nopers when you go for a play and fail miserably. It's usually just them goofing off in my experience. I can't account for your experience though. The killer might have had toxic intentions.

  • MrRetsej
    MrRetsej Member Posts: 26

    I would rate about 80-85% of the time I try to play fair (or heavens forbid goofy) as killer, I get stomped by the survivors and they gloat over their perceived victory. Of the remaining 15-20% of matches where the survivors aren't being goons about it, maybe three quarters of them are completely neutral with no commentary and only a fraction are positive about the experience in post game chat.

    But the moment I say "screw it, I'm gonna turn up the pressure," actually play to my full ability and get that 4k, I'm called out for being a "try hard," "toxic killer," "baby killer," "camper," "tunneler," and a whole slew of insults that get auto-blocked and hashmarked out. I never camp except once all gens are popped and I want to at least secure a final hook, and I only tunnel when someone is being blatantly toxic (rapid pallet vaulting) or has given up waiting at a hook with crows flying overhead.

    So yeah. Being kind is almost never recognized and as a killer, you're going to be trashed on regardless of what you do. Unless I'm just trying out a meme build for my own amusement, at this point I might as well just go hard and waffle stomp any lobby that isn't obviously full of newbs trying to learn the game. For the obvious baby survivors I will still hold back.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 998

    Mm… Mostly no but sometimes yes.

  • caligraph
    caligraph Member Posts: 359

    I could spent the whole match spreading hooks, using a meme build, and bringing an anniversary cake and I'll still get tbagged just because I was playing artist/blight.