Is it just me, or is Chucky now a hotbed for the most toxic/blatantly immature Killer players?

Guroneko Member Posts: 9
edited April 2024 in General Discussions

About less than a week ago (♪week ago♪), I was playing as Meg on a Badham map. In the second floor of its main house, there's an empty closet opposite the Gen. While hiding, Chucky sniffed me out trying to ninja the generator and slugged me there. Understandable— I play just as much Killer and get just as upset at sneaky survivor rats poking my gens before sprint bursting away.

What I DON'T understand is why he came back into the closet and, instead of picking up and hooking Meg, proceeded to roleplay "taking advantage of her." I dunno what words BHVR's decided to filter, but just think of the grossest thing and go with that. Backpedaling and holding forward repeatedly. Needless to say, I didn't do much afterwards besides quit DbD for the day.

Fast forward to today. I'm playing Yoichi on Midwich against another Chuck. After a grueling 11 minute game, it's finally down to a Quentin and I to try and wrap up 2 gens. I did my damnedest up until Chuck slugged Quentin CLEAR across the map and left him to look for me, just so I couldn't Hatch out of the match.

I mention Yoichi because I'm using Empathic Connection, so Quentin can see me across the map since he's injured. I also recognize what Chucky is trying to do here, fight the urge to quit and do my best to have fun with it. I hide in basement, emote to Quentin to crawl to me while Chuck wastes time searching and I pick him back up so we can have another go at it.

No luck. Chuck finds Quentin again while I'm on a gen, slugs him while I'm clear across the map a second time and proceeds to deny Quentin his right to leave the game with his well-earned BP. At this point I simply throw up my hands, sprint to the center of Midwich's courtyard and force notifications until he finds me.

His response after I call him out on "forcing a 4k" instead of "earning" it post-game? Something to the effect of "I got a 4k tho." At the same time, I was being lambasted by a Cheryl for "jerking around" instead of "playing the game."

I took a couple of breaks from the game after Nemesis and RPD were released. Best thing that ever happened in a multiplayer game I enjoy. Now? I'm wondering if licensed characters/killers are even worth the baggage they bring.

Bonus round: Which Killers attracted the most toxic individuals before Chuck? In hindsight, I find this psychological phenomena fascinating. It makes me wonder what types of people watched Child's Play growing up.

EDIT: I apologize if this should've been labeled discussion instead of question. These events incited my first time using the forums.



  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    name any simple pubstomper and toxic noobs gravitate towards them. chuckfuck, ghostface, freddy when he was pay to win, wraith, doctor, etc. stuff that will dominate average soloq teams. even though nurse and hillbilly are free and top 3 killers, you wont see them played by these nobodies often because the vast majority sucks.

    there's the tryhard and actually good toxics who play decent stuff like billy, wesker, huntress, blight, et cetera, and then there are the average plebeians who want to get some satisfaction out of beating randoms they struggle against. these noobs tend to be the same people complaining on forums most

  • Guroneko
    Guroneko Member Posts: 9

    tl;dr: I agree to an extent because nothing involving social contracts is ever simply binary/black & white.

    You're right! I 4slug too (on Skully, my "main" and a very unpopular pick with Survivor enthusiasts) against aggressively altruistic/rescue-centric players. It's very potent when applied correctly/efficiently. In this case however, when applied (by what looked to be an amateurish and/or overly emotional killer player) against the 2 remaining survivors while the other 2 have already been dead for over two minutes (and spectating the game to drop their two cents in post-game chat), said player is treading "overkill" territory.

    Imo, the toxic one is the killer >player< for (potentially) believing it's perfectly fine for them to waste 4 minutes of a solo queue player's time to simply deny me the hatch while Quentin could've already been enjoying another more entertaining Trial.

    Chances are, his next killer is also a bit more aware of the implied responsibility/social agreement to not hold (the last) 2 players hostage just because said killer would rather secure 4 kills instead of walking to Quentin, pressing Space, holding W until they reach a hook and pressing Space again to (potentially, based upon their own skill and Hatch spawn luck) settle for a 3k.

  • Guroneko
    Guroneko Member Posts: 9
    edited April 2024

    I'll meet you in the middle here and admit that I'm mostly just venting about some strange fellow pretending to ######### my character in an online videogame. I will have to disagree about that being even remotely close to your average excited survivor teabagging their opponent from a safe distance, though. One of these is a knee-jerk/emotional taunt. The other is premeditated.

    I'm also pretty sure most players would also much rather get teabagged at by survivors every other game than have their respective killer start erotic roleplaying in the middle of an intense game.

    As for your latter point, I respect your chosen definition of "Toxic" and, once again, agree that 4slugging is effective, valid and very much not toxic. It's a concept/action, not an organic being. It isn't capable of being toxic on its own, only being utilized by a toxic person. These players themselves, however, are what I'm referring to as toxic and, frankly, are far more interesting than their childish response to losing a competition. They are who I intended to discuss, as well as why they flock to certain killer characters.

    I think edgarpoop's initial post about choosing killers that balance overwhelming power with ease of use was apt and well-said. I'm guilty of being attracted to them as well, hence my fascination with "mastering" Skully—

    However I'm also well aware that 9/10 times, I'm playing the game against other grownups with things to do once we're done scooby-dooing after each other in circles for 5-12 minutes. I don't want to actively keep them away from their lives and/or their earned BP/XP/Iri Shards. It's not too much to expect the same attitude from your average Chucky player, is it?

    Edit/Addendum: To clarify, as if the vulgarity of the act wasn't ridiculous enough, I'd probably also classify slugging and ERPing with an incapacitated survivor in a closet instead of immediately hooking them and playing like "normal" while there's 3 other survivors still playing the game unawares of what's happening, as a waste of both the Killer and Survivor's time.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619

    I think you are right, for some reason Chucky and also Ghostface tend to be the most toxic players, when the camping Bubba died those two took the throne.

  • Guroneko
    Guroneko Member Posts: 9

    Dude, tell me about it. I can understand if he's not the most popular content creator on the forums, but I share Scott Jund's weird appreciation for spotting a Tunneling Nemesis just doing his best out in the wild or a Bubba standing on guard at the basement stairs like he's acting out the Canadian national anthem.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,922

    I haven’t really experienced that many toxic Chucky’s if I’m honest.

    Usually the toxic killers I see are Skull Merchant and Huntress with the occasional Nurse or Blight.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean getting the 4k there has nothing to do with earning it... You are just rolling a dice hoping to find hatch first and close it, finding the survivor and downing him before he finds hatch or having the gates in a way that makes it possible to effectively patrol them. Getting the 4k in that scenario is like 95% luck... There is no earning it.

    As for the first case where he was w/s you on the floor I mean…I guess he felt the rat playstyle was bm so he proceeded to bm you as well... However in all fairness, is that really that much of an issue? This or teabagging are silly for sure but I simply cannot find it as horrible as to stop playing because of it. Especially Ghostface looks hilarious when crouch spamming, he can do that all day long as far as I am concerned xD

    Also I fail to see how the licensed character is to blame for the playstyle of the player... If somebody wants to be an annoying brat they can do that no matter what character they play.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited April 2024

    I don't get how you aren't any less toxic by believing killer SHOULD give free escape for survivors, by intentionally leaving borrowed time that is bleedout timer.

  • Guroneko
    Guroneko Member Posts: 9

    Despite the point of the thread being about why Chucky is attracting such players and not the transgressions specifically, me not expecting anyone to realistically "lick my feet" in any capacity, me calling out (from my 800 hour perspective) sub par Killer players for using underhanded tactics on already powerful killers instead of just approaching the 1v1 "hatch race" as a learning experience with confidence as "abuse", and the strange vitriol dripping off of your word choice and succinct post, allow me to elaborate.


    The Chuck player isn't just "toxic" for 4slugging. He's an ass for slugging in poor taste (after securing 2 kills minutes prior with a pretty pitiful performance on an A-tier killer. Apologies for expecting to see more out of such a Meta killer, as a self-proclaimed "Killer Main") and then attempting to handwave holding Quentin and I hostage by simply responding to the accusation with "but i won with a 4k tho." That's what you call being "disingenuous." It sounds, to me at least, more like the Chuck in question was simply in denial post-game about having disappointed multiple people at the same time and not getting the "ggwp" he (maybe) expected despite achieving the personal goal he set for himself that game. It's more common than you'd think.

    As for whatever the latter half of your post is trying to assume, I'll attempt to address it as well.

    Being "too altruistic" isn't a "crime," it's a blatant misplay. This is sometimes called "overcommitting" or "overplaying." Pig players ought to know this, if you'll allow me to make an assumption about your play habits as you seem to be making assumptions about me. It happens against Stealth killers plenty because they lack effective basekit crowd control or a means to scare survivors away from the overzealous rescue attempt aside from spamming M1 with reckless abandon.

    Tbh, not sure what else you're getting at with the last line. Am I the player in question? If so, you can always be passive aggressive in my DMs instead. These forums have personal messaging, right? I just made my account today. Been playing on and off since the 5th anniversary, just for context before you potentially dive down that rabbit hole.

  • Guroneko
    Guroneko Member Posts: 9

    This thread isn't about me, it's about my question. Buuuuut, if you'd like tickle my narcissism, then my DMs are open to you as well.

    I never claimed to be some saint that never succumbs to toxicity. I'm a red-blooded human being that enjoys complaining too, whether it's post-game or on a forum. We all make mistakes and say things we regret— I'd be remiss to try and deny that.

    As for your latter accusation, I never said anywhere (as far as I recall) that I believe "killer SHOULD give free escape for survivors, by intentionally leaving borrowed time that is bleedout timer." The only thing Killer players should regularly strive to do is have fun and remain acutely aware that unless the Killer AFKs, plays friendly with survivors to farm BP or otherwise gives away the game to the survivors, there will come a point in which the Killer retains MUCH more control over progressing the game state than (2, in my case) Survivors do.

    I wanted my fair 1v1 hatch race after Quentin got hooked. That's the garden-variety goal of playing killer, is it not? To tally up hooks, kills, and win chases. Not engineer situations in which you artificially delay the game for someone or remove any chance a survivor has of surviving the Trial by abusing the presence (or lack thereof) of another human player. That's typically a prerogative the Killer player takes upon themselves to compensate for some other shortcoming (or to generate entertaining Youtube/Twitch content, admittedly).

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited April 2024

    You know, hatch race is already EXTREMELY unfair for killers, because killer: manage to kill 3 survivors (which is just hard as is), find the hatch(which is pretty much 50/50 and pure RNG, on top of the hatch camping which is real), and THEN they have to find gate so they can catch survivors, ultimately making it like 80/20, this is not even 50/50, survivors even can be healthy so making it impossible for killers to catch UNLESS hatch is closed.

    No wonder killer try to actually have agency in that situation, also you can just always fix up generator or hide for 4 minutes too, it's not like those are any harder when you know what choice killers have.

    And "3k isn't needed" is weird point too, BP rewards 4k, emblem rewards 4k, achievement rewards 4k, game is literally asking for 4k and bleedout is a tool for it.

  • ImWinston
    ImWinston Member Posts: 259
    edited April 2024

    • the only thing I can't stand (besides slugging for no reason) is when the killer mimes "sexual acts" on the survivor on the floor... I don't understand how the T-bag is considered toxic, but dragging Thalita onto Badam's mattress is fun and "normal" (I'm a man)
  • Guroneko
    Guroneko Member Posts: 9

    I can now say "If I had a nickel for each time I'd been made aware of Killer players taking out sexual frustrations on Survivors, I'd only have two nickels.. But it's still pretty weird that it happened twice."

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    T-bagging refers to something sexual... Google it if you must or trust me on this... Let's just say there is also a Southpark episode about it with cartman... If you don't want to Google it but want an explanation what it means DM me I guess...

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    They're both equally as toxic. Which is to say barely at all unless you decide to take it that way. But survivors get away with repeatedly crouching all the time, so I don't see why it should be a problem for killers to move forward and then move backwards.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I don't think it is sexual frustration, more likely showing dominance in their mind? But I don't really see that discussion being fruitful if continued down that road.

  • baharuto48
    baharuto48 Member Posts: 135

    Kids who play that way likely have some deeper emotional trauma. Maybe their home life sucks, maybe they are bullied at school. It's possible that playing killer in a video game is the only time they feel in control and maybe we should be grateful they're displaying this horrible behavior in a digital way and not in real life.

  • baharuto48
    baharuto48 Member Posts: 135

    Also, there is something lacking from "toxic" players. Maybe they didn't play team sports growing up. Maybe they didn't have a good role model like a father or coach. But if they're using The Good Guy, at least they're spending money on DBD. And I'm talking about real scummy players. If a player is just "sweaty", so be it.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    It's definitely not a pleasant thing to see or experience, like sure killers can't T-Bag (unless you're playing Piggy or Ghosty) so I suppose by some twisted logic it's their way of BM-ing survivors. But that doesn't excuse the behaviour, and it should be a reportable offence, not necessarily a banable one, but certainly one that holds a heavy consequence if you're caught doing it.

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 258

    I can't say I have or have not seen this concept supported, but if Chucky were to be the go-to toxic character, it would not at all be hard to understand. Chucky is easy to play and do well with because his optimal strategy is to use Scamper to not interact with the video game, and being small means he has incredible mindgames that the survivor has to deal with—if they try to leave the loop, he can see that better than other killers with his third person camera.

    More importantly, Chucky is intrinsically unserious—He's a tiny doll who has a bunch of disrespectful voicelines. He has the appropriate vibe for it, for lack of a better word.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I don't really mind where they do it, but whatever dude ^^

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960
    edited April 2024

    I think you're reading too much into it. People will be jerks on all kinds of killers. It's probably just a placebo effect; you think people that play Chucky will more often behave like jerks, so you experience exactly that.

    Though that part about slugging for the 4k is not really toxic. Nothing stops the killer from doing it, there is no rule against it and if they kill 3 survivos without slugging they give the remaining survivor a second chance, that they didn't need to earn either. If you played survivor and the gates were open already, would you run back to the middle of the map and give the killer another chase for no other reason than giving them another chance to kill you? I wouldn't.

    The hatch is poorly designed in that regard. Neither the killer nor the survivor "earn" their best result regarding the hatch. It's a rng based mechanic (for the most part) and even if the hatch is closed, the survivor still gets another chance at the gates, which can often be a guaranteed escape (not on Midwich though). So you could always make an argument, that they didn't earn the 4k or the hatch escape because they just got lucky.

    Anyway, I hope you'll get some more friendly killers soon. Good luck and see you in the fog.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Nah I don't think you should get banned for silly stuff like that, sounds way too minor.

    Whatever in the sense of you are free to have your opinion :)

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 405

    It is a shame that acts that use to be funny are now perceived to be horrendous. Gaming has always been a fun escape. The BMing was just perceived as either jokes or the equivalence of trash talk/gloating. It was harmless. It is sad that now many perceive it as despicable.

    Also yes Chucky and Ghostface players usually are the worse that I have ran into. The ones that have been the sweatiest goes to Weskers and Nurses.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,783

    Humping is what its called and it's the killer equivalent of a tbag. It is a taunt, no more or less; literally the killer going "haha" over and over. 99% of people are not living out some weird fetish thing. It's not toxic but you could argue immature. Chucky might do it more because of his size so it's funnier to them.

    Slugging for the 4k also isn't toxic/immature. A killer can slug for the 4k all they want for whatever reason they want for however long they want. It's annoying at worst but part of the game; just like a Nurse who runs 4 slowdowns. There is no responsibility on either side to play a certain way.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Okay, like BM is immature and in bad taste but I don't think people should be banned for in-game BM unless it's able to be proven to be targeted; like the one guy who keeps a count of all the POC Survivors he's killed on his profile.

    Post-game and external BM, sure, but anything in-game is just bad taste.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,783

    I have a legit question. DBD itself is literally simulating brutally murdering people ad infinitum to please some cosmic entity or possibly sate their own bloodlust. If this was real it would be beyond ######### up, but it's not. It fake and just a video game.

    So why does "humping" get the if it was real treatment but the game itself doesn't? After all should we really be simulating killing and torturing fellow human beings for fun?

    Or is it at the end of the day, just a video game and what happens in the game, shouldn't be compared to real life?

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 448

    personally, I've found my games where Chucky is the killer to be the most toxic or 'sweaty' ones

    obviously, it was more apparent when he first released since people flocked to him but even now, more often than not he is played in a really scummy way - at least in my matches

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962

    … In fairness… it's pretty on brand for Chucky 😏

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    Is t-bagging or using the "Come here" emote to touch a character also sexual assault?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    And the "Come Here" emote?

    And it should be all t-bagging, shouldn't it? It's simulated, after all, and we all know what t-bagging means; so it shouldn't really matter where it's performed, right?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    But there is also no depiction of that in the game? It is just walking back and forward... What you make out of that is only your interpretation of the killers intention... But the base of it is rather thin.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    In my experience Artists tend to be toxic. The amount of BM I've seen from them is unreal.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited April 2024

    I realize the thread is simply a rant or maybe a late April fools gag, but man why is everyone so sensitive over a game. Sure it's unnecessary to "t-bag" (and noise spam but I guess its ok when the OP does it out of frustration eh) etc but come on really is it really that traumatizing? Its only a game for crying out loud.

    To really highlight one point

    "proceeds to deny Quentin his right to leave the game with his well-earned BP." 

    It's not some breach of human rights to be slugged in a game of DBD. If the killer wants to go for a 4k, they can, and are allowed to slug to maximize their chances.

    I love the way the OP decries "toxicity" while admitting to verbally berating the killer player in post game chat, "I call him out on "forcing a 4k" instead of "earning" it post-game" The absolute hubris of this is palpable and a lil hilariously ironic in how tone deaf it is.

    News flash… when you act like that in post game chat… you are being toxic.

    Attacking other players over how they legitimately play, simply because it doesn't fit your personal version of legitimate gameplay, is toxicity.

    The killer player response "I got a 4k tho" is perfectly reasonable in this case and rather subdued I might add.

    "Now? I'm wondering if licensed characters/killers are even worth the baggage they bring." Licensed killers don't come with any baggage, only players who get hung up on the game and grumpy about it do. This is true no matter what role they play.

    Post edited by pseudechis on
  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Slugging for 4K is incredibly boring the strat where you slug second last and search whole map to find the last one. Match drags forever and forever and usually killers who do it let the second last one wiggle out ones they about to bleed out and try to get them to show where the last one is. I liked the new gamemode where that thing didn't exist.

    When killer sees the other survivor aftet downing other and goes aftet them that's not slugging for 4K. There the other survivor will have to likely be less than minute on the ground unless he hides which is as annoying as slugging for 4K as then killer has to spend 4 minutes finding them.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited April 2024

    It's as boring as three stage comeback for survivors, remove slug with hatches and guarantee 4k at that point or do not touch both, choose one.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,945

    I never said it wasn't "boring" i said it wasn't "toxic"

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Im not sure what you mean but the last one down could be instantly sacrifised to entity ones hatch is closed so killer will not have search them for 4 minutes. For second last I would add entity sacrifise button if they don't want be slugged for 4 minutes now both problems solved.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,068

    ^^^ This is the correct answer.

    Also… "Wraith for a very brief period".

    A "brief" period? Almost every Wraith I've met in the last three years will beat you on hook if you have the audacity to sneeze. There was a time when it was worse?

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    Killers who take very little to no brain use=is always top toxic, see our best friend wraiths for more information please.