This game has way too many cheaters

weareweebs Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 10

Cheating is getting ridiculous and the game is becoming unplayable, from the subtle to the blatant hackers. How does this game not have any system that detects anything out of the ordinary is beyond me, I just saw a guy who put his speed to maximum the entire game, he had no speed perk and I couldn't do anything about it. Other games I play, if you have your speed go up even a percentage it's detected instantly. Developers need to stop caring about perks and cosmetics and improve their anti-cheat and report system. This is why I never play killer, because it's the obvious cheaters. And Players use reshaders to gain an advantage in dark maps whereas on console some maps are dark to the point of being unplayable, and players lag switching because there is no ping limit in this game. I will try to play with crossplay off, sick of PC players ruining every game they touch and having way too much advantage by using third party programs.

I wish games would just make a console-only crossplay so only console players can play with each other. Either that or relax the DC penalty because why should I get banned from playing the game but cheaters are not getting punished? Close to quitting the game for a few months again. They are recording themselves on youtube and still have their account, that should tell you something about the game. The report function is useless, never had a report been processed and it's been months, so these hackers are not getting banned. The block function is useless too because you can't even see your block list or there is no warning that the player you blocked is even in the lobby so you will see the same cheaters, why does every button in this game seem to do nothing, tell me.


  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,721

    The biggest hurdle BHVR is that the game is very weak against cheaters to the point where cheaters can literally force cheats on other survivors. I had a match a few weeks ago where the dwight was forcing all other survivors to instantly wiggle off. He was bragging about it in chat and said it was his 20th account so far. It would be incredibly easy for a killer to see a survivor wiggling off instantly and report them with footage for cheating when the survivor was a victim, themselves.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,454

    I played three games yesterday and two was against cheaters. One as survivor where we was winning against a Deathslinger but when last gen was done suddenly he was flying across the map downing us all in 15 seconds. Second one I was trying Clowns reworked gin bottle addon and all survivors was running at angry Oni speed so I had to AFK until game was over.