A thought on camping

I am a console player, and form what i heard camping is more of a menace of console than on pc but this got me thinking on how to change it. Now i know that camping is sometimes needed by killers to secure the kill in the end game and is a tool they should be able to use. But at the same time it makes some games (specifically where you are 5 mins in get downed once and then die because you cant be saved) aggravating to play. So iv been thinking of a way to make a middle ground between survivors and killers that can keep this play style viable but give the survivors a chance. I thought of this, what if, if the killer stays within a certain radius of a hooked survivor the entity gets displeased with how hopeless the survivors are getting (thus making the game not fun to watch for it) and grabs the killer for x amount of time. in this time the killer cant move or swing but can still see, so survivors can make a rescue if their nearby but the killer can still track and give chase. this, i think, is a good balance and can bring some usefulness to some perks. For example you could change insidious so that you asre grab for less time or lessen the radius in witch you will be grabbed. you could also add a survivor perk that affects this as well. what does both killers and survivors think about this? Is it geared to in favor of the survivors or just a stupid idea in general? I also want to hear the thoughts on camping in general from both sides since i dont know if its a problem on pc or not.
@light141 The only thing I see wrong with camping is that it's not fun for the receiving end which is the survivor "Sucks to be that guy". I did propose a complete change to the hook mechanics in one of my discussions but it's rather long. Basically to sum up what my hook change would do was that you wouldn't know if you would get saved or not so basically it would make being on the hook more interesting. Think of a dark fog that surrounds you when you being on the hook for too long and it's gets to a point where you can only see your survivor and the hook, nothing else! Only you would see this and not anyone else0
Are you really asking, that after a 5 minute chase, you get a free escape, because the killer camps you, since there is nothing else to do?
If you don´t like camping, then stop hiding from the BBQ aura reading.
Killer needs a reason to leave the hook, if you don´t give him a reason, he´ll stay.3 -
camping is legit1
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.
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A similar feature has been tested, back then, on the PTB.
It has been heavily abused by survivors, that were forcing the killer to stay around the hook for more than half the round with 0 punitions whatsoever.Camping is a necessary strategy, as hooks shouldn't be a survivor haven.
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@Orion said:
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.Nurse flair checks out.
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It's not necessary, but viable yes. Assuming you main Billy (Flair) you have a 1down attack and the most mobile killer. You can go and patrol gens and make it back to the hook ridiculously fast if they get saved. A team could smash out pretty much all the gens while you get 1 kill and depip. it hurts you, not the survivors
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@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.Nurse flair checks out.
Could you people stop judging people based solely on their chosen avatar?
@light141 The developers have tried 2 anti-camping mechanics in the past, long before console. Both mechanics got so thoroughly abused by Survivors that the devs decided to scrap any anti-camping mechanic for good.
There will be NO mechanic to punish camping anymore, only ever mechanics that incentivise the Killer leave the Hook (BBQ & Chilli, Make Your Choice, Devour Hope, etc.)
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@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.Nurse flair checks out.
Who said I play Nurse?
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My Idea for Camping:
If the Killer is closer than 24Meters (Not the Heartbeat, since they just counter it with insidious) the Hooked Survivor dont lose his Life... so that means if the Killer does not leave the Survivor, he cant die on the Hook. Leave him, let him be rescued and hook him again. Than Probably Campers will switch to Tunnler but... at least a survivor has a Chance to play a bit longer... not die on his first hook cuz Killers have no balls2 -
@Der_Schatten said:
My Idea for Camping:
If the Killer is closer than 24Meters (Not the Heartbeat, since they just counter it with insidious) the Hooked Survivor dont lose his Life... so that means if the Killer does not leave the Survivor, he cant die on the Hook. Leave him, let him be rescued and hook him again. Than Probably Campers will switch to Tunnler but... at least a survivor has a Chance to play a bit longer... not die on his first hook cuz Killers have no ballsAlready tried, Survivors abused it. Any good ideas that don't involve distance to the hook?
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@Der_Schatten said:
My Idea for Camping:
If the Killer is closer than 24Meters (Not the Heartbeat, since they just counter it with insidious) the Hooked Survivor dont lose his Life... so that means if the Killer does not leave the Survivor, he cant die on the Hook. Leave him, let him be rescued and hook him again. Than Probably Campers will switch to Tunnler but... at least a survivor has a Chance to play a bit longer... not die on his first hook cuz Killers have no ballsA similar mechanic was tried, it was abused by....
... Survivors, who would have guessed...
The devs won't implement any anti-camping mechanics anymore.
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How could survivor abuse this? if Someone get chased near the hooked Survivor, just down him and hook him.. since the hooked survivor cant do Gens, should be not a Problem for Killers.
Maybe make it so if a Survivor is near the hooked one, the life he loses is much less. So Survivors that want to help, but cant cuz Killers Hardcore Camp... can Help a bit. (About abusing it: 1 Hooked Survivor cant do anything, 1 survivors stands near so he dont die so fast... means 2 Survivor Do simply NOTHING... combine it with BBQ you find and Chase someone else. Combine it with Thanatophibia and the 1 Person is doing a Gen has a bad Time)
Or Simply let the hooked survivor lose his life much less... so they get more punished for Camping.
@Campers just use BBQ and hunt the next survivor, preventing him for doing a Gen. Like i always say, the Killers target is to prevent them doing gens not prevent them from unhooking...
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Der_Schatten, if you don't see how Survivors can abuse such a system, then you clearly need to play Killer in high ranks. Or hell, just read the complaints on the Steam forum.
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@Der_Schatten said:
My Idea for Camping:
If the Killer is closer than 24Meters (Not the Heartbeat, since they just counter it with insidious) the Hooked Survivor dont lose his Life... so that means if the Killer does not leave the Survivor, he cant die on the Hook. Leave him, let him be rescued and hook him again. Than Probably Campers will switch to Tunnler but... at least a survivor has a Chance to play a bit longer... not die on his first hook cuz Killers have no ballsLike others have already said, it was already tried and abused.
But even than this has some very glaring weaknesses. Let's say for example we have a smaller map like the autohaven one that always has the shack in the middle of the map (I seriously can't remember the name...). You hang the survivor in the basement. Now a large part of the map is basically a safe zone and survivors get encouraged to simply go the shack right away, get spotted and then run the killer around it. So the killer gets punished for finding and chasing another survivor.
Or what if the survivors messed up gen placement big time and now one guy is hooked in the middle of a generator triangle. The killer would get punished for the survivors mistake and would have to get in a corner of the map. Survivors would have no incentive to get the guy down until they fixed the last gen because as long as the survivor is hanging there, the killer is basically being punished for doing his objective.
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@Orion said:
Der_Schatten, if you don't see how Survivors can abuse such a system, then you clearly need to play Killer in high ranks. Or hell, just read the complaints on the Steam forum.Don't we just love clueless Survivors?
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This is how you get rid of camping: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/6157/how-to-stop-tactical-camping
The problem is that Survivors would rather treat the symptom than the disease. Camping works because Survivors let it work, and is necessary because of the way the game is.
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Im a Rank 1 killer and love to Play wraith... i Use BBQ, ruin, Thanatophobia and Nurse Calling and i Never camp and Never Tunnel. With BBQ and Thana i can play very aggresiv. i get around 24-32k Bloodpoints 2x for BBQ is 48k-64k. even if i Kill only 2 or even 1 i got 40k cuz i realy want to fill my BBQ.
i saw Campers got all 4 Survivors... round ends and they got 8k... #########? What a Time waste. think about your Bloodpoints not about "winning or killing" BLOODPOINTS is all you (should) want in DBD.2 -
@Der_Schatten said:
Im a Rank 1 killer and love to Play wraith... i Use BBQ, ruin, Thanatophobia and Nurse Calling and i Never camp and Never Tunnel. With BBQ and Thana i can play very aggresiv. i get around 24-32k Bloodpoints 2x for BBQ is 48k-64k. even if i Kill only 2 or even 1 i got 40k cuz i realy want to fill my BBQ.
i saw Campers got all 4 Survivors... round ends and they got 8k... #########? What a Time waste. think about your Bloodpoints not about "winning or killing" BLOODPOINTS is all you (should) want in DBD.So because you want BP and other people have different objectives, the game should shift to adjust to how you play, even if it creates a major imbalance? Right.
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@Orion said:
@Der_Schatten said:
Im a Rank 1 killer and love to Play wraith... i Use BBQ, ruin, Thanatophobia and Nurse Calling and i Never camp and Never Tunnel. With BBQ and Thana i can play very aggresiv. i get around 24-32k Bloodpoints 2x for BBQ is 48k-64k. even if i Kill only 2 or even 1 i got 40k cuz i realy want to fill my BBQ.
i saw Campers got all 4 Survivors... round ends and they got 8k... #########? What a Time waste. think about your Bloodpoints not about "winning or killing" BLOODPOINTS is all you (should) want in DBD.So because you want BP and other people have different objectives, the game should shift to adjust to how you play, even if it creates a major imbalance? Right.
Damn what is your Problem? You r a Full Heart Camper? I Play Rank 1.. ######### WRAITH... My friends say im Killer main, i have ALL Killer (besides Clown cuz i play PS4 :´( Prestige 3 LV50 with all Perks i need. And even with wraith the survivor most of the time just fix 3 gens b4 they all die... and i never camp. I use BBQ very good.
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I have a problem with players who don't understand what an asymmetrical game is or why creating a situation where the weak side has an advantage over the strong side is bad for the balance of the game. What's your problem with Killers actually having the advantage over Survivors and being able to stop them from doing something?
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Survivors want to play, have fun and a good Time... like the Killer. But if a killer downs a survivor, and Chainsaw camp him or insidous Camp. The Surv. dies after 3 minutes of Gameplay with 800 Bloodpoints...wow
My Wife is a low Rank Player (Rank 19) getting Camped just destroy any Fun for the Survivor. Simply Killers "Dont Care" cuz its not there Problem. but thats very ego and Ugly. In my Opinion, everyone should hav fun. I really like to die after a Nice Round with WGLF x4 and about 20k Points. But often i start, do 1 gen... get hunted and Camped. get 3k and thats it... no fun at all
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@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.Nurse flair checks out.
Who said I play Nurse?
The flair? and i mean it was a bad assumption as you think camping is a good idea lmao
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...and my Wife is a low rank killer either. The Survivor Bully her and being nasty as f*ck. She sometime get only 1-3 down BUT... even than she not even Camp or tunnel, cuz she isnt Ego and want to be Fair...
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@DocOctober i'm assuming by the only indication. what do you want me to do write out a survey asking what killer you play? no thanks
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@Der_Schatten said:
Survivors want to play, have fun and a good Time... like the Killer. But if a killer downs a survivor, and Chainsaw camp him or insidous Camp. The Surv. dies after 3 minutes of Gameplay with 800 Bloodpoints...wowMy Wife is a low Rank Player (Rank 19) getting Camped just destroy any Fun for the Survivor. Simply Killers "Dont Care" cuz its not there Problem. but thats very ego and Ugly. In my Opinion, everyone should hav fun. I really like to die after a Nice Round with WGLF x4 and about 20k Points. But often i start, do 1 gen... get hunted and Camped. get 3k and thats it... no fun at all
Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple. This is a multiplayer-only game. It has no difficulty setting that you can change. All you can do is learn how to play better. There are guides on how to play better, but usually the best thing to do is play the other side and learn their strengths and weaknesses. Tell her to try that.
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@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.Nurse flair checks out.
Who said I play Nurse?
The flair? and i mean it was a bad assumption as you think camping is a good idea lmao
What do you mean by "flair"?
Camping is only a good idea if the Survivors reward it.0 -
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.Nurse flair checks out.
Who said I play Nurse?
The flair? and i mean it was a bad assumption as you think camping is a good idea lmao
What do you mean by "flair"?
Camping is only a good idea if the Survivors reward it.The flair is the avatar. camping isn't a good idea it hurts both sides. i play equal amounts of each side and the only time camping is viable is endgame after doors are open. you get caught and its fair game
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@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober i'm assuming by the only indication. what do you want me to do write out a survey asking what killer you play? no thanksNo, you simply could be less judgemental.
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@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober i'm assuming by the only indication. what do you want me to do write out a survey asking what killer you play? no thanksNo, you simply could be less judgemental.
How am I judging I said assuming, also X flair checks out is a survivor meme from Reddit. why are you getting on your high horse over a thread lmao
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@Orion said:
@Der_Schatten said:
Survivors want to play, have fun and a good Time... like the Killer. But if a killer downs a survivor, and Chainsaw camp him or insidous Camp. The Surv. dies after 3 minutes of Gameplay with 800 Bloodpoints...wowMy Wife is a low Rank Player (Rank 19) getting Camped just destroy any Fun for the Survivor. Simply Killers "Dont Care" cuz its not there Problem. but thats very ego and Ugly. In my Opinion, everyone should hav fun. I really like to die after a Nice Round with WGLF x4 and about 20k Points. But often i start, do 1 gen... get hunted and Camped. get 3k and thats it... no fun at all
Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple. This is a multiplayer-only game. It has no difficulty setting that you can change. All you can do is learn how to play better. There are guides on how to play better, but usually the best thing to do is play the other side and learn their strengths and weaknesses. Tell her to try that.
So you tell me... survivors should play Better... means so good that they basicly get NEVER Caught. So Pallet loop, infinite and Bodyblock the Killer all day long? Is that Really what you say??????? i play Rank 1 surv. and i get camped like her on rank19. Everybody camps and everybody is crying about Looping, flashing etc. But you RIGHT NOW Basicly tell me to Loop all day long, sabo every hook 99percent, Flashlight save and block the Killer. so the killer never get the Chance of Camping. Than a Survivor is called Toxic and Nasty... wow dude.
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Camping is something that is just natural in the game now. I personally hate campers if they camp from the beginning, but I'm not gonna stop them because its how they play. And camping a survivor at the end of the game when all gems are done I believe is a viable strategy that helps secure the kill. And its also been used to punish... "Unpleasant" survivors.
Its just something that's been around forever, and will never leave. Let's just accept it. If you're the camper survivor, hold on for as long as you can spend the others can finish the gens, die and move onto the next one.1 -
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober i'm assuming by the only indication. what do you want me to do write out a survey asking what killer you play? no thanksNo, you simply could be less judgemental.
How am I judging I said assuming, also X flair checks out is a survivor meme from Reddit. why are you getting on your high horse over a thread lmao
Because I dislike people trying to discredit the opinion of others based solely on who they assume their main is, which is pretty much what you've tried to do.
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@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.Nurse flair checks out.
Who said I play Nurse?
The flair? and i mean it was a bad assumption as you think camping is a good idea lmao
What do you mean by "flair"?
Camping is only a good idea if the Survivors reward it.The flair is the avatar. camping isn't a good idea it hurts both sides. i play equal amounts of each side and the only time camping is viable is endgame after doors are open. you get caught and its fair game
Camping only hurts the Killer if the Survivors play smart. Generally they don't, which is why it works.
Bad assumption, by the way.1 -
@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober i'm assuming by the only indication. what do you want me to do write out a survey asking what killer you play? no thanksNo, you simply could be less judgemental.
How am I judging I said assuming, also X flair checks out is a survivor meme from Reddit. why are you getting on your high horse over a thread lmao
Because I dislike people trying to discredit the opinion of others based solely on who they assume their main is, which is pretty much what you've tried to do
Not discrediting their opinion, everyone has their own. including me and you.
and aren't you trying to discredit mine by saying im 'pretty much' doing that?
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@Der_Schatten said:
@Orion said:
@Der_Schatten said:
Survivors want to play, have fun and a good Time... like the Killer. But if a killer downs a survivor, and Chainsaw camp him or insidous Camp. The Surv. dies after 3 minutes of Gameplay with 800 Bloodpoints...wowMy Wife is a low Rank Player (Rank 19) getting Camped just destroy any Fun for the Survivor. Simply Killers "Dont Care" cuz its not there Problem. but thats very ego and Ugly. In my Opinion, everyone should hav fun. I really like to die after a Nice Round with WGLF x4 and about 20k Points. But often i start, do 1 gen... get hunted and Camped. get 3k and thats it... no fun at all
Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple. This is a multiplayer-only game. It has no difficulty setting that you can change. All you can do is learn how to play better. There are guides on how to play better, but usually the best thing to do is play the other side and learn their strengths and weaknesses. Tell her to try that.
So you tell me... survivors should play Better... means so good that they basicly get NEVER Caught. So Pallet loop, infinite and Bodyblock the Killer all day long? Is that Really what you say??????? i play Rank 1 surv. and i get camped like her on rank19. Everybody camps and everybody is crying about Looping, flashing etc. But you RIGHT NOW Basicly tell me to Loop all day long, sabo every hook 99percent, Flashlight save and block the Killer. so the killer never get the Chance of Camping. Than a Survivor is called Toxic and Nasty... wow dude.
Putting words in my mouth? I can do that too.
You're basically telling me your wife is so bad at the game that she needs the entire paradigm to shift in her favor so she can survive. You must really hate your wife if you say she needs so many handicaps. Wow dude.
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@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.Nurse flair checks out.
Who said I play Nurse?
The flair? and i mean it was a bad assumption as you think camping is a good idea lmao
What do you mean by "flair"?
Camping is only a good idea if the Survivors reward it.The flair is the avatar. camping isn't a good idea it hurts both sides. i play equal amounts of each side and the only time camping is viable is endgame after doors are open. you get caught and its fair game
Camping only hurts the Killer if the Survivors play smart. Generally they don't, which is why it works.
Bad assumption, by the way.Can you blame them for trying to help a team mate get off the hook and get more that a couple hundred points.
I apologise for assuming wrong, who do you main then?1 -
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.Nurse flair checks out.
Who said I play Nurse?
The flair? and i mean it was a bad assumption as you think camping is a good idea lmao
What do you mean by "flair"?
Camping is only a good idea if the Survivors reward it.The flair is the avatar. camping isn't a good idea it hurts both sides. i play equal amounts of each side and the only time camping is viable is endgame after doors are open. you get caught and its fair game
Camping only hurts the Killer if the Survivors play smart. Generally they don't, which is why it works.
Bad assumption, by the way.Can you blame them for trying to help a team mate get off the hook and get more that a couple hundred points.
I apologise for assuming wrong, who do you main then?I don't blame them for wanting to help. I blame them for thinking they should be able to do whatever they want, even if the Killer is there to stop them.
Who said I main anyone?1 -
@Orion said:
@Der_Schatten said:
@Orion said:
@Der_Schatten said:
Survivors want to play, have fun and a good Time... like the Killer. But if a killer downs a survivor, and Chainsaw camp him or insidous Camp. The Surv. dies after 3 minutes of Gameplay with 800 Bloodpoints...wowMy Wife is a low Rank Player (Rank 19) getting Camped just destroy any Fun for the Survivor. Simply Killers "Dont Care" cuz its not there Problem. but thats very ego and Ugly. In my Opinion, everyone should hav fun. I really like to die after a Nice Round with WGLF x4 and about 20k Points. But often i start, do 1 gen... get hunted and Camped. get 3k and thats it... no fun at all
Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple. This is a multiplayer-only game. It has no difficulty setting that you can change. All you can do is learn how to play better. There are guides on how to play better, but usually the best thing to do is play the other side and learn their strengths and weaknesses. Tell her to try that.
So you tell me... survivors should play Better... means so good that they basicly get NEVER Caught. So Pallet loop, infinite and Bodyblock the Killer all day long? Is that Really what you say??????? i play Rank 1 surv. and i get camped like her on rank19. Everybody camps and everybody is crying about Looping, flashing etc. But you RIGHT NOW Basicly tell me to Loop all day long, sabo every hook 99percent, Flashlight save and block the Killer. so the killer never get the Chance of Camping. Than a Survivor is called Toxic and Nasty... wow dude.
Putting words in my mouth? I can do that too.
You're basically telling me your wife is so bad at the game that she needs the entire paradigm to shift in her favor so she can survive. You must really hate your wife if you say she needs so many handicaps. Wow dude.
but you not answered what i sad... So as a Killer you want them to loop, sabo, infinit, flashlight and Block you as Long as Possible...so they never can be Camped? ANSWER ME
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@Der_Schatten said:
@Orion said:
@Der_Schatten said:
@Orion said:
@Der_Schatten said:
Survivors want to play, have fun and a good Time... like the Killer. But if a killer downs a survivor, and Chainsaw camp him or insidous Camp. The Surv. dies after 3 minutes of Gameplay with 800 Bloodpoints...wowMy Wife is a low Rank Player (Rank 19) getting Camped just destroy any Fun for the Survivor. Simply Killers "Dont Care" cuz its not there Problem. but thats very ego and Ugly. In my Opinion, everyone should hav fun. I really like to die after a Nice Round with WGLF x4 and about 20k Points. But often i start, do 1 gen... get hunted and Camped. get 3k and thats it... no fun at all
Then your wife needs to learn how to play better and not get caught. It's that simple. This is a multiplayer-only game. It has no difficulty setting that you can change. All you can do is learn how to play better. There are guides on how to play better, but usually the best thing to do is play the other side and learn their strengths and weaknesses. Tell her to try that.
So you tell me... survivors should play Better... means so good that they basicly get NEVER Caught. So Pallet loop, infinite and Bodyblock the Killer all day long? Is that Really what you say??????? i play Rank 1 surv. and i get camped like her on rank19. Everybody camps and everybody is crying about Looping, flashing etc. But you RIGHT NOW Basicly tell me to Loop all day long, sabo every hook 99percent, Flashlight save and block the Killer. so the killer never get the Chance of Camping. Than a Survivor is called Toxic and Nasty... wow dude.
Putting words in my mouth? I can do that too.
You're basically telling me your wife is so bad at the game that she needs the entire paradigm to shift in her favor so she can survive. You must really hate your wife if you say she needs so many handicaps. Wow dude.
but you not answered what i sad... So as a Killer you want them to loop, sabo, infinit, flashlight and Block you as Long as Possible...so they never can be Camped? ANSWER ME
I tried to be friendly about your wife's situation, but you put words in my mouth and accused me of wanting Survivors to play toxic. We have nothing to discuss until you learn how you have a conversation.
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@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.Nurse flair checks out.
Who said I play Nurse?
The flair? and i mean it was a bad assumption as you think camping is a good idea lmao
What do you mean by "flair"?
Camping is only a good idea if the Survivors reward it.The flair is the avatar. camping isn't a good idea it hurts both sides. i play equal amounts of each side and the only time camping is viable is endgame after doors are open. you get caught and its fair game
Camping only hurts the Killer if the Survivors play smart. Generally they don't, which is why it works.
Bad assumption, by the way.Can you blame them for trying to help a team mate get off the hook and get more that a couple hundred points.
I apologise for assuming wrong, who do you main then?I don't blame them for wanting to help. I blame them for thinking they should be able to do whatever they want, even if the Killer is there to stop them.
Who said I main anyone?Nobody said you main anyone that's why i asked. Your whole 'Who said' argument is getting boring...
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@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.Nurse flair checks out.
Who said I play Nurse?
The flair? and i mean it was a bad assumption as you think camping is a good idea lmao
What do you mean by "flair"?
Camping is only a good idea if the Survivors reward it.The flair is the avatar. camping isn't a good idea it hurts both sides. i play equal amounts of each side and the only time camping is viable is endgame after doors are open. you get caught and its fair game
Camping only hurts the Killer if the Survivors play smart. Generally they don't, which is why it works.
Bad assumption, by the way.Basicly every surv. should run Kindred so they know if someone is unhooking or not... cuz Killers dont want to play VS swf Groups...
Thats it... Make Kindred not a Perk, make its effect for everyone everytime...
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@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.Nurse flair checks out.
Who said I play Nurse?
The flair? and i mean it was a bad assumption as you think camping is a good idea lmao
What do you mean by "flair"?
Camping is only a good idea if the Survivors reward it.The flair is the avatar. camping isn't a good idea it hurts both sides. i play equal amounts of each side and the only time camping is viable is endgame after doors are open. you get caught and its fair game
Camping only hurts the Killer if the Survivors play smart. Generally they don't, which is why it works.
Bad assumption, by the way.Can you blame them for trying to help a team mate get off the hook and get more that a couple hundred points.
I apologise for assuming wrong, who do you main then?I don't blame them for wanting to help. I blame them for thinking they should be able to do whatever they want, even if the Killer is there to stop them.
Who said I main anyone?Nobody said you main anyone that's why i asked. Your whole 'Who said' argument is getting boring...
You did assume I mained the Nurse. You didn't ask; you just stated it. Your assumptions were boring from the start.
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@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober i'm assuming by the only indication. what do you want me to do write out a survey asking what killer you play? no thanksNo, you simply could be less judgemental.
How am I judging I said assuming, also X flair checks out is a survivor meme from Reddit. why are you getting on your high horse over a thread lmao
Because I dislike people trying to discredit the opinion of others based solely on who they assume their main is, which is pretty much what you've tried to do
Not discrediting their opinion, everyone has their own. including me and you.
and aren't you trying to discredit mine by saying im 'pretty much' doing that?
Yes, but I'm not doing it by assuming your main, but based on your comments alone.
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@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.Nurse flair checks out.
Who said I play Nurse?
The flair? and i mean it was a bad assumption as you think camping is a good idea lmao
What do you mean by "flair"?
Camping is only a good idea if the Survivors reward it.The flair is the avatar. camping isn't a good idea it hurts both sides. i play equal amounts of each side and the only time camping is viable is endgame after doors are open. you get caught and its fair game
Camping only hurts the Killer if the Survivors play smart. Generally they don't, which is why it works.
Bad assumption, by the way.Can you blame them for trying to help a team mate get off the hook and get more that a couple hundred points.
I apologise for assuming wrong, who do you main then?I don't blame them for wanting to help. I blame them for thinking they should be able to do whatever they want, even if the Killer is there to stop them.
Who said I main anyone?Nobody said you main anyone that's why i asked. Your whole 'Who said' argument is getting boring...
You did assume I mained the Nurse. You didn't ask; you just stated it. Your assumptions were boring from the start.
i said you play nurse. not that you mained her. then i asked if you mained anyone. this back footing passive aggressiveness really isnt working
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@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@Orion said:
A better thought on camping: learn to deal with it.Nurse flair checks out.
Who said I play Nurse?
The flair? and i mean it was a bad assumption as you think camping is a good idea lmao
What do you mean by "flair"?
Camping is only a good idea if the Survivors reward it.The flair is the avatar. camping isn't a good idea it hurts both sides. i play equal amounts of each side and the only time camping is viable is endgame after doors are open. you get caught and its fair game
Camping only hurts the Killer if the Survivors play smart. Generally they don't, which is why it works.
Bad assumption, by the way.Can you blame them for trying to help a team mate get off the hook and get more that a couple hundred points.
I apologise for assuming wrong, who do you main then?I don't blame them for wanting to help. I blame them for thinking they should be able to do whatever they want, even if the Killer is there to stop them.
Who said I main anyone?Nobody said you main anyone that's why i asked. Your whole 'Who said' argument is getting boring...
You did assume I mained the Nurse. You didn't ask; you just stated it. Your assumptions were boring from the start.
i said you play nurse. not that you mained her. then i asked if you mained anyone. this back footing passive aggressiveness really isnt working
In that case, I apologize. I'm the one who made a wrong assumption.
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@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober i'm assuming by the only indication. what do you want me to do write out a survey asking what killer you play? no thanksNo, you simply could be less judgemental.
How am I judging I said assuming, also X flair checks out is a survivor meme from Reddit. why are you getting on your high horse over a thread lmao
Because I dislike people trying to discredit the opinion of others based solely on who they assume their main is, which is pretty much what you've tried to do
Not discrediting their opinion, everyone has their own. including me and you.
and aren't you trying to discredit mine by saying im 'pretty much' doing that?
Yes, but I'm not doing it by assuming your main, but based on your comments alone.
That doesn't give you a right to discredit an opinion , you're making this mind-numbingly boring. You can stop mentioning me now. Thanks.
0 -
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober i'm assuming by the only indication. what do you want me to do write out a survey asking what killer you play? no thanksNo, you simply could be less judgemental.
How am I judging I said assuming, also X flair checks out is a survivor meme from Reddit. why are you getting on your high horse over a thread lmao
Because I dislike people trying to discredit the opinion of others based solely on who they assume their main is, which is pretty much what you've tried to do
Not discrediting their opinion, everyone has their own. including me and you.
and aren't you trying to discredit mine by saying im 'pretty much' doing that?
Yes, but I'm not doing it by assuming your main, but based on your comments alone.
That doesn't give you a right to discredit an opinion , you're making this mind-numbingly boring. You can stop mentioning me now. Thanks.
I'll mention you as often as I desire and you're not really the one in any position to call something boring, just saying.
0 -
@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober said:
@JxshHxrvey said:
@DocOctober i'm assuming by the only indication. what do you want me to do write out a survey asking what killer you play? no thanksNo, you simply could be less judgemental.
How am I judging I said assuming, also X flair checks out is a survivor meme from Reddit. why are you getting on your high horse over a thread lmao
Because I dislike people trying to discredit the opinion of others based solely on who they assume their main is, which is pretty much what you've tried to do
Not discrediting their opinion, everyone has their own. including me and you.
and aren't you trying to discredit mine by saying im 'pretty much' doing that?
Yes, but I'm not doing it by assuming your main, but based on your comments alone.
That doesn't give you a right to discredit an opinion , you're making this mind-numbingly boring. You can stop mentioning me now. Thanks.
I'll mention you as often as I desire and you're not really the one in any position to call something boring, just saying.
Just saying neither are you, buddy. But it means a lot that you are determined to mention me often, I'm glad that you adore me that much
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I dont find any joy in camping, and I play the game to have fun, not to stand and stare at someone. And I know how it is, I am survivor main, so I always want to play fair, that is how I find the game enjoyable.
But with that being said.... I help my brother out when he only get killer dailys, and he just never plays killer like I do. So he is low rank killer, and there are so many survivors that clearly depip to stay in the lower ranks and therefor play their higher rank tactics against the new players and people that might not master the killer part, but still they tea bag all the time and are really toxic. So at that part I can understand why some killers camp, because we all know, the survivors can be real #&€# sometimes.
Its just sad that some killers has to feel like they need to camp, because they do miss out on actually playing a fun game. Because that is what it is, a game, and behind every killer and survivor is a real person, something both sides needs to think about many times.
So if you get camped, enjoy the break, and then join a new game. Hopefully your team can escape and your sacrifice was worth something (kindred) because some days all you do is get camped and tunneled or as for us on ps4, the killers dc because you survive and we get nothing, and some days you will have most matches that makes you remember why you love the game.
There is a light at the end of the tunneling, always.Post edited by AmorePrincess on2