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How do you have fun in dbd?

jotaro Member Posts: 173

When i play survivor, matches go like this: tunneled, tunneled, merchant, nurse, merchant, nurse, slugged, teammates DC’d, hacker, camped and tunneled, nurse, teammates dc, merchant, teammates give up, nurse. I can’t try any fun perk builds because i must have anti tunnel perks equipped all the time.

it’s miserable and unenjoyable. And as killer i either get genrushed because im not playing as nurse or any mobility killer(sometimes i wonder how it’s physically possible to do gens that fast) or i win too easily. Sometimes as slinger or even pig survivors just give up on first hook and i dont have many normal matches.

I’d like to hear how do yall manage to have fun in dbd right now? I’m genuinely curious, because i absolutely can’t have one minute of fun as killer nor as survivor


  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,227

    Not all matches are bad so I try to remember the good ones and let the bad ones go but if you are not having fun at all you should stop playing altogether.

    So far today I have been hard tunnelled out of the two matches I have played so far, so not exactly a fun experience either. But I try to take the good with the bad otherwise I will not be having fun at all and I would quit myself.

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    i thought about quitting and uninstalling the game, but then i remember how i used to love playing it and how fun it was before. I’m probably just obsessed with the game because i can’t stop playing even though it’s bad for my mental health.

    First and last game today and it was a hacking trapper, died with 0 bp within less than 10 seconds and the game considered it a DC, i got a dc timer and decided to just close the game before i can play more and have my day ruined lol

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I have fun when there is fun Event like My Little Oni or when we have lot of BP or XP or when new content drops.

    But since April looks like pretty dry month and this midchapter looks pretty bad I am just enjoying myself playing other games until Anniversary(and chapter with it) comes around.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,362
    edited April 2024

    These day I usually only play during events that give more BPs or when I am doing the rift. Once I finish these I just stop playing until something else comes along. The base game with nothing attached is not really worth playing as a survivor at the moment. The best way to have fun is just to avoid it entirely. My advice is just to take a few months off.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,227

    I have had very long breaks from DBD with the longest being about 9 months, I recently returned after about 4 months or so off due to the Lights Out modifier which got me playing again.

    Honestly though I would highly recommend stopping playing at this point as it sounds like you have hit the wall and that is perfectly normal. After a good break I find I come back with an enjoyment from the simple act of just playing rather than getting bitter over the tiniest things as I do when I am close to burning out again.

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 280

    As killer I play with fun killers like huntress, chucky, deathslinger and clown.

    No add-ons and couldn't care less if it's a 0k or 4k.

    I can't see how anyone can get fun out of sweating to win on either side.


  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 407

    By getting good and not taking it too seriously.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,900

    As survivor, running Kindred makes it so much more enjoyable. I would seriously suggest running it to anyone who isn’t already.

    If you aren’t enjoying the game anymore though, then there’s nothing wrong with taking a break. Don’t force yourself to continue playing if it’s not enjoyable anymore. Even something as short as a week or two can help.

  • TheycallmeLix
    TheycallmeLix Member Posts: 334

    playing with my friends and the my survivor mains. Always staring at David,Vittorio and Jonah’s shirtless torso when playing as them always makes me feel blessed 😇😂

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    I just play to have fun plays i.e. flashlight saves head on sabo plays. The game isnt fun anymore just being chased since they're gutting the maps and making it more just a drop and run playstyle instead of mind games and good loops. Plus with the kill rate being 60% you should only be escaping like 2 in 5 games. So I just say who cares about escaping and have fun the game is created for survivors not to win in the first place.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,969

    attempting to do some diabolical shenanigans

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    As survivor I only have fun playing in a good swf. I used to be a survivor main, but this game is just not fun and the devs prove with each update they don‘t want it to be fun for survivors. So now I only play fun killers without slowdowns, so that survivors even got a chance.

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 354

    You don't. That's why there is always an incentive to play survivor. The only people playing the game now is a small community of killer mains that's balanced the game where they want it.

    The devs are trying to kill their game because they want an excuse to stop supporting it.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 404

    I play one game of either side. If I had fun, I might try more. If not, I play something else or find something different to do.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    It sounds like there will be no answer:

    Cause you picked out specific Killers…

    And then you say what happens when you play Killer… thus answering your question

    Killers want to slow down the game so they can get a couple kills… and Survivors don't want to give anything to the Killer

    Players say that they like chases but then they don't like Tunneling…

    Other players won't chase another that wants to be chased…

    In the end… Maps have a lot to do with how the game plays out

    And MMR… us players want to be the best so we put ourselves on pedestals

    How long is a balanced game… 12-14 minutes???

    Tunneling and Gen efficiency seems to be the biggest issues on top of Maps

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 405

    I have fun by playing how I want and not conforming to meta. Also I do not tie my enjoyment to wins. This game is quite a bit more fun by what happens organically in each match. Pay attention to how everyone plays and you will be surprised by what happens.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I'm a randomizer, so every perk, item, add-on and offering are different every single trial. I'm never in charge of what the choices are and therefore am trying to make the most of every option in each trial, either as killer or survivor.

    With confidence, I can say I have decent success, mostly enjoyable games (obviously there are some exceptions), and get some surprising use out of perks others may frown upon. Indeed, some have resulted in my survival or kills that would never have happened without them.

    As well as this, I have different aims in each trial. Maybe it's a Daily, a Tome challenge, or even my own (maybe focusing on the Emblem the Offering benefits, or wanting to practice something else). Yes, sometimes they are solely to escape or 4k, but it's often varied. Besides, I tend to do well bexause my focuses are varied, making the trials varied and therefore keeps things fun and interesting.

    Finally, I'm naturally empathic and able to see multiple sides to something. This helps me to know when I am actually tunneled, or have just made bad plays or put myself into that position. Besides, I can't control what others do, so why should I get wrapped up in it, when what really matters is what I should be doing to improve myself.

    With this mindset, I can safely say I really enjoy this game.

  • Kl0bürste
    Kl0bürste Member Posts: 39

    Sadly having fun has become impossible. I am a killer main and currently try to learn some orbital spots for huntress. Gens just fly every game and every match is over within a few minutes. Then i get teabagged and flamed, because i am trash and a noob. Or at least that it what all those survivor wannabe pros say. Please nerf survivors.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,480

    I'm currently having a lot of fun, both as killer and survivor, though arguably more often as killer, since as survivor you still have to deal with crap like tunneling and camping. Still, I am enjoying the game on both sides currently.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    I don't mind being tunneled as it keeps me away from the mind-numbing generators.

    I love going against Nurse.

    The only killers that are making me wary are the stealth ones.

    And on the killer side, there is always a way to get some fun, especially given I don't mind "losing".

    But my favorite games are against "bullies".

  • For_The_People
    For_The_People Member Posts: 611
    edited June 2024

    yes absolutely for me too - I give myself my own challenges and markers of enjoyment - pulling off a boon exponential comeback when teammates are slugged, a well-timed For the People, getting a teammate off hook or some other little but satisfying thing during the game

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,342

    For survivor I just play with a friend, which makes it way easier to just laugh off anything that happens.

    For killer I just play killers that I find fun from the moment to moment gameplay. Always been closer to a Huntress "main" than anything else, throwing hatchets and hitting good ones is just enjoyable. Recently I've been getting really into Unknown as well and I've been having a lot of fun with that killer too.

    Chaos Shuffle in particular has been wonderful and even got some friends that haven't played for ages back into the game, did good old fashioned all-friends customs for the first time in what might be 2 or 3 years recently.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I think when you're playing this game to win and win only, it will wear you down. I personally like to try different builds that lean towards a fun gimmick. When a build pays off, its the best feeling in the world. If I get gen rushed/tunneled, I just shrug it off and move on to the next match.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 768

    'How do you have fun in dbd?'
    Fun, yes. Approximatively, 1 match on 25 on average…