Bans for abusing bugs

So now that Blight's Hug Tech is finally fixed in this upcoming PTB, can we please ban everyone who was abusing it?
Half the Blight playerbase:
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You wish to retroactively ban players who used this tech in the past? How could anyone even try to do this?
I took wish various confirmed bugs were dealt with in a more timely fashion than years, but I have to admit in general the devs have been fixing things quicker than in the past. However what you suggest is not the way.
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yeah why don't we just ban people for just play killer too….
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Just after we fix and ban everyone that's abusing crouch-tech!
Do you see why it will never happen now?
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No. that’s silly
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can we ban everyone who 360s?
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Ain't happening. That's a pretty cruel mind set honestly. It isn't like its murder..
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That would be like making the rule that you are not allowed to use flashlights now and then ban everyone who used them in the past... Sounds a bit silly doesn't it?
Besides that, aren't you praising the day before noon here? It might not make it live like it is currently... Given how bad the feedback was... Especially for twins... And also because of how his sliding got butchered...
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Mandy, a DBD representative, confirmed it was a bug three months after the Blight was released. So yes, anyone who abused the bug after that point should be retroactively banned, because they committed a ban-able offence.
The players abusing the bug can call it a "Tech" if they want, but that doesn't magically make it not a bug.
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I'm a killer main, what is crouch tech? If it's a bug that people are abusing, then they should be banned for it. Did BHVR confirm it was a bug like they did with "Hug Tech"?
It's many times more cruel that players were abusing bugs and ruining the experience for everyone else.
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Least vengeful survivor player.
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They don't ban for something like this, especially considering how long this bug has been around. That's prolly tens of thousands of players. I most likely accidentally did it and I haven't touched Blight hardly at all.
How would they even enforce this anyway? Unless they streamed it? Most players don't even record their matches.
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Splendid! Are we going to ban everyone who uses any "techs" that are unintended actions? I'm sure the remaining 10 players left in the game will appreciate the purge.
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Crouch-tech is a technic where you crouch just before an attack, you can use it to make killer miss like: hillbilly, demo and blight (i'm sure there are more, but I don't know every killer).
It's confirmed to be a bug: Crouching should lower your hitbox on the top but shouldn't make it thiner like it does in the moment.
And still: No, as long as it's fun bugs that aren't gamebreaking like the one glitching in lockers to be invinceable, no one should be banned for using them.
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Agree to disagree.
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I mean as long as it didn't get added to the game rules? I don't think a post on the forums, that did not even call it bannable is public enough for every player to consider it part of the rules...
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How would you even decide what is intended and what not? When Blight was created McLean even talked about the hugtevh mechanic and based on how Blight worked mechanically the mechanic was intended to work as it did...
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Blight would go extinct after such purge.
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If you gonna ban like this, I think more than 80% of dbd players would die off
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It's no wonder the guy got banned he literally just spouted false statements and got deleted off the forum.
"Mandy said so 3 months after blight released"
The hug tech didn't exist 3 months after blight released and mandy didn't say anything for nearly a year actually lmfao.
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You sound like the kind of survivor to use a flashlight to phase into a locker.
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This feels ironic in a cosmic sort of way.
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I dont even know where to start…..
To put it simple: No.