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Fun gimmicks for the anniversary event that resembles real party games.

gyajoy Member Posts: 44

The party pallets are fun for chases (and I hope they come back for the event in june), but what other gimmicks can turn objectives just as fun? Every match could get a random gimmick to keep the event fresh, i don't know.

  1. It works while a survivor is being carried by the killer. Complete a sabotage action using an event toolbox within a 10-metres radius to afflict the blindness effect on the killer and increase the wiggle progress by 30% total. Every hook that respawns becomes a scourge hook until the end of the trial (built-in hangmans trick during the event).
  2. Stun or blind the killer to become the obsession. The obsession is aflicted by endurance or exposed (50/50) for 15 seconds after stunning or blinding.
  3. Intermittently a dull totem becomes a "party" lit totem during the trial. Either a survivor cleanses it or the killer snuffs it. Cleansing it supresses bloodlust and haste (for all players) during 120 seconds and grants a health state for dying survivors. Snuffing the totem will apply the broken status effects on all injured survivors and grant 5% haste for 60 seconds.
  4. During a chase, survivors outside the killer terror radius will see a "party" generator highlighted. Each survivor can repair up to 25% of the gen. The last survivor to repair it (up to the moment the gates are powered) wins +50.000 bp bonus, the others scream and are exposed for 30 seconds.
  5. Survivors left in the dying state for more than 10 seconds become silent and get a +150% crawl speed.
  6. All survivors start the trial oblivious until one of them is hit by the killer. The first injured survivor will remain oblivious and cannot self heal, their aura is revealed to teammates. Everytime the oblivious survivor is healed by another teammate the oblivious gets transferred, refreshing the cycle. The last oblivious survivor at the end of the match gets a +50.000 bp bonus.

Fun gimmicks for the anniversary event that resembles real party games. 6 votes

Wheelbarrrow Races
Pin The Tail On The Donkey
Treasure Hunt
aeonskulCorvusCorax86 2 votes
Musical chairs
HerInfernalMajestyember__lol 2 votes
Sleeping Lions
Grandma Footsteps
Tag (player survey game modifier)
TheSingularityMaddo 2 votes


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,052

    Many of these would be absolutely awful to play as killer. Especially the first one..you’d make every survivor unhookable..none of these sound fun from a killer perspective at all, it looks like pain and suffering.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 975
    Musical chairs

    Musical chairs would be hilarious.