Do the devs balance based off of how many people complain? Why nerf low winrate huntress and clown?

I'm confused. Are the devs just pandering to content creators and baseless survivor complaints?
Huntress didn't need buffs to begin with.
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They need to show winrate across platforms. Huntress is only good on PC
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They buffed both of the killer's basekits and reworked a couple of addons because of that.
I don't think that's "pandering".
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Pig Change does nothing, doctor change was decent, demo change was them fixing something that should have been changed a while ago. Blight is being gutted
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Huntress is good on both console and pc pc just has more precise aiming but you can totally get hatchet hits no problem outside of map jank causing issues but that is an issue on both platforms
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Nor did Clown's purple bottles to be fair but he at least got nerfs along the buffs. Huntress is simply not defendable though, for sure.
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Even when I still played on the switch, huntress wasn't difficult to play thanks to her extremely generous hitboxes
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I've never seen a huntress in comp, have you?
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what’s comp? And since when does Bhvr balance around it?
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There are 2 possible beliefs one can hold that are mutually exlusive.
- Balance the game around high level players
- Balance the game around average skill players
If you believe 1 is true, then the huntress buff makes a lot of sense. If you believe 2 is true, then when is nurse getting massive buffs since she has the lowest kill rate in the game?
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Competitive, aka something 99.99% of the player base will never experience and therefore is not taken into account when balancing things
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KKinda Hard to take comp seriously when they ban killer perks and wonder why killers get clowned on and have to run 3-4 slowdown perks
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How is Clown nerfed? If you are good with Clown 6 basekit bottles is enough. Now instead you have 3% extra haste with Gin bottle so a yellow bottle is 13% haste instead of 10% that is not bad. It gives Clown even more options with addons and that 3% can often be the difference on survivors not reaching pallet or vault in time.
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But competitive DBD is irrelevant for balancing.
It is external, not experienced by the vast majority of the community, and it doesn't really tell you anything except how a match would go with very specific playstyles and restrictions.
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Kinda hard to take comp seriously when they ban killer perks and then wonder why killers run 3 4 slowdowns and still lose
I'd look like a pro looper too if I never had to worry about a perk like Dissolution
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- Balancing around high-skill players in a non-competitive party game makes no sense, this game is not designed for high level play, nor is it designed to be taken seriously, if we started balancing around the 0.001% of players then we would be ignoring how the game is and has been designed for the last 8 years, no game survives balancing around Comp players because Comp players do not play the same game 99.999% of the player base does
- Nobody wanted the Huntress buffs, Huntress was universally considered balanced and didn't warrant any changes, her problem came from the maps becoming increasingly unfriendly to her kit due to the amount of terrain and LOS blockers, she especially didn't need changes in comparison to killers like Myers and Freddy who almost everyone says need buffs and other changes
- Bringing up Nurse in a argument about balance is like bringing up The Room in a argument about what qualifies as a movie, Nurse does not play Dead By Daylight, she plays Nurse Simulator, bringing up a killer who might as well be a legal cheat-engine makes you and your argument look ridiculous, and just because most of the player base can't play her properly doesn't mean she isn't fundamentally overpowered and in need of a full kit rework
Comp DBD has no baring on the actual game, and it never will, if you think otherwise, you are a fool
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I'm no expert in the comp scene but I do luckily have some internet searching capabilities! Here you go bud!
Should be timestamped but the games start around 2:32:00. Seems the Huntress (at least in the first match) did just fine!8 -
As a huntress main if I might lend my fresh experience. I have been playing huntress exclusively for around 6 months or so. During this time I've only played using her basekit and iron maiden for quick reloads. I can assure you 1000% in no way what so ever did huntress need any buffs at this point (outside of better locker placement or more lockers which would also benefit survivors as well). Before I felt I had to really plan my hatchets and it also made some loops hard to hit while chasing due to the slow wind up ( which wasn't an issue felt that it made it fair). Now I can immediately throw 2 free hatchets before I even think about being meticulous with them.
It doesn't seem like a big deal but after playing for so long you tend not to miss a lot when your focused. It is a huge deal when you can literally hit every hatchet and effectively down 3/4 and injure the last. Now add the increased wind up basekit and it just gets stupid honestly. Shots that I used to feel good about hitting now feel cheeky and meh.
This was a buff that very minutely helped young huntresses with throwing hatchets with the faster raise and more hatchets for mistakes (not hitting them) and massively helped those of us that were already decent. Both buffs already existed as add-ons which was fine because it worked like training wheels, you had to choose those over better more effective add-ons and then when you got better you could take them off and play around with all the others. Now we can have those basekit and not only choose the other add-ons but we can stack them. I can't possibly see a logical reason why huntress deserved buffs at all let alone before Freddy, Myers, and plenty of others.
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??? All the time. They actually banned her from Coal Tower at one point in many leagues because she was too strong at holding the 3 gen on main. Watch some old Iri Head Huntress vods from DbDLeague if you want to see some thrilling proxy camping.
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They literally balance around low skill killers. Huntress mains basically never lose but for some reason they buffed her.
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Does comp really ban Dissolution? A perk that tells you it's in play before its effect even happens? That's wild.
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The problem with balancing aim-based killers across platforms is that if you balance them to the point where they're decent on console, they'll become brain-dead overpowered on PC due to how much easier it is to aim.
Realistically, console players simply won't be good at aim-based killers. That's why there's such a variety of killers to choose from. If you're on console, choose something else or deal with the fact that killers need to be balanced around what a player can accomplish with them when using the optimal input method for their kit.
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comp is something that no one cares about
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To add to the video above, here's All Hallows League with one of the rounds features the Huntress being played by both teams. Said teams being Eternal and Elysium.
I don't understand defending a narrative with something so easily searched up.
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Its not that people arent picking her, its that shes not put into the pools that often for a very good reason, and thats because she excels at camping. At the end of the day, comp is also there to put on a show for its viewers, it has nothing to do with viability since weaker killers also make appearances as well.
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They said it’s pure feedback when it comes to certain things. People blame new players on Huntress having a low kill rate but refuse to acknowledge the fact she has the third lowest kill rate at high MMR. She needed shiny pin to be basekit tbh but people don’t want killers to be better. I’m sure they would want every killer to be C tier.
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a handful of times in 8 years isn’t good proof. She’s not picked in comp because she’s not good enough.
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That’s not true at all lol. Because comp players tunnel and camp to try and kill someone as quick as they can. But they always pick nurse or blight because they are much better.
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She's picked regularly because most comp tournaments involve brackets of killers separated in power. Most of them time the killers aren't even 'picked', they're given for both teams to use. Sometimes it's in a bracket of a few others, and huntress' ability to camp very effectively makes her a good choice all things considered.
There's no more huntresses as there are Weskers or Artists. Blights and Nurses tend to be spotlight killers due to them not needing as many restrictions.
That said, how can you say there's only a handful? Have you counted every round of every tournament in the last years? I'm willing to bet she's picked, mostly because teams don't always get to choose.
Seriously, why are people having these opinions? It's like nobody knows how comp works and yet they have the biggest opinions about it.
Edit: The question was if we've seen Huntress in comp. The answer is yes and I provided a very recent event. Stop moving the goal post.
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I guess you’re right we have seen her twice in 8 years so I guess that counts as seeing her (that’s a joke) 99.99% of the videos covering the comp scene do not have Huntress as the killer. Almost all are exclusively Blight/ Nurse so if she does get picked nobody cares about her matches at all lol. And the most recent showcase of her in comp on Hens’s channel she got cooked every time so idk what to tell you I never see her at all.
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This game is turning into a competitive game
Certain things didn't matter before now they are the biggest things
What they need to do is have a Perkless gamemode and keep it… right now they have a competitive light mode and a party mode (KYF)
Again they need to have an unranked mode a ranked mode and a party mode… that might bring back players and give newer players a chance to learn the game
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So you agree then that Nurse needs a buff. 99.99% of the playerbase can’t play her at a high level.
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Isn't it more like rework than a buff
I'm not sure if any buffs makes her usable for majority
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from what ive gathered, the devs dont care about what the community wants. so every "balance" isn't what the community wants, but what the devs want. instead of this being a game for a community, its a game for the developers. which is fine, but they shouldnt ask what can they do better, and then do the opposite
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Yes, they should give her 115% movement speed and make it so she can blink, a short range, once every 30 seconds. Remove the second blink and now she is playable at every level. I guess maybe make one of her iri addons a second blink but she loses the ability to travel through objects to compensate.
Will this make her a good killer, probably not. In the right hands who knows... That one blink might be a free hit every 30 seconds for them. For the rest of the playerbase, who struggle with her now, she would have basic m1 abilities like most other killers.
Post edited by Moonras2 on1 -
I think nurse needs a complete rework as her power is inherently insanely problematic and buffs or nerfs will never be able to balance her.
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I can whip out a handful just the past year. And just on DBDLeague on videos they have Huntress annotated on, there are likely much more scattered around. Your narrative of Huntress being some abandoned child in comp is nonsense. She isn't as liked because most of the time she's relegated to camping because that's her forte. It's boring and nobody wants to watch that.
The proof I'm providing below also serves to show it isn't ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY Blight / Nurse, even if they tend to be more common on average.
Maybe you never see her because you don't watch comp. Anyone who followed the recent DBDleague tournaments would know already.
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I disagree. Nurse can be mindgamed and has counterplay. The problem is that this community wants every killer to have the same counterplay of holding W and predropping safe pallets. She is fine.
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I just checked the last 40 videos from that channel and Huntress doesn’t show up in any of them. So while I was wrong about it being only Nurse and Blight, I say my point still stands that she isn’t in comp because she’s not good enough.
Post edited by HexHuntressThighs on0 -
Here we go again its always survivor that complains. killers never complains 😀
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I disagree with the idea that DBD is turning competitive, to be honest.
The competitive scenario is external, relatively small, and it is thankfully not taken into consideration when it comes to balancing the game.
It is there just to put on a show.
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Comp should be though.
There is never a point where getting better any game should make it less fun because the game fundamentally punishes you. I know people seem to think you can only balance around top level or the average or bottom level but you CAN do all 3.
I always think the fact so many rules around what you can and can't take into comp games and self-imposed limits eg nurses cannot bring agitation because they would just down people then drag them back into their 3 gens maybe the nurse has a problem. Comp is full of very experienced players breaking the game then setting self-imposed rules as to not break the game. Dev can and should use that its just another resource.
I remember when I played Overwatch near the start of Overwatch 2 reinhardt (a tank) was terrible but he was simple so mid to low ranked players used him a lot and he never got buffed and that's in a game with a top-down balance philosophy. Overwatch is an awful game for other reasons but you can do both BHVR just doesn't use every resource just the ones they want.
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If the devs buffed by how many people complain then solo queue would be fun to play. It's not.
More killer buffs on the way for the foreseeable future.
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But that's how it starts though
Just look at Overwatch and how that turned out
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You once again show a lack of knowledge on how tournaments work. The last twenty you've checked likely had a lot of killers in common because they're all in the SAME ROUND. Huntress was mainly available in round 1 of that tournament, which would logically be released earlier.
The finals of that tournament had Myers, Ghostface and Wraith in them. Are you seriously suggesting they're better than Huntress in comp? Your metric makes no sense. She's a godly camper and very good at securing kills, why wouldn't she be a good choice?
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Hard disagree that you have to choose one or the other to balance around.
Back when I played Dota, they made changes to balance for both - for example, playing IO as a carry (it was designed to be hard support) got popular in competetive and one team was basically uncounterable with that strat, so they nerfed th carry IO strat.
However, the spider hero Broodmother wad really strong in low level games because she had conditional invisibility that low level players struggled to counter, so they removed that invisibility (i played her for the scouting so I kept dominating with her).
You can absolutely balance for all levels of the game at once, you just need to realize that Kill Rate and Win Rate don't give you enough information to make balance decisions (something BHVE have thankfully acknowledged often)