I'm no poet, but I feel for Blight

I loved Blight and how difficult he was as a Survivor. Now… yeah not so much. So, I have written a Haiku for the late Blight.
Ah Hem.
Blight was always Great
But then they really screwed him
No recovery...
Entity speed, Blight mains. This is an injustice with BHVR polish.
Edit: Grammar, proper Haiku format lol
Listen I've been down bad for characters before but I've never written a haiku over a fictional monstrosity
Plus it's not even a haiku lol yours is 5-8-5 not 5-7-5
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- Not a Haiku as mentioned above
- How did they gut him? His bump logic was greatly improved and his unintended sliding was fixed. A Japanese comp player demolished a Western team in a recent showcase by Hens and Otz without using any hugteching. People are seriously crying over an obscenely powerful killer being bumped (heh) down to just extremely powerful.
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It isn't a severe nerf, all they did was remove an unintended exploit. Blight will still be powerful (and boring to go against, imho).
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Blight will be fine, they actually made him technically stronger in an intended perspective because his bump logic will be far more consistent, encouraging a playstyle with more approachable counterplay.
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Running fast at me
Abusing exploits at loops
He will not be missed
That's my haiku for Blight's current power level. It'll be interesting to see how the dust settles on him when the new patch drops.
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Haikus aren’t even 5-7-5 that’s just the English version translated to syllables which is inaccurate so I don’t think it really matters lol.
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You... You know that Japanese also has syllables right? Or, phonetic units, which are so close to syllables that the difference really is negligible, because it still goes 5-7-5?
Even then though this still wouldn't be a haiku if it adhered to the 5-7-5 rule - there's no kirenji or kigo, referencing the definitive cutting word and seasonal change. It wouldn't even be a senryuu either because it still needs the 5-7-5.
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Why are people acting as if Blight is now gutted and Freddy tier lmao?
He is still way too OP for most public lobbies comprised of the average mid to low skill survivors and he could be nerfed even further and still be a public lobby destroyer.
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I mean, you can have trapper without trap and he will destroy average mid to low survivors
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Of course, I used to play Trapper a lot with zero perks or addons and still win more games than I lost.
But I do have to laugh when I come the forums and I see posts regarding buffing Spirit or how tragic Blight will be now he cant hug tech.
It's so absurd hearing so many 'wont someone think of the poor Blights' complaints all over the place. I have zero sympathy, Blight has been too broken for too long imo
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Damn… Disemboweled is 4. My aspiration for Haiku's has burned into ash! Oh Entity, take me!
Well, point remains! lol.
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We have 2, maybe 3 broken killers. I think thats a good number. Blight is special to me personally because he gets my heart racing the most. Nurse is Meh, but can be fun. Wesker is right beside Blight for me in terms of fun and challenge. Was, anyway. I feel ya though. Nothing wrong with finally feeling this fix coming around lol.
Imo, Blight is now next to Plague in terms of difficulty, and I dislike Plague because its a boring interaction. So Blight has fallen, to many's delight. But there are a few of us who will miss trying to juke his OP BS lol
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Me looking at everyone talking about haikus when I don't even know what it is:
In all seriousness, Blight will be fine. Instead of having a full course meal, he'll only have the main dish with some one cutting his steak for him.
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Im hoping against hope that he -IS- gutted, and they revert it lol. Hot take Im sure. But I get the best feels going against a great Blight over any other killer.
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traditionally yes but since this isn't even the language it was created in I think were fine
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I wrote a long, detailed infodump about how after doing some more research this is technically correct but not for the reason you thought, but I'll spare you that and just say that the structure is less important than I thought, and the real kicker is the kireji of the poem, with the structure and kigo being less important particularly with newer jiyuritsu haikus.
Inazuma Eleven did manage to play a large role in the original analysis though, which I'm actually quite proud of (I am putting off an awful lot of uni work, can you tell)
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It is a type of short form poetry from Japan.
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The secret to enjoying dbd forums is use it to put off university work because someone said something interesting
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Honestly it feels strange when english haiku technically doesn't even exists
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When you've been privileged for so long, equality feels like oppression.
I'm justhappy that Blights camera is no longer in his crotch
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Lol yeah that's right, I forgot about that
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I nerver played much Blight, as I a) was terrible at playing him and didn't want to sink countless hours into him, and b) mostly avoided him for the same reason that I avoided Nurse, because they are the designated top dogs of the game and I wanted to be generally good and not just with the strongest stuff.
But I also think that, while Hug Tech was originally not intended and a bug, it was so long in the game that it became the norm. Taking something THAT integral to a killers identity away after such a long time might really feel like destroying him for his long time fans. I can see how this now opens up more design space for maps and bumb logic etc. but sometimes bugs take on a life of their own and stomping them out years to late, I don't know.
Remember when the developers added a turning animation for survivors, because "turning on the spot was never intended", but it turned out to look terrible and play terrible, so this "not intended kinda bug" became the norm and made it into the game propper. I think that after all this time Hug Tech kinda moved into the same category and lost its status as an "uninteded bug".
But well, Blight will survive and do well, don't worry.