Killers. Is "Aim Assist" (Auto Aim) getting worse?

Recently, since maybe release of chucky, I have been finding that I have been aimed straight into some sort of scenery or a window frame when going for some hits. Usually this happens when going for a weird angle but more and more I'm refused the hit because the game decided that i should hit scenery and not a survivor.
Anyone else been struggling more with this?
Now to give some context this happens when I'm making hit attempts at certain angles.
For example: I'm chasing a survivor and they are going for a vault at a window to the left or right of us. I swing and if the camera stayed in the direction I point it I would get the hit but the "Aim Assist" kicks in and directs me to the edge of the window not the survivor.
For anyone who doesn't know what Aim Assist is according to devs it is a system that automatically changes your camera angle slightly so you can visually see the hit better. (simplified but its what dev's told us on a live stream way back when). The issue with this is that slight camera change is unpredictable and as we are trying to manually angle for a hit the change then aims us into something completely different. This therefore has been dubbed "Auto Aim" by many many people.
Not trying to cause any hate towards game or devs just curious if anyone else is seeing this come up more and more in their games.
Also before someone says it yeah there are many times when it most likely is my fault but there are defiantly a lot of times when it is not.
Short answer: Yes, absolutely. I see it more in my survivor and killers games as well as content creators. Not to mention the increase in my grabs being refunded for NOTHING.
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I think they changed something with the lag compensation. It's even worse with any kind of ping. However, I noticed that lunge attacks are connecting much more often than they did before, so it could be a tradeoff.
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Not really. I'm having a strange time with Huntress, but with every other killer auto aim feels the same as it has been for a few months now.
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I play on PS5 and have seen this a few times recently, not too much but it's annoying on the odd occasion it does happen. It's like a certain hit but the camera bugs out to the side and you totally miss the survivor, even if they aren't trying to dodge or 360 or whatever.
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I have been seeing the forced short M1 attack mechanic, that can steal hits from the killer, happen a lot during the blood moon event and PTBs. Any lag seems to make it worse, which is why I’m wondering if the proximity check is done on the killer side instead of the server side.
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Glad to see its not just me. Can't really comment on the grabs because i rarely even attempt a grab because 9/10 its a hit regardless so i don't even bother i just lunge.
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Yes, happens at least once a game now.
This was actually super apparent with the oni event. The "auto aim" is clearly not just "aim dressing" and is actually locking onto survivors. With the oni event you would often lock on to survivors over a wall.
Yeah i know it was a goofy event and wasn't expecting it to work 100%, but i'm more saying that the flaws of the auto aim became much clearer due to the event.
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It’s doing more than yanking the camera. When a killer tries to lunge, it can forbid the lunge, a force a short M1 attack instead… which often causes the killer to smash into an object they were trying to curve around with a lunge.
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Its doesn't feel "worse" but it does feel like it's more "sensitive".
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yeah quite a lot past few months sometimes it's not a problem other times it can turn a win into a loss cause you got screwed over
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Oh, I've noticed something with the lunges too. It felt longer than expected quite a few times. But then again I play about once a month now so it may be just me forgetting how it's supposed to be.
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Please just make it an option (Default On). That way newer players can get the benefit of what it is supposed to do, but experienced players can just disable it and having nothing to blame other than themself if things go wrong.
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Aim assist is 100% a competitive advantage for survivors, because of how often it steals hits from killers. It never ever actually helps the killer get a hit. Killers never ever benefit from this mechanic.
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Yeah the only thing this system "tries" to do is make the hit look more realistic on the killers POV only. Unfortunately they didn't really code it well as its just "killer is within x meters of survivor while swinging so make the hit look better". This is just proven by when swinging near a survivor mid sacrifice your camera will jolt up despite not being anywhere near their physical model.
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Yeah It helps if you shake your camera like a mad man or do a little spin into the hit to confuse the aim assist and stop it from messing you up. the fact you can't turn this of especially with it being such an annoyance is beyond me.
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I personally haven’t noticed a difference… but it does act up once in a while.
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That doesn’t stop the forced short M1 attack bug, that can steal hits from the killer.
Nothing can’t block that bug from occurring. The proximity checks happen throughout a lunge, so we can’t even bypass it by starting the lunge while looking away from the survivor.
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Would be nice if a dev would comment on why this is still a thing in the game or at least why it isn't something we can turn off as killers. Although I'm guessing if its turned off then survivor spinning you would be a thing of a past because a lot of the reason you miss with a spin is the aim assist kicking in. if this is the case and we could disable it we would see an increase of complaints from survivor mains as they are getting downed more often than before.
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It doesn't stop it, but I find it does help a little, especially if the survivor is 360ing. Waving your attack around spreads your damage hitbox a bit.
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They've said in the past the Aim Dressing doesn't rob a killer of a hit that the server says they registered, just cleans up the animation to look more like a hit. So make of that what you will.
I think it gets confused in tight spots and can absolutely lead to misses, especially if you lunge instead of just swing.
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I mean BHVR can say it doesn't rob killers of hits but the evidence is seems clear that it does. The only way to know for sure is to disable it and have it tested.
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Definitely worth testing out. There's a couple of things I'd like to see tested, like the effect on matchmaking if there's no lobby just find appropriate players and load directly in.