How do you counter hardcore camping/proxy camping 🏕️?

I've noticed lately that every Killer is playing the same tactic in each match: Hook a Survivor, wait for the save, hook the Survivor performing the save. Repeat until sacrifice. The Killer makes no effort at kicking gens, giving chase, or even leaving the hook area. This hardcore camping/proxy camping style is nearly impossible to overcome. The only counter seems to be if the remaining Survivors agree not to make a save and let the hooked survivor bleed out while continuing to repair gens. But this defeats the purpose of Survivor gameplay and would seem like a reportable offense if Survivors refuse to make an attempt at a save.
How can Survivors counter Hardcore camping/proxy camping? I've been de-pipping for weeks now because I always go for the save and end up swapping hooks. This continues until at least one Survivor (usually me for making the first save) ends up sacrificed. The anti-camping mechanic that BHVR implemented has no effect because the bar moves at such an extremely slow rate that even hitting every check does not give the Survivor enough time for the bar to reach full. Not to mention that the timer stops if the Killer takes one step outside the radius and proxy camps.
When I play Killer, I always clear the area immediately after hooking a Survivor. I don't even hit Survivors who are enroute to make a save as I appreciate that they are playing the objective. It just seems like such a cheap tactic to camp hook all match and simply down every survivor running in for the save. It defeats the purpose of the game if saves are no longer allowed in a match.
If it's true facecamping, he Anti-Facecamping thing would allow the hooked survivor to get themselves off, provided that no other survivors attempt to go in for the save.
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The best tactic is to stay on gens until the last second possible then everyone goes for the save at once. First to get hit runs to a loop. Second person gets hook without getting hit. If third person is there, they can body block for whichever injured person the killer tries to down.
Flashlights are also helpful in these situations.
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Also, if you're encountering this a lot, breakdown is a fun perk to counter hook trades.
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As mentioned above if they are truly doing nothing but staying near the hook then complete all the gens, the time it takes for someone to go from stage 1 to dying is enough time to finish the gens and leave
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If you main SoloQ like I do, be chased first and make it 3 gen worthwhile. The rest of the team will appreciate the effort, and if they’re smart, 2 hit the other gens while one goes for the save. If rescuing teammate is ignored and you get tunneled, make it last. That random Survivor with Reassurance is always helpful for the rest of the gens to get done.
More than likely the gens get done and it’s a 3 out with you being the hero. Everybody always appreciates you for that.
So many things come into play to make matches play out differently, but they’re often best to go down like this, especially when the Killer has 3 gens pop on them and they have a tendency to tunnel.
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If you’re playing SWF, your best looper (always better to have 2 excellent loopers) needs to make sure to be the first one noticed and chased by the Killer. Everyone else bangs out separate gens so that 3 pop by the 1st hook. If Survivor 1’s still in chase, hit up the rest of the gens.
If Killer gives up and breaks chase early before the 1st set of 3 gens are finished, 2nd best looper needs to casually (but not too obvious) interact with the Killer to get a chase going. Then continue the gen process.
At this rate, the gens get finished efficiently enough to finish the match at the Killer’s one hook. They’ll be forced to camp that Survivor.
Open the gates.
If you really want to make a rescue play, then keep everyone healed while trading hooks and taking hits/ body blocking until you’re all out.
Otherwise, take the 3 person out as a win.
Killer’s who cannot secure the 1st down/ hook within under a minute will most likely DC or resort to camping/ tunneling that Survivor.
If you get into that match with the supreme, expert Killer who decimates even the best loopers… just feel honored to have had the privilege of being their fun for that match and on to the next. Maybz someone gets hatch.
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Depends on their regression perks. At that point no, 1-dying isn’t enough time to finish 5 gens.
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Lots of stuff you can do like setting up for the save very soon after down but not too early or late, 99 sb and look for openings, reassurance, and more.
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It's a problematic mechanic in the sense that the counter is macro-based, but the information to perform the macro counter isn't given unless survivors run specific perks for it. You need everyone to stick on gens, and 1 for 1 at the last second, but only if the unhooked player has some anti-tunnel. You won't have any way of knowing that either.
Throw in perks like Deadlock or Grim Embrace+DMS and you have a complete guessing game in solo queue. You need everyone to be on the same page to counter it, but you have no way of getting everyone on the same page unless multiple players guess correctly on choosing their perks
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Situations like these make me sad that people were so quick to scoff and sneer at old Background Player; that was the only perk that could deny an immediate hook trade
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You do gens... Simple
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If they're going for the unhooker every time and not tunneling I'd say they're actually being very nice.
It's just dumb to expect the killer to let you heal under hook for free.
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Not sure how camping hook and hitting Survivors during the saving animation is considered nice. And nobody is healing under hook when they are already downed for attempting a save. Its just plain toxic, BM tactics.
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Run kindred or magically hope every survivor know what the killer is during from x amount meters away.
or be in swf of course
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Because he is effectively giving survivors free escape as long as they do efficient trading
We can't really expect efficient trading from solo q though
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I wish PTB Reassurance would have made it to Live. I believe the intent was to punish killers for camping, and PTB Reassurance would have accomplished this for sure. The excuse the devs gave about nerfing it due to the fear of griefing the hooked, is ridiculous. Such a small minority would have done that, and it would have gotten old quickly. The devs could have found a better option to minimize trolling with it, like making the perk Token based.
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1. Do gens
2. Go for the save when hooked survivor is about to reach the second hook state and trade hooks
use Reassurance on the hooked survivor earlier and give the remaining 2 players who do gens more time for it.
3. Enjoy killer getting 1k at most, with decent chances of making a save for the hooked survivor that traded hooks with the first camped one.
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Reassurance doesnt work on Solo.
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it does when you actually have a team when understands you have it (same as with Deli/Wicked)
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Oh you mean Swf.
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no, i mean soloQ teams where someone will at least read pregame chat where you announce you have it (and i hope we get ability to see perk loadouts in lobby so console players can actually have it easier too)
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I usually have reassurance on :)