Myers is too OP

to put it bluntly, Michael Myers from the Halloween franchise is far too OP! Let me tell you, I was playing a game of DbD with my girls and we all picked our fave mains. I choose Kate (as always ♥), my girl Mariah chose Feng Min (ew lmfao), Sally picked Nia, and Jess chose Claudette this was on the PS4 btw we don't play computer because that's too complicated and messy and I just cant. I was minding MY BUSINESS fixing a generator and i'm looking around and see nothing. Cool, coast is clear! When suddenly I see a white disgusting head looking at me...staring me down! Wth!!! I run loops around him, drop palettes on him, etc. etc. etc. when all of a sudden he just...grabs me? And begins to thrust his dirty butcher knife into sweet Kate's abdomin (I have the skin with the american eagle crop top and black hair lol) ??? wth? I literally didn't get hit once...didn't get injured...wasn't in the dying state...never got hooked...but he just grabbed me and gutted me like a fish? this isn't ok and it's unfair to us as players!

so in testimony, Michael Myers is too OP and I petition for him to be removed from the game alongside that ugly dixie chick, Laurie Strode. Or was my killer hacking or something? Idk. what does the forum think?

  • Sophie
